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迄今为止共主持研究国家自然基金5项、省部级基金项目7项以及多项其他类型科研项目。近五年以第一作者和通讯作者在《Energy》《Applied Energy》《Energy Policy》《Journal of Hazardous Materials》《Computer& Chemical Engineering》《Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research》《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》《Process Safety and Environmental Protection》《Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering》《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Petroleum Science》《油气储运》《石油学报》《科学通报》等能源、化工领域高水平学术期刊上发表论文220余篇,总引用次数达2900余次,H指数达34。 教育经历 2004.9-2009.6 中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院油气储运工程专业博士研究生 其间:2005.9-2006.3 英国罗伯特高登大学访问学者 1998.9-2001.7 石油大学(北京)石油工程系油气储运工程专业硕士研究生 1991.9-1995.7 石油大学(华东)开发系采油工程专业本科生 科研项目 国家自然科学基金项目: 1. 成品油供给链物流系统优化及供给侧可靠性研究,面上 2. 成品油管道批次输送过程中的复杂传热传质机理研究,面上 3. 含蜡原油管道停输过程中的管内复杂自然对流换热机理研究,面上 4. 城市能源系统低碳转型的驱动机制及政策研究,重点 省部级项目: 1. 基于数据挖掘技术的复杂成品油管网系统在线智能监控技术研究 2. 成品油管道泄漏量预测及停输方案的优化研究 3. 浙江成品油管道运营信息集成平台 4. 成品油管道通用调度软件研究与编制 5. 煤层气地面集输系统优化设计与运行控制 6. 航煤顺序输送过程中质量指标控制及其水力清管过程模拟 授权发明专利 1.管道输运的调度方法和装置 2.管道泄漏的检测方法和装置 3.成品油顺序输送混油界面发展规律试验装置 4.成品油顺序输送管道混油界面跟踪方法及装置 5.埋地输液管道泄漏模拟检测装置 6.一种成品油顺序输送混油实验环道平台 7.一种液烃管道泄漏量测算方法 8.一种基于电导率的混油界面检测实验装置及实验方法 科研获奖 1.中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步二等奖,2022,2/10 2.中国机械工业科学技术进步一等奖,2020,2/15 3.教育部科学技术进步二等奖,2020,1/10 4.中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步一等奖,2018,1/15 5.中国石化科技进步二等奖,2018,2/10 6.中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术奖一等奖,2012,2/15 教学成果获奖 1.北京市教育教学成果奖二等奖,2022,排名1 2.国家级一流课程,2020,排名1 3.中国学位与研究生教育学会研究生教育成果奖二等奖,2012,排名4 4.北京市教育教学成果奖一等奖,2018,排名3 5.“SPE全球创新教学奖”,2015 6.“SPE亚太区杰出贡献奖”,2012 7.北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖,2010,排名5 教学情况 1.《油气储运工程导论》 2.《油气集输》 3.《城市燃气输配》 4.《海底管道工程》 5.《长输管道工艺课程设计》 6.《油气储运工程设计规范与法规》 社会与学术主要兼职 1.《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science》副主编 2.《Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering》 副主编 3.《石油科学通报》副主编 4.《油气储运》编委 5. 全国大学生创新创业训练计划专家组副秘书长 6. 中国石油学会石油工程专业委员会副秘书长 7. 中国石油天然气集团有限公司油气业务链优化重点实验室学术委员会


油气物流优化 油气田地面工程系统优化


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Economic-environmental benefits from transporting biofuels through multiproduct pipelines. Applied Energy,2022. Pipeline pricing and logistics planning in the refined product supply chain based on fair profit distribution. Computers & Industrial Engineering,2022. A deep-learning method for anomaly detection of multi-product pipelines. Energy,2022. Theory-guided neural network method for predicting burst pressure of corroded pipelines. Process Safety and Environment Protection,2022 A semi-supervised learning for operating condition recognition of multi-product pipelines. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021. A customized generative model for estimations of liquid pipeline leakage parameters. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2021. Operational Optimization of a Cyclic Gas Pipeline Network with Consideration of Thermal Hydraulics. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2021. Carbon footprint of oil products pipeline transportation. Science of The Total Environment, 2021. The coupling impact of subsystem interconnection and demand response on the distributed energy systems: A case study of the composite community in China. Energy, 2021. An integrated methodology for the supply reliability analysis of multi-product pipeline systems under pumps failure. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2020 Environmental consequence analysis of oil spills from onshore pipelines with parametric uncertainty. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020. 天然气需求量预测研究进展,石油化工高等学校学报,2020,优秀论文. Emission-cost nexus optimisation and performance analysis of downstream oil supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production,2020. Economic, energy-saving and carbon-abatement potential forecast of multiproduct pipelines A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019. Computationally efficient MILP model for scheduling a branched multiproduct pipeline System. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019. A hybrid time MILP model for the pump scheduling of multi-product pipelines based on the rigorous description of the pipeline hydraulic loss changes. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2019. Batch-centric model for scheduling straight multisource pipelines. AICHE Journal, 2019. Downstream oil supply security in China: Policy implications from quantifying the impact of oil import disruption. Energy Policy, 2019. A MILP model for the detailed scheduling of multiproduct pipelines with the hydraulic constraints rigorously considered. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2019. Optimal design of distributed energy systems for industrial parks under gas shortage based on augmented epsilon-constraint method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019. An MILP approach for detailed scheduling of oil depots along a multi-product pipeline‎,Petroleum Science,2019,高影响力论文奖. Improved PSO-Based method for leak detection and localization in liquid pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018. A MILP model based on flowrate database for detailed scheduling of a multi-product pipeline with multiple pump stations. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2018. A hybrid computational approach for detailed scheduling of products in a pipeline with multiple pump stations. Energy, 2017. A method for simulating the entire leaking process and calculating the liquid leakage volume of a damaged pressurized pipeline. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017.
