1. 黄迎新, 宋彦涛, 范高华, 周道玮, 2015. 灰绿藜形态性状与繁殖性状的异速关系. 草地学报, 2015, 23(5): 905-913.
2. 王晓朦, 乌云娜, 宋彦涛, 霍光伟, 徐志超, 道日娜,2015. 放牧对克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)草原土壤物理、化学及微生物性状的影响. 中国沙漠, 35(5): 1193-1199.
3. Huang, Y., Y. Song, G. Li, P. L. Drake, W. Zheng, Z. Li, and D. Zhou, 2015.Morphological and structural plasticity of grassland species in response to a gradient in saline-sodic soils. Plant Biology, 17(6), 1187-1195.
4. Qiang Li, Yantao Song, Guangdi Li, Pujia Yu, Ping Wang, Daowei Zhou, 2015. Grass-legume mixtures impact soil N, species recruitment, and productivity in temperate steppe grassland. Plant and Soil, 394: 271-285. DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2525-2
5. 宋彦涛, 周道玮,2015. 松嫩草地植物功能生态学研究. 草地学报, 23(2): 237-238.
6. 乌云娜, 霍光伟, 宋彦涛, 张凤杰, 雒文涛,2015. 牧压梯度上呼伦贝尔典型草原植物群落学特征. 草业学报, 24(1): 176-182.
7. Zhihui Luan, Moxin Xiao, Daowei Zhou, Hongxiang Zhang, Yu Tian, Yi Wu, Bo Guan, and Yantao Song, 2014.Effects of Salinity, Temperature, and Polyethylene Glycol on the Seed Germination of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The Scientific World Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/170418
8. 李强, 宋彦涛,周道玮, 王敏玲, 陈笑莹,2014. 围封和放牧对退化盐碱草地土壤碳、氮、磷储量的影响. 草业学报, 31 (10): 1811-1819.
9. Ping Wang, Jacob Weiner, James F. Cahill, Dao Wei Zhou, Hong Feng Bian, Yan Tao Song and Lian Xi Sheng, 2014. Shoot competition, root competition and reproductive allocation in Chenopodium acuminatum. Journal of Ecology, 102(6): 1688-1696.
10. 李强, 周道玮, 宋彦涛,2014.松嫩草地两种广布豆科植物分布特征及其与土壤因子的关系. 草业学报, 23(1): 31-40.
11. 李飞, 禹朴家, 神祥金, 宋彦涛, 李强, 张海燕, 周道玮,2014. 退化草地补播草木樨、黄花苜蓿的生产力和土壤碳截获潜力. 草业科学, 31(3):361-366.
12. Zhang H, Yu Q, Huang Y, Zheng W, Tian Y, Song Y, Li G, Zhou D,2014. Germination Shifts of C3 and C4 Species under Simulated Global Warming Scenario. PLoS One. 9(8):e105139. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105139.
13. Yantao Song, Ping Wang, Daowei Zhou,2014.Relationships between functional diversity and ecosystem functioning: a review. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 34(2), 85-91.
14. Qiang Li, Daowei Zhou, Yinghua Jin, Minling Wang, Yantao Song, Guangdi Li, 2014.Effects of fencing on vegetation and soil restoration in a degraded alkaline grassland in northeast China. Journal of Arid Land, 64(4): 478-487. doi: 10.1007/s40333-013-0207-6.
15. Yantao Song, Daowei Zhou, Hoangxiang Zhang, Guangdi Li, Yinghua Jin, and Qiang Li,2013.Effects of vegetation height and density on soil temperature variations. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58 (8), 907-912.
16. 宋彦涛, 周道玮, 王平, 李强,2013.松嫩草地66种草本植物叶片性状特征. 生态学报, 33(1): 0079-0088.
17. 宋彦涛, 周道玮, 黄迎新, 李强, 王平,2012. 松嫩草地80种草本植物叶片氮磷化学计量特征. 植物生态学报, 36(3): 222-230.
18. Yantao Song, Roy Turkington and Daowei Zhou,2012.Soil fissures help in the restoration of vegetation on secondary bare alkali-saline soil patches on the Songnen Plain, China. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 67(1), 24A-25A.