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教育与工作经历: 2015-至今,中国石油大学(北京),副教授 2014-2015,中国石油大学(北京),讲师 2012-2014,伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),助理研究员 2010-2011,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO),访问 2008-2012,西澳大利亚大学(The University of Western Australia),博士 2006-2008,中国矿业大学(北京),硕士 2001-2005,天津城建大学,本科 教学情况: 钻井工程(本科),石油工程专业英语(本科),Advanced Drilling Engineering 在研项目: [1] 地质模态与导向钻进知识库。项目编号:XDAXX040402。中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)子课题,主持。(2017-2021) [2] 共采过程中致密气、页岩气、煤层气三气运移机理。项目编号: 51811530306。国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,主持。(2018-2020) [3] 考虑支撑剂压实和嵌入双重作用的压裂裂隙渗透率模型研究。项目编号:51604283。国家自然科学基金委青年基金,主持。(2017-2019) [4] 非常规储层渗透率各向异性特性研究。项目编号:z2018096。油气资源与探测国家重点实验室青年人才培育课题,主持。(2016-2018) [5] 多重影响因素作用下页岩气体吸附能力研究。项目编号:2462014YJRC060。中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金,主持。(2015-2017) [6] CO2CARE-CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research, No. ENERGY.2010.5.2-3256625, Funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme(欧盟第七框架计划),参与。(2011-2013) 科研教学奖励: [1] ESI高被引论文:Chen D., Pan Z.*, Ye Z., 2015. Dependence of gas shale fracture permeability on effective stress and reservoir pressure: Model match and insights. Fuel 139, 383-392. 2015 [2] 山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖,一等奖,(4/5),2015 [3] Outstanding reviewer, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015. [4] CSIRO Flagship Top Up Scholarship, CSIRO,2018-2012. [5] Scholarship for International Research Fees China (IRFSC),Top-Up Scholarship for China SIRF scholarships,The University of Western Australia,2008-2012.




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Chen D., Ye Z.*, Pan Z., Zhou Y., Zhang J., 2017. A permeability model for the hydraulic fracture filled with proppant packs under combined effect of compaction and embedment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 149, 428-435. (SCI) [2] Chen D. *, Pan Z., Shi J.Q., Si G., Ye Z., Zhang J., 2016. A novel approach for modelling coal permeability during transition from elastic to post-failure state using a modified logistic growth function. International Journal of Coal Geology 163, 132-139. (SCI) [3] Chen D.*, Pan Z., Ye Z., Hou B., Wang Di, Yuan L., 2016. A unified permeability and effective stress relationship for porous and fractured reservoir rocks. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 29, 401-412. (SCI) [4] Chen D., Pan Z.*, Ye Z., 2015. Dependence of gas shale fracture permeability on effective stress and reservoir pressure: Model match and insights. Fuel 139, 383-392. (SCI) [5] Chen D., Shi J.Q.*, Durucan S., Korre A., 2014. Gas and water relative permeability in different coals: model match and new insights. International Journal of Coal Geology 122, 37-49. (SCI) [6] Chen D., Shi J.Q.*, Durucan S., Korre A., 2014. Gas and water relative permeability in different coals: model match and new insights. International Journal of Coal Geology 122, 37-49. (SCI) [7] Chen D., Pan Z.*, Liu J., Connell L.D., 2012. Characteristic of anisotropic coal permeability and its impact on optimal design of multi-lateral well for coalbed methane production. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 88-89, 13-28. (SCI) [8] Chen D., Pan Z.*, Liu J., Connell L.D., 2012. Modeling and simulation of moisture effect on gas storage and transport in coal seams. Energy Fuels 26, 1695-1706. (SCI) [9] Ye Z., Chen D.