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教授,博士生导师,中澳BIM与智慧建造联合研究中心主任 住房和城乡建设部高等学校工程管理专业评估委员会委员 住房和城乡建设部工程监理与项目管理战略发展专家委员会委员 中国城市科学研究会建筑互联网与BIM专业委员会副主任 广东省工程管理专业学位教育指导委员会委员 深圳市决策咨询委员会专家


1. 基于BIM与GIS技术集成的建设项目智慧管理研究 2. 跨区域建筑废弃物的精准预测、环境影响与资源化利用潜力研究 3. 基于大数据挖掘与驱动的建筑节能研究

科研项目: 1. 公共建筑实际能耗与预期目标差异的形成机理与改进策略研究:考虑能耗信息的完整性及能耗相关者的相互影响 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71772125) 2018.01-2021.12 2. 基于P-BIM的绿色建造集成技术应用与示范 中建二局一公司 2018.7-2019.12 3. P-BIM技术在项目生命周期中的应用案例研究 深圳市航建工程造价咨询有限公司 2018.3-2019.3 4. 深圳市拆除废弃物最佳处理处置技术及其优化方案研究 深圳市科技基础研究项目2017.1-2019.12 5. 深圳市建设事业“十三五”发展规划 深圳市住房和建设局项目2015.10-2016.8 6. 2010-2015年监理行业发展研究报告 住房和城乡建设部项目2011.6-2016.12 7. 基础设施项目风险的动态管理方法:考虑利益相关者的风险态度和风险相互影响 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71272088) 2013.1-2016.12 8. "Re-considering Sustainable Building and Design: A Cultural Change Approach."(ARC Linkage Project LP110100156)澳大利亚国家研究基金(ARC)国际合作项目(中方负责人)2011.1-2014.12 9. 深圳市建筑业“十二五”发展规划 深圳市住房和建设局项目2011.1-2011.6 10. 粤港跨境基建项目风险的识别和分担机制研究住房和建设部软科学研究项目2010.5-2012.12 11. 深圳市建筑废弃物综合利用战略研究 深圳市建设科技项目2010.5-2010.10 12. 浦东虹桥两场信息系统整合过程的风险分析与研究 上海市科委科研计划项目(062112051子课题)2009.1-2009.10 13. 基于全生命周期的建设项目可持续性评价研究 建设部科技计划软科学项目2007.5-2009.12 14. 建筑废弃物减排管理规范 深圳市技术规范编制项目2008.11-2009.6 15. 建设工程施工监理规范 深圳市技术规范编制项目2006.6-2008.8 16. 敷设燃气的共同沟安全风险的计算机模拟研究 建设部科技计划项目 建设部2004.1


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学术著作: 1. 王家远,邹小伟(2018)."基础设施项目风险管理.",中国建筑工业出版社. 2. Jiayuan Wang,Zhikun Ding(2014)." Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate.",Springer-Verlag Berlin Heideberg. 3. 王家远(参编)(2013)."中国国家标准《建设工程监理规范》.",住房城乡建设部及质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布. 4. 王家远,李景茹,丁志坤,米旭明等(2011)."深圳市技术规范《建筑废弃物减排技术规范》.",深圳市住房和建设局颁布. 5. 王家远,王刚,丁志坤,袁丽丽(2010)."深圳市工程监理行业发展蓝皮书2009.",中国建筑工业出版社. 6. 王家远,陈春生,翁志忠,王俐等(2009)."深圳市技术规范《建设工程施工监理规范》.",深圳市住房和建设局颁布. 7. 王家远,邹涛(2009)."工程监理的法律责任与风险管理.",中国建筑工业出版社. 8. 王家远,刘春乐(2004)."建设项目风险管理."中国水利水电出版社. 学术论文: 1. Jiayuan Wang,Huanyu Wu,Vivian W.Y.Tam,Jian Zuo(2019)."Considering life-cycle environmental impacts and society's willingness for optimizing construction and demolition waste management fee: An empirical study of China.", Journal of Cleaner Production, 206: 1004-1014 2. Kui Shan,Jiayuan Wang,Maomao Hu,Dian-ce Gao(2019).",A model-based control strategy to recover cooling energy from thermal mass in commercial buildings.",Energy,172:968-958 3. Vivian W.Y.Tam,Hoda Karimipour,Khoa N.Le,Jiayuan Wang(2019)."Green neighbourhood: Review on the international assessment systems.",Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,82:689-699 4. Xiaoxiao Xu,Jiayuan Wang,Clyde Zhengdao Li,Wenke Huang,Nini Xia(2018)." Schedule risk analysis of infrastructure projects: A hybrid dynamic approach.",Automation in Construction,95:20-34 5. Patrick X.W.Zou,Xiaoxiao Xu,Jay Sanjayan, Jiayuan Wang(2018)."Review of 10 years research on building energy performance gap:Life-cycle and stakeholder perspectives.",Energy and Buildings,178:165-181 6. Patrick X.W. Zou ,Xiaoxiao Xu,Jay Sanjayan,Jiayuan Wang(2018).",A mixed methods design for building occupants’ energy behavior research.", Energy and Buildings,166:239-249 7. Cheng Fan,Fu Xiao,Zhengdao Li,Jiayuan Wang(2018).",Unsupervised data analytics in mining big building operational data for energy efficiency enhancement: A review.", Energy and Buildings,159:296-308 8. Cheng Fan,Yongjun Sun,Kui Shan,Fu Xiao,Jiayuan Wang(2018)."Discovering gradual patterns in building operations for improving building energy efficiency.", Applied Energy,224:116-123 9. Jiayuan Wang,Huanyu Wu,Huabo Duan,George Zillante,Jian Zuo Hongping Yuan(2018)." Combining life cycle assessment and Building Information Modelling to account for carbon emission of building demolition waste: