1993-1997 兰州大学, 计算机软件与理论专业,获学士学位;
2002-2005 兰州大学, 计算机软件与理论专业,获硕士学位;
2007-2012 南京理工大学, 计算机应用技术专业, 获博士学位。
1997-2001: 中石化兰州分公司。
2005-至今: 南京信息工程大学计算机与软件学院。
2007.8-2008.1: 爱尔兰Institute of Waterfort Information Technology,访问学者。
2016.8-2017.8: 美国 Purdue University, 访问学者
[1] 网络体系结构
[2] 多跳无线网络
[3] 身份认证
[4] 社交网络信任及信誉系统研究
[5] 人工智能
[1] Agricultural cyber physical system collaboration for greenhouse stress management. Ping Guo, P. Dusadeeringsikul, Shimon Y. Nof. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, 150(2018):439-454. (ESI/SCI)
[2] A lightweight encryption scheme combined with trust management for privacy-perserving in body sensor networks. Journal of Medical System, 2015. (SCI)
[3] 基于信任度计算的三阈值控制Ad Hoc网络节点撤销机制. 电子学报, 2015,43(8):1589-1597. (EI)
[4] A Variable Threshold-value Authentication Architecture for Wireless Mesh Networks. Journal of Internet Technology. 2014,15(6):929-938. (ESI)
[5] Intrusion Tolerant-based Lightweight CA Model for Wireless Mesh Networks. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering. 2013,8(6):19-30. (EI)
[6] Construction of Trusted Wireless Sensor Networks with Lightweight Bilateral Authentication. International Journal of Security and Its Applications. 2013,7(5):225-236. (EI)
[7] Research on Construction of Trusted Network Based on Intrusion Tolerant Authentication Technology, Sensor Letters, 2011, 9(4): 1546-1551. (SCIE)
[8] A Scheme of CA Digital Signature Based on Intrusion Tolerance. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing(WiCom2010), 2010: 1597-1600. (EI会议)
[9] The Discussions on Implementing QoS for IPv6. Proceeding of the International Conference on Multimedia Technology(2010 ICMT), 2010: 1286-1290. (EI会议)
[10] An Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Scheme Based on Proactive Secret Sharing. Proceedings of the 2009 WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems(GCIS2009), 2009: 523-525. (EI会议)
[11]轻量级可移交CA的MANET网络认证体系. 计算机科学, 2017.
[12] 轻量型无线传感器网络双向认证方案.小型微型计算机系统, 2013,34(3):557-562.
[13] 一种混合轻量型无线传感器网络公钥密码方案, 计算机科学, 2012, 9(3): 12-16.