2015.07----至今 中国石油大学(北京),海洋油气工程系,教师
2013.11-2014.11 The University of Texas at Austin,联合培养,导师:Keith Johnston(美国工程院院士)
2009.09-2015.06 中国石油大学(北京),油气田开发工程,硕博连读,导师:杨胜来(教授)
2005.09-2009.06 中国石油大学(北京),石油工程,本科
(2)《Advanced natural gas engineering》,研究生专业课(留学生)
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:考虑杂质混入、水盾阻隔及孔隙尺寸效应的CO2近混相驱油典型特征研究,2018-2020
[2] 北京市自然科学基金预探索项目:致密油藏储层物性及开发动态的超声波声学参数响应机制研究,2017-2018
[3] 中海油研究总院:注气开发室内实验及气窜调控技术研究,2018-2019.
[4] 中石油冀东油田分公司:低渗油藏非线性渗流规律研究,2020.
[5] 中石化勘探开发研究院:页岩油储层驱替效果评价测试,2019-2020.
[6] 中石化勘探开发研究院:盐间页岩油藏压裂液渗吸表活剂筛选和评价, 2020.
[7] 中石油勘探开发研究院:吉木萨尔CO2吞吐扩散及传质测试分析,2019-2020.
[8] 中石油勘探开发研究院:开发过程中多孔介质流体关键相态参数评价方法及开发界限评价,2019-2020.
[1] 中国石油大学(北京)第十一届优秀教学成果一等奖,2019.
[2] 中国石油化工自动化应用协会,科技进步一等奖(省部级,排名第三),2018.
[3] 中国石油大学(北京),校级优秀博士论文,2016.
[4] 中国石油和化学工业联合会,科技进步三等奖(省部级,排名第五),2015.
[5] 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院,院长奖(最高荣誉奖),2014.
[6] 第三届全国石油工程设计大赛,全国二等奖(国家级),2013.
[7] 国际勘探地球物理学家协会,SEG/EAGE/Thomsen/BP奖学金(2340美元),2013
[8] 中国石油化工自动化应用协会,优秀科技论文二等奖(省部级,排名第一),2013
[9] 国际石油工程师协会(SPE)Star Fellowship奖学金(5000美元/年),2012-2015.
[1] Effect of gas contamination and well depth on pressure interval of CO2 near-miscible flooding,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2019. (SCI/EI). JCR三区,石油类二区,IF: 2.382
[2] Oil effect on CO2 foam stabilized by a switchable amine surfactant at high temperature and high salinity, Fuel, 2018. (SCI/EI). JCR二区,TOP,IF:4.908
[3] Study on Pressure Interval of Near-miscible Flooding by Production Gas Re-injection in QHD Offshore Oilfield, Journal of petroleum science and engineering. 2017. (SCI/EI). JCR三区,石油类二区,IF: 2.382
[4] Near-Miscible Flooding by Production Gas Re-Injection in QHD 29-2 Offshore Oilfield,OTC-28038-MS. 2017. (EI/ISTP).
[5] Feasibility of Near-Miscible Flooding by Production Gas Rejection with Varying CO2 Content in Qinhuangdao Oilfield. CMTC-486239-MS, 2017. (EI/ISTP).
[6] Decreasing of pressure interval of near-miscible flooding by adding intermediate hydrocarbon components, Geosystem engineering. 2017 (EI).
[7] Study of Phase Behavior and Physical Properties of a Natural Gas Reservoir with High Carbon Dioxide Content. Greenhouse gases: Science and technology. 2016. (SCI/EI). JCR四区,IF: 1.991
[8] Experimental Study on Seismic Response during CO2 Sequestration with Different Phase State. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2016. (SCI/EI). JCR二区,IF: 4.217
[9] 高凝油油藏原油析蜡超声波探测与分析. 科学通报. 2015.
[10] Ultrasonic Detection and Analysis of Wax Appearance Temperature of Kingfisher Live Oil. Energy & Fuels. 2014. (SCI/EI). JCR二区,TOP,IF: 3.024
[11] A new mathematical model considering adsorption and desorption process for productivity prediction of volume fractured horizontal wells in shale gas reservoirs,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2014. (SCI/EI). JCR三区,IF: 2.803
[12] Experimental Study on Monitoring CO2 Sequestration by Conjoint Analysis of the P-wave Velocity and Amplitude. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013. (SCI/EI). JCR一区,TOP,IF: 6.653
[13] Effects of CO2 Injection on Phase Behavior of Crude Oil. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2013. (SCI/EI). JCR四区,IF: 1.454
[14] Non-equilibrium Features of N2 and Oil System. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2013. (SCI/EI). JCR四区,IF: 1.454
[15] Crude Oil Displacement Efficiency of Produced Gas Re-injection. International Journal of Green Energy. 2013. (SCI/EI). JCR四区,IF: 1.171
[16] Mechanism of Produced Gas Re-injection during CO2 Flooding by Chromatographic Analysis. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2013. (SCI/EI). JCR四区,IF: 1.454
石油勘探与开发,Energy & Fuels, Petroleum science and technology, Journal of Natural gas Science and Engineering, Energy Sources, part A, Geosystem engineering,等期刊审稿人。