A case study.", Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 3154-3166 10. Ting Wang,Jiayuan Wang,Peng Wu,Jun Wang,Qinghua He,Xiangyu Wang(2018)." Estimating the environmental costs and benefits of demolition waste using life cycle assessment and willingness-to-pay: A case study in Shenzhen.", Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 14-26 11. Anthony Morris, Jian Zuo, Yutao Wang, Jiayuan Wang(2018)."Readiness for sustainable community: A case study of Green Star Communities.", Journal of Cleaner Production, 173: 308-318 12. Cheng Fan,Fu Xiao,Yang Zhao,Jiayuan Wang(2017)." Analytical investigation of autoencoder-based methods for unsupervised anomaly detection in building energy data.", Applied Energy,211:1123-1135 13. Yani Lai,Jiayuan Wang,Waiming Lok(2017)."Redefining property rights over collective land in the urban redevelopment of Shenzhen, China.", Land Use Policy,69:485-493 14. Yani Lai,Xian Zheng,Lennon H.T.Choy,Jiayuan Wang(2017)." Property rights and housing prices: An empirical study of small property rights housing in Shenzhen, China.", Land Use Policy,68:429-437 15. Jiayuan Wang,Patrick X.W.Zou,Penny P. Li(2016)." Critical factors and paths influencing construction workers’ safety risk tolerances.", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 93:267–279 16. Jiayuan Wang,Hongping Yuan(2016)."System Dynamics Approach for Investigating the Risk Effects on Schedule Delay in Infrastructure Projects.", Journal of Management in Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000472 17. Huanyu Wu,Jiayuan Wang, Huabo Duan, Lei Ouyang, Wenke Huang, Jian Zuo(2016)." An innovative approach to managing demolition waste via GIS (geographic information system): a case study in Shenzhen city, China.", Journal of Cleaner Production, 112: 494-503 18. Wu, H.,Duan,H,Zheng,L,Wang,J., Niu,Y.,Zhang,G.(2016),” Demolition waste generation and recycling potentials in a rapidly developing flagship megacity of South China: Prospective scenarios and implications.”, Constr. Build. Mater., 113, 1007-1016. 19. Duan,H.,Hu,M.,Zhang,Y.,Wang, J.,Jiang,W.,Huang,Q.(2015),”Quantification of carbon emissions for the transport service sector in China by using streamlined LCA.”, J. Clean. Prod., 95, 109-116. 20. Duan, H.,Wang, J.,”Encouraging the environmentally sound management of C&D wastes in China: An integrative review and research agenda. Renew. “,Sust. Energ. Rev. 2015, 43, 611-620. 21. Wu, H.,Duan, H.,Wang, J., Wang, T., Wang(2015), X.,”Quantification of carbon emission of construction waste by using streamlined LCA: a case study of Shenzhen, China.”.J. Mater. Cycl. Waste Manag.,3, 1-9. 22. Hongping Yuan,Jiayuan Wang(2015)."A system dynamics model for determining the waste disposal charging fee in construction.",European Journal of Operational Research,2014,237(3):988-996 23. Jiayuan Wang,Zhengdao Li,Vivian W.Y. Tam(2015)."Identifying best design strategies for construction waste minimization.",Journal of Cleaner Production,2015,92:237-247 24. Huabo Duan,Jiayuan Wang,Qifei Huang(2015)."Encouraging the environmentally sound management of C&D waste in China: An integrative review and research agenda.",Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,43:611-620 25. Jiayuan Wang,Zhengdao Li,Vivian W.Y. Tam(2014)."Critical factors in effective construction waste minimization at the design stage: A Shenzhen case study, China.", Resources, Conservation and Recycling,82, 1-7. 26. 袁红平、王家远(2013)."建筑废弃物管理的经济有效性动态评估模型.",系统工程理论与实践,第33卷,第9期,2415-2421. 27. 李鹏鹏,王家远,汪范军(2013)."风险应对能力对分析评估影响的探索性分析.",工程管理学报,第27卷第4期,21-26页. 28. 王家远,李政道,王西福(2012)."设计阶段建筑废弃物减量化影响因素调查分析.",工程管理学报,第26卷第4期,27-31页. 29. 王家远,李政道,王西福(2012)."