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2005年7月获得山东大学信息与计算科学专业学士学位,同年被免试推荐为东华大学硕博连读研究生 2009年11月毕业于东华大学控制理论与控制工程专业,获工学博士学位 2008年8月至2010年4月在香港理工大学作为Research Associate从事复杂系统建模方面的研究工作 2010年4月至今在南京信息工程大学任教 2012年3月至2012年8月在中国气象科学研究院做访问学者




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Min Xia (通讯作者), Wan’an Liu, Yiqing Xu, Ke Wang, Xu Zhang, Dilated Residual Attention Network for Load Disaggregation, Neural Computing and Applications, 31:8931-8953, 2019. [2] Min Xia (通讯作者), Junhao Qian , Xiaodong Zhang , Jia Liu , Yiqing Xu, River Segmentation Based on Separable Attention Residual Network, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, ,14(3):032602, 2020. [3] Min Xia (通讯作者), Wenzhu Song, Xudong Sun, Jia Liu, Tao Ye, Yiqing Xu, Weighted Densely Connected Convolutional Networks for Reinforcement Learning, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2052001, 2020. [4] Min Xia (通讯作者), Jie Wang, Jia Liu, Liguo Weng, Yiqing Xu, Density-based semi-supervised online sequential extreme learning machine, Neural Computing and Applications, Accepted. [5] Min Xia (通讯作者), Chong Zhang, Yin Wang, Jia Liu, Chunzheng Li, Memory based decision making: a spiking neural circuit model, Neural Network World, 29(3): 135-149, 2019. [6] Wan’an Liu, Liguo Weng, Min Xia (通讯作者),Yiqing Xu,Ke Wang, Zhuhan Qiao, Multi-scale Residual Network for Energy Disaggregation,International Journal of Sensor Networks,2019, 30(3):172:183. [7] Min Xia (通讯作者), Wan’an Liu, Ke Wang, Xu Zhang, Yiqing Xu, Non-intrusive load disaggregation based on deep dilated residual network, Electric Power Systems Research, 2019, vol.170, 277–285. [8] Min Xia (通讯作者), Wan’an Liu, Bicheng Shi, Liguo Weng and Jia Liu, Cloud/snow recognition for multispectral satellite imagery based on a multidimensional deep residual network, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, vol.40, No.1, 156–170. [9] Min Xia (通讯作者), Chong Zhang, Liguo Weng, Jia Liu and Ying Wang, Robot path planning based on multi-objective optimization with local search, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2018, vol.35, 1755–1764. [10] Min Xia (通讯作者), Shen Maoyang, Wang Jianfeng, et al. Anti-spurious-state neural network using nonlinear outer product and dynamic synapses. Neural network World, 2016, 26(4):377-392. [11] Min Xia (通讯作者), Lu W, Yang J, et al. A hybrid method based on extreme learning machine and k -nearest neighbor for cloud classification of ground-based visible cloud image, Neurocomputing, 2015, 160(C):238-249. [12] Qian J, Xia M, Yue X. Parallel knowledge acquisition algorithms for big data using MapReduce. International Journal of Machine Learning & Cybernetics, 2015, 1(2):1-15. [13] 夏旻(通讯作者),申茂阳,王舰锋,基于卷积神经网络的卫星云图云量计算,系统仿真学报,2018, 30(5):1623-1630. [14] Hu K, Song A, Xia M, et al. An Image Filter Based on Shearlet Transformation and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015,(2015-10-11), 2015, 2015(4):1-9. [15] Weng L, Min Xia, Wang W, et al. Crew exploration vehicle (CEV) attitude control using a neural–immunology/memory network [J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, 46(1):152-158. [16] Min Xia, (通讯作者), Weng L G, Wang Z J, et al. Sequence memory based on an oscillatory neural network [J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2014, 57(7):72203-072203. [17] Weng L, Liu Q, Xia M, et al. Immune network-based swarm intelligence and its application to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm coordination [J]. Neurocomputing, 2014, 125(125):134-141. [18] Min Xia, Wong W K. A seasonal discrete grey forecasting model for fashion retailing [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 57(2):119-126. [19] Min Xia(通讯作者), Liguo Weng, Zhijie Wang, Sequence Memory based on Coherent Spin-interaction Neural Networks, Neural Computation, 2014,26(12):2944-61. [20] Weng L, Min Xia, Hu K, et al. Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) Flapping Motion Control Using an Immune Network with Different Immune Factors [J]. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2013, 10(13):1.