*, Pan Z., Zhang G., Xia Y., Ding X., 2016. An improved Langmuir model for evaluating methane adsorption capacity in shale under various pressures and temperatures. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 31, 658-680. (SCI) [10] Ye Z., Chen D.*, Pan Z., 2015. A unified method to evaluate shale gas flow behaviours in different flow regions. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26, 205-215. (SCI) [11] Ye Z., Chen D.*, Wang J.G., 2014. Evaluation of the non-Darcy effect in coalbed methane production. Fuel 121, 1-10. (SCI) [12] Xia Y., Jin Y.*, Chen K.P., Chen M., Chen D., 2017. Simulation on gas traonsport in shale: The coupling of free and adsorbed gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 41, 112-124. (SCI) [13] Hou B.*, Zeng C., Chen D., Fan M., Chen M., 2017. Prediction of wellbore stability in conglomerate formation using discrete element method. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42, 1609-1619. (SCI) [14] Hou B.*, Zheng X., Chen M., Ye Z., Chen D., 2016. Parameter simulation and optimization in channel fracturing. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35, 122-130.(SCI) [15] Liu J.*, Chen Z., Elsworth D., Qu H., Chen D., 2011. Interactions of multiple processes during CBM extraction: A critical review. International Journal of Coal Geology 87, 175-189. (SCI) [16] 陈冬*, 陈健, 叶智慧, 侯冰, 2018. 中外《钻井工程》本科生课程教材选用情况调研. 教育教学论坛 40, 157-160. [17] 陈冬*, 侯冰, 叶智慧, 卢运虎, 2016. 德州农工大学钻井工程研究生课程情况研究. 石油教育 02, 103-106. [18] Chen D., Shi J.Q., Durucan S., Korre A., Syed A., 2014. Remediation of CO2 leakage using pressure gradient reversal method: a numerical modelling study. Energy Procedia 63, 4630-4637. [19] 叶智慧, 王海云, 陈冬, 安永生, 2017. 中美海洋油气开采工程课程对比研究. 大学教育 02, 33-36. [20] Shi J.Q., Korre A., Chen D., Govindan R., Durucan S., 2014. A methodology for CO2 storage system risk and uncertainty assessment. Energy Procedia 63, 4750-4757. [21] 侯冰, 陈冬, 2017. 国外高校如何提高岩石力学研究所实验装置的研发能力. 实验技术与管理 32, 268-271. [22] 侯冰, 陈冬, 2017. 钻井工程全英文教学时中外学生联合教学模式探讨. 大学教育 03, 97-102. [23] 侯冰, 陈冬, 金衍, 2016. 高等钻井工程全英文教学探索与实践. 大学教育 11, 83-85. [24] 薛茹镜*, 陈冬, 吴婧姝, 2008. 土压平衡盾构排土量控制分析. 工业建筑 S1, 965-967. [25] 江玉生*, 陈冬, 王春河, 杨志勇, 刘品, 2007. 土压平衡盾构双螺旋输送机力学机理简析. 隧道建设27, 15-18. [26] 江玉生*, 王春河, 陈冬, 杨志勇, 2007. 土压平衡盾构螺旋输送机力学模型简析. 力学与实践 29, 50-53. 会议论文 [1] Chen D., Ye Z.*, Pan, Z., Wang D., 2016. Quantitative assessment of methane sorption capacity on coal and methane under ternary influences of pressure, temperature and moiture content. International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources (IC3G), Melbourne, Australia. [2] Chen D.*, Pan Z., Ye Z., Hou B., Wang D., Yuan L., 2015. A generalized permeability and effective stress relationship for porous and fractured reservoir rocks. China Shale Gas, Wuhan, China. [3] Chen D., Shi J.Q.*, Durucan S., Korre A., Syed A., 2014. Remediation of CO2 leakage using pressure gradient reversal method: a numerical modelling study. International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), No. 292, Austin, TX, United States. [4] Chen D., Shi J.Q.*, Syed A., Durucan S., Korre A., 2013. Pressure gradient reversal for site remediation. Annual Scientific Conference, No. 25, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany. [5] Chen D., Liu J.*, Pan Z., Connell L.D., 2012. Forecast of gas production from coal seams: The impact of effective permeability. 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA 12-332, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. [6] Chen D., Liu J.