基于系统动力学的建筑废弃物经济成本评估. ",建筑经济,第8期,95-99页. 30. Jiayuan Wang,Hongping Yuan(2011)."Major cost-overrun risks in construction projects in China." ,Int. J. Project Organisation and Management, Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4,227-242. 31. Hongping Yuan,Liyin Shen,Jiayuan Wang(2011)."Major obstacles to improving the performance of waste management in China’s construction industry." ,Facilities,29:5/6,224-242. 32. Jiayuan Wang,Hongping Yuan(2011)."Factors Affecting Contractors’Risk Atitudes in Construction Projects: Case Study from China ."International Journal of Project Management,29:2,209-219. 33. Jane L. Hao,Vivian. Tam,H.P. Yuan,J.Y. Wang,J.R. Li(2010)."Dynamic Modeling of Construction and Demolition Waste Management Processes:An Empirical Study in Shenzhen,China.",Engineering Construction and Architectural Management,17:5,476-492. 34. Ding,Z.K., Ng,F.F.,Wang J.Y.(2010),Personal construct based factors affecting willingness to share knowledge between architects in a project design team. International Journal of Construction Management, 10(3),1-11. 35. 王家远,邹小伟,张国敏(2010)."建设项目生命周期的风险识别.",科技进步与对策,第27卷,第19期,56-59. 36. 王家远,康香萍,袁红平(2010)."建筑废料分类分拣的制约因素.",城市问题,第8期,60-64. 37. 王家远,袁红平,叶银川,马世超(2010)."住宅建设项目可持续发展的多层次灰色评价模型.",工程管理学报,第24卷,第2期,196-201. 38. Jiayuan Wang,Hongping Yuan,Xiangping Kang,Weishen Lu(2010)."Critical Success Factors for On-site Sorting of Construction Waste: A China Study."Resources, Conservation and Recycling,54:11,931–936. 39. Jiayuan Wang,Jian Liu,Zegao Liao,PeiTang(2009)."Identification of Key Liability Risks of Supervision Engineers in China.",Construction Management and Economics,27:12,1157-1173. 40. Jiayuan Wang,Hongping Yuan,Jian Liu(2009)."A Factor Analysis Model for Assessing the Performance of the Construction Industry:The Case of Shanghai.",The International Journal of Construction Management,9:2,21-31. 41. 王家远,袁红平(2009)."基于系统动力学的建筑废料管理模型.",系统工程理论与实践,第29卷,第7期,173-180. 42. 王家远,叶银川(2009)."主成分分析法评价地区建筑业竞争力.",深圳大学学报(理工版),第26卷,第1期,92-97. 43. Jia-yuan Wang,Xiang-ping Kang,Vivian W.Y. Tam.(2008)."An Investigation of Construction Wastes:an empirical study in Shenzhen.",Journal of Engineering,Design and Technology,Vol.6(3),227-236. 44. 王家远,袁红平(2008)."基于系统动力学的建筑废料分类分拣管理模型.",科技进步与对策,第25卷,第10期,74-78. 45. 李阳,王家远(2008)."深圳市建筑业发展现状分析.",建筑经济,第2期,23-26页. 46. 王家远,袁红平(2007)."基于因子分析法的建筑业综合评价.",深圳大学学报(理工版),第24卷,第4期,373-378页. 47. Vinian W.Y.Tam,L.Y.Shen, Ivan W.H. Fung, J.Y.Wang(2007)."Controlling Construction Waste by Implementing Governmental Ordinances in Hong Kong.",Construction Innovation,Vol.7(2),149-166. 48. WANG Jia-yuan,LIU Jian,HUANG Li-yuan(2007)."Study on Professional Liability Insurance System of the Supervision Engineer in China.",Construction Management and Economics,25:7,801-810 49. Zou,P.X.W.,Zhang,G.M,Wang,J.Y.(2007)."Understanding the Key Risks in Construction Projects in China.",The International Journal of Project Management,25:6,601-614 50. Zou,P.X.W.,Zhang,G.M,Wang,J.Y.(2006)."Identifying Key Risks in Construction Projects: Life Cycle and Stakeholder Perspectives."Proceedings from the 12th Annual Conference of thePacific RimReal Estate Society 51. Zou,P.X.W.,Wang,J.Y.,Zhang,G.M.(2006)."Perceptions of Construction Project Risks:ChinaVersusAustralia."Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management,Vol.1,2,847-852 52. 王家远,申立银,郝晓东(2006)."公共建设项目工期延误风险研究."深圳大学学报(理工版),第23卷,第4期,303-309页. 53. 王家远,袁红平(2006)."我国八省市建筑业现状综合分析."建筑经济,第九期,5-9页. 54. 王家远,王宏涛(2006)."基于不确定AHP的建设项目风险模糊综合评判"深圳大学学报(理工版),第23卷,第1期,48-54页. 55. Wang,J.Y., Fisher Sun and Wu.(2003)."The Analysis to the Distribution of Time Variance for Building Project." International Journal of Construction Management, Vol.3(1),73-82


中华建设管理研究会(CRIOCM)资深会员 中国建筑学会建筑经济分会常务理事 中国建设监理协会理论研究委员会副主任 《建设管理国际学报》(IJCM)编委 《工程管理学报》编委 《建筑经济》杂志编委 《建设监理》杂志编委
