1996.09-2000.06 苏州大学 数学科学学院 获理学学士学位
2000.09-2003.02 同济大学 应用数学系 获理学硕士学位
2003.03- 今 南京信息工程大学 数学系 教师
2005.09-2009.11 东南大学 数学系 获理学博士学位
2012.10-2013.4 Purdue University (美国) 访问学者
2013.05-2013.05 陈省身数学所 访问学者
[1]R.Cheng, Periodic solutions for asymptotically linear Hamiltonian system with resonance both at infinity and origin via computation of critical groups, Nonlinear Anal. 89 (2013) 134–145.
[2]R.Cheng, J.Hu, Z. Wang, Multiple solutions for semilinear resonance elliptic problems with nonconstant coefficients at infinity, J.Math.Phy.53, 123524 (2012).
[3]R.Cheng, D.Zhang, Nontrivial periodic solutions for strong resonance Hamiltonian systems via a local linking theorem, Nonlinear Anal., 74 (2011): 5467-5474.
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[7]R.Cheng, J.Xu and D.Zhang, On the existence of periodic solutions for a class of non-autonomous differential delay equations, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 35(2010):139-154.
[8]R.Cheng, J.Xu, Periodic solutions for a class of differential delay equations, NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl.,16(2009):793-809.