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胶体与界面化学;功能性纳米材料;超分子化学 自1982年从扬州师范学院化学系毕业留校任教以来一直在扬州大学胶体与界面科学研究所从事表面活性剂物理化学基础理论和应用方面的研究工作。主要研究领域和研究兴趣包括:表面活性剂在水体系和非水体系中的聚集行为研究;新型杯芳烃型表面活性剂的合成、超分子聚集及其应用研究;表面活性剂分子有序组合体在微纳米材料控制合成中的应用研究;贵金属纳米材料的绿色制备及其在生物领域的应用研究;金属氧化物微纳材料的可控合成及其在光、电、生物医学和环境保护领域的应用研究等。至今已在ACS NANO、Langmuir、Advanced Functional Materials、物理化学学报、化学学报等国内外学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,其中被SCI、EI收录40余篇。目前具体的研究方向包括:  表面活性剂体系的相行为、相结构与热力学性质研究;  利用表面活性剂分子有序组合体为模板进行微纳材料的可控合成研究;  憎水性纳米贵金属的微波法合成与自组装研究;  金属(含稀土)氧化物中空微纳结构的复合软模板法控制合成与光、电化学及气敏性能研究;  贵金属纳米材料的绿色制备及其应用研究;  纳米磁珠可控制备及其癌症早期诊断试剂盒开发应用的研究。


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Yan Sun, Yong Yao, Chao-Guo Yan*, Ying Han, Ming Shen*, Selective Decoration of Metal Nanoparticles inside or outside of Organic Microstructures via Self-Assembly of Resorcinarene, ACS NANO, 2010, 4(4): 2129-2141. Ying Han, Hengheng Li, Ming Shen*, Liang Li, Guiying Xu, In Situ Reducing Synthesis of p-Dodecyloxybenzenmethanamine-protected Hydrophobic Gold Nanoparticles under Microwave Irradiation, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 2010, 68(18): 1813-1820. Ming Shen*, Yan Sun, Ying Han, Rong Yao, Chaoguo Yan*. Strong Deaggregating Effect of a Novel Polyamino Resorcinarene Surfactant on Gold Nanoaggregates under Microwave Irradiation, Langmuir, 2008, 24, 13161–13167 Yan Sun, Chao-Guo Yan,* Yong Yao, Ying Han, Ming Shen*. Self-Assembly and Metallization of Resorcinarene Microtubes in Water, Advanced Functional Materials, 2008, 18, 3981–3990 Qishu Qu*, Xinxin Zhang, Ming Shen*. Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography using a capillary coated with octadecylamine-capped gold nanoparticles, Electrophoresis, 2008, 29: 901–909. Qi-Shu Qu*, Fei Shen, Ming Shen*, Xiao-Ya Hu, Gong-Jun Yang, Open-tubular gas chromatography using capillary coated with octadecylamine-capped gold nanoparticles, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2008, 609(1): 76-81. Ming Shen*, Wei-feng Chen, Yan Sun, Chao-guo Yan*. Synthesis and characterization of water-soluble gold colloids stabilized with aminoresorcinarene, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2007, 68: 2252–2261. Gong-Jun Yang*, Xi-Long Qu, Ming Shen*. Preparation of glassy carbon electrode modified by hydrophobic gold nanoparticles and its application for the determination of ethamsylate in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, Sensors and Actuators B, 2007, 128: 258–265. Ming Shen, Yukou Du, Nanping Hua, Ping Yang. Microwave irradiation synthesis and self-assembly of alkylamine- stabilized gold nanoparticles, Powder Technology,2006, 162: 64-72. Ming Shen, Yukou Du, Zhigang Zou, Ping Yang. Carbon-doped anatase TiO2 obtained from TiC for photocatalysis under visible light irradiation, Materials Letters,2006, 60: 693-697. Ming Shen, Yukou Du, Ping Yang, Long Jiang. Morphology control of the fabricated hydrophobic gold nanostructures in W/O microemulsion under microwave irradiation, J. Phys. Chem. Solids,2005, 66: 1628-1634. Ming Shen, Yukou Du, Huilin Rong, Jinru Li, Long Jiang. Preparation of hydrophobic gold nanoparticles with safe organic solvents by microwave irradiation method, Colloids and Surfaces A,2005, 257-258: 439-443. Ming Shen, Rong Guo. Phase behavior and structural properties for the Triton X-100/ CnH2n+1COOH /H2O system, J. Surfactants and Detergents, 2003, 6(3): 265-270. 韩莹,朱露,沈明*,李恒恒,新型双链表面活性剂DDOBA的合成与高单分散性憎水纳米金的制备,物理化学学报,2013, 29 (1), 131-138. 戴兢陶,朱靖,杨锦明,沈明*,纳米金的绿色合成与CTAB对金纳米聚集体的解聚集作用,无机化学学报,2011, 27(2): 308-314. 沈明,郭荣,严鹏权,朱霞石,Triton X-100/C10H21OH/H2O体系层状液晶中水溶性超微粒子材料Na2C2O4的制备,高等学校化学学报,1996, 17(3): 350-354. 沈明,刘天晴,郭荣, SDS/苯甲醇/H2O体系的相行为与结构,物理化学学报,1996, 12(10): 885-890. 沈明,郭荣,刘正铭,刘天晴,有机酸对非离子型表面活性剂浊点的影响,高等学校化学学报,1996,17(10):1603-1607.
