"Using Magnetic Levitation for Non-Destructive Quality Control of Plastic Parts", Hennek, J.W., Nemiroski.A., Subramaniam.A.B., Bwambok.D.K., Yang.D., Harburg.D.V., Tricard.S., Ellerbee.A.K., and Whitesides.G.M., Adv. Mater., 2015, 27, 1587-1592.
"Warning Signals for Eruptive Events in Spreading Fires", Fox, J.M., and Whitesides.G.M., PNAS, 2015, 112, 2378-2383.
"Polymerization-based Signal Amplification for Paper-Based Immunoassays", Badu-Tawiah, A., Lathwal.S., Kaastrup.K., Al-Sayah.M., Christodouleas.D.C., Smith.B., Whitesides.G.M., and Sikes.H., Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15, 655-659.
"Mechanical Model of Globular Transition in Polymers", Tricard, S., Shepherd.R.F., Stan.C.A., Snyder.P.W., Cademartiri.R., Zhu.D., Aranson.I.S., Shakhnovich.E.I, and Whitesides.G.M., ChemPlusChem, 2015, 80, 37-41.
"A Paper-Based Invasion Assay: Assessing Chemotaxis of Cancer Cells in Gradients of Oxygen", Mosadegh, B., Lockett.M.R., Minn.K.T., Simon.K.A., Gilbert.K., Hillier.S., Newsome.D., Li.H., Hall.A.B., Boucher.D.M., Eustace.B.K., and Whitesides.G.M., Biomaterials, 2015, 52, 262-271.
"Enrichment of Reticulocytes from Whole Blood using Aqueous Multiphase Systems of Polymers", Kumar, A.A, Lim.C., Moreno.Y., Mace.C.R, Syed.A., Tyne.D.V., Wirth.D.F, Duraisingh.D.T, and Whitesides.G.M, American Journal of Hemetology, 2015, 90, 31-36.
"Reinventing Chemistry", Whitesides, G.M., Angew. Chemie., 2015, 54, 3196-3209.
"Metal-Amplified Density Assays, (MADAs), Including a Density-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (DeLISA)", Subramaniam, A.B., Gonidec.M., Shapiro.N.D., Kresse.K.M., and Whitesides.G.M., Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15, 1009-1022.
"Characterizing the Metal-SAM Interface in Tunneling Junctions", Bowers, C.M., Liao.K.C., Zaba.T., Rappoport.D., Baghbanzadeh.M., Breiten.B., Krzykawska.A., Cyganik.P., and Whitesides.G.M., ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 1471-1477.
"Stretchable Conductive Composites Based on Metal Wools for Use as Electrical Vias in Soft Devices", Lessing, J., Morin.S.A., Keplinger.C., Tayi.A., and Whitesides.G.M., Adv. Func. Mater., 2015, 25, 1418-1425.
"Pneumatic Energy Sources for Autonomous and Wearable Soft Robotics", Wehner, M., Tolley.M.T., Menguc..Y., Park.Y., Mozeika.A., Ding.Y., Onal.C., Shepherd.R.F., Whitesides.G.M., and Wood.R.J., Soft Robotics, 2014, 2, 1-2.
"Miniature Objective Lens with Variable Focus for Confocal Endomicroscopy", Kim, M., Kang.D., Wu.T., Tabatabaei.N., Carruth.R.W., Martinez.R.V., Whitesides.G.M., Nakajima.Y., and Tearney.G.J., Biomedical Optics Express, 2014, 5, 4250-4361.
"Charge Transport across Insulating Self-Assembled Monolayers: Non-Equilibrium Approaches and Modeling to Relate Current and Molecular Structure", Mirjani, F., Thijssen.J.M, Whitesides.G.M, and Ratner.M.A, ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 12428-12436.
"Odd-Even Effects in Charge Transport across n-Alkanethiolate-Based SAMs", Baghbanzadeh, M., Simeone.F.C, Bowers.C.M, Liao.K.C, Thuo.M.M, Baghbanzadeh.M., Miller.M., Carmichael.T.B, and Whitesides.G.M, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 16919-16925.
"Evaluation of a Density-Based Rapid Diagnostic Test for Sickle Cell Disease in a Clinical Setting in Zambia", Kumar, A.A, Chunda-Liyoka.C., Hennek.J.W, Mantina.H., Lee.S.Y.R, Patton.M.R, Sambo.S., Sinyangwe.S., Kankasa.C., Chintu.C., Stossel.T.P, and Whitesides.G.M, PLoS ONE, 2014, 9, e114540.
"Rectification in Tunneling Junctions: 2,2'-Bipyridyl-terminated n-Alkanethiolates", Yoon, H.J, Liao.K.C, Lockett.M., Kwok.S.W, Baghbanzadeh.M., and Whitesides.G.M, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 17155-17162.
"Ionic Skin", Sun, J., Keplinger.C., Whitesides.G.M, and Suo.Z., Adv. Mater., 2014, 26, 7608-7614.
"Folding Analytical Devices for Electrochemical ELISA in Hydrophobic RH Paper", Glavan, A., Christodouleas.D.C, Mosadegh.B., Yu.H., Smith.B., Lessing.J., Fernandez-Abedul.M.T, and Whitesides.G.M, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 11999-12007.
"Stepped Moduli in Layered Composites", So, J., Tayi.A., Guder.F., and Whitesides.G.M, Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24, 7197-7204.
"Charging of Multiple Interacting Particles by Contact Electrification", Soh, S., Liu.H., Cademartiri.R., Yoon.H.J, and Whitesides.G.M, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136.
"Paper-Based Potentiometric Ion Sensing", Lan, W., Zou.X.U, Hamedi.M.M, Hu.J., Parolo.C., Maxwell.E.J, Buhlmann.P., and Whitesides.G.M, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86.