2005.09--2008.06 安徽省舒城中学 2008.09--2012.06 南京理工大学 信息与计算科学专业 理学学士 2013.09--2018.06 南京理工大学 应用数学专业 硕博连读 2018.10-- 南京信息工程大学 数学与统计学院 讲师
1、Yadong Shu and Yuanguo Zhu. Optimistic value based optimal control for uncertain linear singular systems and application to a dynamic input-output model. ISA Transactions, 71(2): 235-251, 2017. (SCI二区)
2、Yadong Shu and Yuanguo Zhu. Optimal control for multi-stage and continuous-time linear singular systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 49(7): 1419- 1434, 2018. (SCI三区)
3、Yadong Shu and Yuanguo Zhu. Stability analysis of uncertain singular systems. Soft Computing, 22: 5671-5681, 2018. (SCI三区)
4、Yadong Shu and Yuanguo Zhu. Stability and optimal control for uncertain continuous-time singular systems. European Journal of Control, 34: 16-23, 2017. (SCI四区)