2009-2012 法国勃艮第大学 纳米科学
2006-2009 武汉理工大学 材料学
1. Song, M.; Bouhelier, A.; Colas-des-Francs, G.; Bramant, P.; Sharma, J.; Dujardin, E.; Zhang, D. and Colas-des-Francs, G. Imaging Symmetry-Selected Corner Plasmon Modes in Penta-Twinned Crystalline Ag Nanowires. ACS Nano. 2011, 5 (7), 5874–5880.
2. Mingxia Song, Gerard Colas-des-Francs and Alexandre Bouhelier, Influence of an Electron Beam Exposure on the Surface Plasmon Resonance of Gold Nanoparticles, Plasmonics, 2013, 11.
3. Song, M.; Berthelot, J.; Fu, Q.; Zhang, D.; Colas des Francs, G.; Dujardin, E.and Bouhelier, A., Electron-Induced Limitation of Surface Plasmon Propagation in Silver Nanowires, Nanotechnology, 2013, 24(9), 095201.
4. Mingxia Song, Arnaud Stolz, Alexandre Bouhelier,et al. Evaluating Plasmonic Transport in Current-carrying Silver Nanowires.J. Vis. Exp. (82), 2013, e51048.
5. Mingxia Song, Xin He, Chaozhi Zhang, Mindong Chen, Caijin Huang, Fenghua Chen and Hui Qiu, RSC Adv., 2016,6, 82238-82243.