*, Pan Z., Connell L.D., 2011. Mechanisms of fluid displacement in coal seams: theory and applications. The 4th International Conference on Couple T-H-M-C Processes in Geosystems (GeoProc2011), Perth, Western Australia, Australia. [7] Chen D., Liu J.*, Pan Z., Connell L.D., 2010. Coalbed methane production: Why coal permeability matters. SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-133328-MS, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. [8] Chen D., Liu J.*, Wang J.G., Pan Z., 2009. In-situ numerical testing of CO2 sequestration in coal: Impact of residual water. Asia Pacific Coalbed Methane Symposium and China Coalbed Methane Symposium, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. [9] 陈冬*, 张佳亮, 2017. 复杂条件下气藏渗流能力数学表征. 中国石油学会第十届青年学术年会. [10] 张佳亮, 陈冬*, 叶智慧, 努莎, 龚珂, 2017. 多分支水平井渗流COMSOL APP模型开发. COMSOL年会. [11] 张佳亮, 陈冬*, 高添鑫, 2017. 热-流-变形耦合模型对稠油开采的预测研究. 中国力学大会, MS039-3387-P. [12] 叶智慧, 龚珂, 陈冬*, 张佳亮, 2017. 纳米孔隙气体运移能力评价方法. 中国地质学会2017年学术年会. [13] Ye Z., Chen D.*, Pan Z., Hou B., Zheng X., 2016. Evaluation of non-Darcy effect on CO2 sequestration in coal seams. International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources (IC3G), Melbourne, Australia. [14] Ye Z., Chen D.*, Pan Z., Zhang G., Xia Y., Ding X., 2015. An improved binary Langmuir model for evaluating gas adsorption capacity in shale under various pressures and temperatures. China Shale Gas, Wuhan, China. [15] Zhang J., Li S., Chen D., Li G., Ye Z., 2018. Study on prediction of ROP based on random forest. SEG Maximizing Asset Value through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Workshop, Beijing, China. [16] Zhu D., Wang C., Chen D., Ye Z., Lian Y., 2017. Real-time haze monitoring based on social sensors. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation, No. 6342, Shanghai, China. [17] Wu, Q., Zhu D., Wang C., Ye Z., Chen D., 2017. DEM data based stratigraphic visualization modeling. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation, No. 6349, Shanghai, China. [18] 刘昊, 朱丹丹, 陈冬, 叶智慧, 2018. 基于聚类算法的岩性预分类方法研究. 2018国际石油石化技术会议, IPPTC-20181934, 北京, 中国. [19] 朱丹丹, 刘溢, 刘昊, 陈冬, 叶智慧, 2018. 基于地层层序的智能导钻算法研究. 2018国际石油石化技术会议, IPPTC-20181937, 北京, 中国. [20] 叶智慧*, 宁禹强, 陈冬, 张佳亮, 2017. 海底管线周围流场分析. COMSOL年会, 北京, 中国. [21] Shi J.Q.*, Chen D., Govindan R., Korre A., Durucan S., 2013. A methodology for CO2 storage system risk and uncertainty assessment. Annual Scientific Conference, No. 23, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany. [22] Shi J.Q.*, Korre A., Chen D., Govindan R., Durucan S., 2014. A methodology for CO2 storage system risk and uncertainty assessment. International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), No. 296, Austin, TX, United States. [23] Shi J.Q.*, Babaei M., Chen D., Govindan R., Korre A., Durucan S., 2013. Flow modelling of CO2 injection into Tr?ndelag Platform and a synthetic field in Halten Terrace, offshore mid-Norway. SiteChar Closing Conference, IFPEN RueilMalmaison, France. 会议主题报告 [1] Uncover the mystery of fluid transport in unconventional rocks by mathematical models. 4th International Symposium on Unconventional Geomechanics, Shenyang, China, October 16-17 2017. [2] Absolute and relative permeability for fractured unconventional reservoir rocks: Model development and insight. 2nd International Workshop on Unconventional THMC Processes, Wuhan, China, November 25-26 2014.


Energy Fuels; Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering; Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering; Transport in Porous Media; International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology等多个期刊审稿人
