Zhubing Xiao, Zhi Yang*, Lu Wang, Huagui Nie, Mei’e Zhong, Xiangju Xu, Lijie Zhang, ShaomingHuang*, ”Lightweight TiO2/graphene Interlayer as a High Effective Polysulfide Absorbent for Fast,Long-Life Lithium-Sulfur Batteries” Advanced materials. 2015. (In press) (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=15.4)
Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Zhiping Jin, Zheng Liu, Huagui Nie, Xi’an Chen, Shaoming Huang*, A Facile and General Approach for the Direct Fabrication of Three-dimensional, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Array/Transition Metal (Mn, Zn, Ni, Fe, Ti) Oxide Composites as Non-Pt Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions. Advanced materials. 2014, 26, 3156,(SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=15.4)
Zhubing Xiao, Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Yanqi Lu, Keqin Yang, Shaoming Huang*, Porous Carbon Nanotubes Etched by Water Steam for High-Rate Large-Capacity Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2,8683. (SCI-Ⅰ区,IF=6.6)
Xuemei zhou, Zhimin Tian, Jing Li, Yuanyuan Ma, Zhi Yang*, Yongquan Qu*, Synergistically enhanced activity of graphene quantum dot/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites as metal-free catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction. Nanoscale. 2014, 6, 2603 (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=6.7)
Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Xi’an Chen, Xiaohua Chen, Shaoming Huang*, Recent Progress in Doped Carbon Nanomaterials as Effective Cathode Catalysts for Fuel Cell Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Journal of Power Sources. 2013, 236, 238. (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=5.2, ESI, Hot Papers, Highly Cited Papers, Invited Review)
Zheng Liu, Huagui Nie, Zhi Yang*, Jing Zhang, Zhiping Jin, Yanqi Lu, Zhubin Xiao, Shaoming Huang*, Sulfur–Nitrogen Co-doped Three-Dimensional Carbon Foams with Hierarchical Pore Structures as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions. Nanoscale. 2013, 5, 3283. (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=6.7, ESI, Highly Cited Papers, Back Cover)
Zhi Yang*, Zhen Yao, Guoyong Fang, Guifa Li, Huagui Nie, Xuemei Zhou, Xi’an Chen, Shaoming Huang,*, Sulfur-Doped Graphene as an Efficient Metal-free Cathode Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction. ACS Nano. 2012, 6, 205. (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=12.0,ESI, Hot Papers,Highly Cited Papers)
Zhen Yao, Huagui Nie, Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Liu Zheng, Shaoming Huang*. Catalyst-free synthesis of iodine-doped graphene via a facile thermalannealing process and its use for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction in an alkaline medium. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 1027. (SCI-Ⅱ区, IF=6.7,ESI, Highly Cited Papers)
Zhiping Jin, Huagui Nie, Zhi Yang*, Jing Zhang, Zheng Liu, Xiangju Xu and Shaoming Huang*,Metal-free selenium doped carbon nanotube/graphene networks as a synergistically improved cathode catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Nanoscale. 2012, 4, 6455 (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=6.7)
Huagui Nie*, Zhi Yang, Shaoming Huang, Hongqi Wang, Ruqin Yu, Jianhui Jiang*, Magnetic Separation Detection of Sequence-Specific DNA based on DNA-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes as Sensitive Electrochemical Labels by Controlled Assembly Mediated Signal Transduction. Small. 2012, 8, 1407(SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=7.5)
Xuemei Zhou, Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Zhen Yao, Lijie Zhang, Shaoming Huang*, Catalyst-free growth of large scale nitrogen-doped carbon spheres as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction in alkaline medium. Journal of Power Sources. 2011,196, 9604 (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=5.2)
Zhi Yang*, Xuemei Zhou, Huagui Nie, Zhen Yao, Shaoming Huang*, Facile construction of manganese oxide doped carbon nanotube catalysts with high activity for oxygen reduction reaction and investigation into the origin of their activity enhancement. ACS Appli. Mater. Inter. 2011,3, 2601 (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=5.9)
Zhi Yang*, Huagui Nie, Xuemei Zhou, Zhen Yao, Shaoming Huang,Xiaohua Chen*. Investigation of homologous series as precursory hydrocarbons for aligned carbon nanotube formation in spray pyrolysis method. Nano, 2011, 3, 205 (SCI, IF=1.3)
Zhi Yang, Huagui Nie*, Xuemei Zhou, Zhen Yao, Shaoming Huang*, Xiaohua Chen. Synthesizing a well-aligned carbon nanotube forest with high quality via the nebulized spray pyrolysis method by optimizing ultrasonic frequency. Nano, 2011, 4, 343 (SCI, IF=1.3)
Zhi Yang, Xiaohua Chen*, Huagui Nie, Ke Zhang, Wenhua Li, Yi Bin, Xu Longshan. Direct Synthesis of Ultralong Carbon Nanotube Bundles by Spray Pyrolysis and Investigation of Growth Mechanism. Nanotechnology, 2008, 8, 5606 (SCI-Ⅰ区, IF=3.9)
Zhi Yang, Xiaohua Chen*, Yuxing Pu, Lingping Zhou, Chuansheng Chen, Wenhua Li, Longshan Xu, Bin Yi, Yanguo Wang. Facile approach to obtain individual-nanotube dispersion at high loading in carbon nanotubes/polyimide composites. Polym. Adv. Technol. 2007, 18, 458–462 (IF=1.6)
Zhi Yang, Xiaohua Chen*, Shanzhou Xia, Yuxing Pu, Haiyang Xu, Wenhua Li, Longshan Xu, Bin Yi, Weiying Pan. Covalent attachment of poly (acrylic acid) onto multiwalled carbon nanotubes functionalized with formaldehyde via electrophilic substitution reaction. J Mater Sci. 2007, 42, 9447 (IF=2.2)
Zhi Yang, Xiaohua Chen*, Chuansheng Chen, Wenhua Li, Hua Zhang, Longshan Xu, Bin Yi. Noncovalent Wrapped Sidewall Functionalization of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes With Polyimide. Polymer composites, 2007, 28, 36 (IF=1.5)