2008.09–2014.07 清华大学工业工程系 博士
2011.09–2012.09 美国亚利桑那大学系统与工业工程系 交流访问一年
2004.09–2008.07 哈尔滨工业大学工业工程系 学士
2014.07-至今 深圳大学土木工程学院交通工程系 讲师
2015 深圳市“孔雀计划”C类人才称号
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金“不确定装卸货时间下的集装箱甩挂运输鲁棒优化研究”(批准号:71502112,2016-2018年,主持人)
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金“考虑集装箱翻倒的场地位置分配问题研究”(批准号:71102011,2012-2014年,参与人)
[3] 深圳市高端人才科研启动经费“集装箱港口甩挂运输关键技术研究”(2017-2019年,主持人)
[4] 深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目“甩挂运输模式和空箱共享策略下的集装箱集疏运复合研究” (批准号:201549,2015-2017年,主持人)
[5] 企业横向课题“深圳顺丰速运有限公司小件分拣算法优化项目”(2015年,负责人)
[6] 企业横向课题“深圳华为海思半导体有限公司芯片仓库改造升级项目”(2010-2011年,主要完成人)
[7] 企业横向课题“深圳顺丰速运有限公司航空枢纽选址及航线网络规划项目”(2009-2010年,主要参与人)
[1] Ying Zhang, Lawrence V. Snyder, Ted K. Ralphs, Zhaojie Xue*. 2016. The competitive facility location problem under disruption risks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 93: 453-473.
[2] Zhaojie Xue*, Wei-Hua Lin, Lixin Miao. 2015. Local container drayage problem with tractor and trailer operating in separable mode. Flexible Services and Manufacturing. 27(2-3): 431-450.
[3] Zhaojie Xue, Canrong Zhang, Peng Yang*, Lixin Miao. 2015. A combinatorial benders' cuts algorithm for the local container drayage problem. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 134763.
[4] Peng Yang, Lixin Miao, Zhaojie Xue*, Bin Ye. 2015. Variable neighborhood search heuristic for storage location assignment and storage/retrieval scheduling under shared storage in multi-shuttle automated storage/retrieval systems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 79: 164-177.
[5] Zhaojie Xue, Canrong Zhang, Wei-Hua Lin, Lixin Miao*, Peng Yang. 2014. A tabu search heuristic for the local container drayage problem under a new operation mode. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 62: 136-150.
[6] Zhaojie Xue, Canrong Zhang, Lixin Miao*, Wei-Hua Lin. 2013. An ant colony algorithm for yard truck scheduling and yard location assignment problems with precedence constraints. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 22(1): 21-37.
[7] Mehrdad Mehrbod*, Zhaojie Xue, Lixin Miao, Wei-Hua Lin. 2015. A straight priority-based genetic algorithm for a logistics network. RAIRO Operations Research. 49(2): 243-264.
[8] Peng Yang*, Lixin Miao, Zhaojie Xue, Lei Qin. 2015. A joint optimization of location assignment and storage/retrieval scheduling in multi-shuttle automated storage/retrieval systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 26(6): 1145-1159.
[9] Peng Yang*, Lixin Miao, Zhaojie Xue, Lei Qin. 2015. Optimal storage rack design for a multi-deep compact as/rs considering the acceleration/deceleration of the storage and retrieval machine. International Journal of Production Research. 53(3): 929-943.
[10] Peng Yang , Lixin Miao, Lei Qin, Zhaojie Xue. The impact of acceleration/deceleration on designing storage rack for a multi-deep compact as/rs. ICSESS 2013.
[11] 薛召杰, 缪立新, 杨朋, 戚铭尧. 2011. 基于蚁群算法的配送中心订单优化匹配. 工业工程与管理. 16 (6): 75-78.