2001/09-2005/07, 华南师范大学, 数学科学学院, 获得学士学位;
2005/09-2010/07, 华南师范大学, 数学科学学院, 获得博士学位 (硕博连读);
2010/09-2012/06,中国科学院, 数学与系统科学研究院, 博士后;
2008/12-2009/01, 访问香港大学数学系;
2009/12-2010/01, 访问澳门大学数学系;
2014/8-2015/2, 访问新加坡国立大学数学系;
2016/6-2016/6;2019.9-2019.9 访问华南师范大学数学科学学院;
2019.7-2019.7 访问厦门大学数学科学学院;
2019.7-2019.8 访问复旦大学大数据学院;
2019.8-2020.8 访问香港大学数学系
W. W. Xu, W. Li, L. Zhu and X.P. Huang, The analytic solutions of a class of constrained matrix minimization and maximization problems with applications, SIAM. J. Optimization., 29(2019),
pp.1657-1686 (SCI).
W.W. Xu, H.K. Pang, W. Li, X.P. Huang and W.J. Guo, On the explicit expression of chordal metric between generalized singular values of Grassmann matrix pairs with applications, SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 39(2018), pp.1547--1563 (SCI).
W.W. Xu et.al., On the interval estimates of chordal metric between generalized singular values of Grassmann matrix pairs with applications, SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. Appl., submitted (SCI).
W.W. Xu et.al., Explicit expression of sum of chordal metric between generalized singular values of Grassmann matrix pairs with applications, Mathematics of Computation, submitted (SCI).
W.W. Xu et.al., Analytic solutions analysis of a class of general constrained matrix optimization problems with applications,Numerische Mathematik, submitted (SCI).
W.W. Xu, L. Zhu, X.F. Peng., H. Liu, J.F. Yin, A class of modified modulus-based synchronous multisplitting iteration methods for linear complementarity problems with applications,Numerical Algorithm, accepted, 2019 (SCI).
W.W. Xu, L.J. Ma, L. Zhu and H. Liu, On interval estimates of perturbations of generalized eigenvalues for diagonalizable pairs, Linear Algebra Appl. 562(2019), pp.15-43 (SCI).
W.W. Xu and L.Zhu, Corrigendum to ``A modified general modulus-based matrix splitting method for linear complementarity problems of H-matrices``, Linear Algebra Appl. ,561(2019), pp.204-206 (SCI).
Wei-wei Xu, Modified modulus based matrix splitting iteration methods for linear complementarity problems, Numerical Linear Algebra with its Applications, 4(2015),pp.748-760 (SCI).
L. Zhu, W.W. Xu, H. Liu and L.J. Ma, New perturbation bounds in unitarily invariant norms for subunitary polar factors, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 34 (2018),pp.231-239 (SCI).
Wei-wei Xu, Hao Liu, A modified modulus-based matrix splitting iteration method for linear complementarity problems of H-matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 458(2014), pp.626-637. (SCI)
Wei-wei Xu, Wai-Ki Ching, Shu-qin Zhang*,Wen Li and Xiao-shan Chen, Matrix Perturbation Method for Probabilistic Boolean Networks with Gene
Perturbation, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 235(2011), pp.2242--2251 (SCI).
Wei-wei Xu, Wen Li*, Wai-Ki Ching and Yan-mei Chen, Backward errors for two kinds of eigenvalue problems, J. Comput. Appl. Math. , 235(2010), pp.59--73 (SCI).
Wei-wei Xu and Wen Li*, The Hermitian reflexive solutions to the Matrix inverse
problem, Appl. Math. Comput., 211(2009), pp.142--147 (SCI).
Wei-wei Xu and Wen Li*, New Perturbation Analysis for Generalized Saddle Point
Systems, Calcolo, 46(2009), pp.25--36.(SCI).
Wei-wei Xu*, Li-xia Cai and Wen Li, The optimal perturbation bounds for the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 22(2011), pp.521—538 (SCI).
Li-xia Cai, Wei-wei Xu and Wen Li*, Additive and multiplicative perturbation bounds for the Moore-Penrose inverse, Linear Algebra Appl., 434(2011), pp.480--489 (SCI).
Xiao-shan Chen*, Wen Li and Wei-wei Xu, Perturbation analysis of the eigenvector matrix and singular vector matrices, Taiwanese
Journal of Mathematicas, 16(1)(2012), pp.179--194 (SCI).
Wei-wei Xu*, and Hao Liu, Perturbation bounds of partitioned Hermitian generalized eigenvalue
problems, Commu. Appl. Math. Comput. 3(2012), pp.1-6.
Wei-wei Xu, On eigenvalue bounds of two classes of indefinite two-by-two block matrices , Appl. Math. Comput., 12 (2013), pp. 6669-6679 (SCI).