1993.9-1997.7 南京师范大学数学系,本科生\学士;2000.9-2003.6 南京师范大学数科院,研究生\硕士;2010.9-2015.6 ,南京信息工程大学数统院,博士 .
1997.8-2003.7 南通师范学院数学系;2003.8- 南京信息工程大学数统院.
1.Chen Li-juan, Lu Shi-Ping. The periodic problem of drift motion of the guidance center in the earth's magnetosphere electromagnetic field, Acta Phys.Sin. 2014.(SCI源刊)
2.陈丽娟,鲁世平. 无晨昏电场下带电粒子在中性片磁场中运动的周期轨,应用数学和力学,2014.
3. Chen Li-Jian, Lu Shi-Ping , Mo Jia-Qi. The periodic orbits of sport model of plamas particle in the process of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, Acta Phys.Sin. 2013.(SCI)
4. Chen Li-Juan, Lu Shi-ping. The problem of periodic solution of nonlinear model in zero-dimensional climate system, Acta Phys.Sin. 2013.(SCI)
5. 陈丽娟,鲁世平. 一类太空等离子体单粒子运动模型的同宿轨,应用数学和力学,2013.
6. Chen Lijuan, Lu Shiping. Existence and uniqueness of homoclinic solution for a class of nonlinear second-order differential equations, Journal of Applied mathematics, 2012.(SCIE)
7. Lu Shiping, Chen Lijuan. The problem of existence of periodic solutions for neutral functional differential system with nonlinear difference operator, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 2012.(SCI)
8. Chen Lijian, Zheng Liang. The problem of periodic solution for a space delay differential equation, Proceedings of the 5-th international congress on mathematical biology,2011.
9. 陈丽娟. 矩阵论中的图论匹配法,南京信息工程大学学报,2011.
10. 陈丽娟. 图论在农业经济中的应用, 安徽农业科学, 2010.
11. Chen Lijuan. The problems of bipartite graph partition into cycles, ICIC,2010.(EI核心)
12.Chen Lijuan. 2-connected graph partition problems into cycles, AMP,2010.(ISTP)
13. 陈丽娟. 少学时下线性代数教学的思考和探讨, 数学学习与研究, 2012.