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1981进入同济大学建材系学习,学制五年,于1986年毕业,获学士学位;同年九月考入同济大学化学系硕士研究生,1989年毕业获硕士学位后留校任教至今。历任同济大学助教、助理研究员、副教授、教授。主要从事化学计量学、生物信息学的算法研究及相关程序设计。近年来主要从事教育教学方法改进及研究,强调面向过程管理、精准滴灌式微课的教学方法,建设里对应的教学管理网站http://cal.tongji.edu.cn/chemweb。 教学成果 改革实验教学模式,培养学生创新能力——分层次跨学科化学开放实验教学实践 2013 上海市一等奖,排 4 以卓越人才培养为主线的计算机基础教育改革与实践 ,2013 ,上海市二等奖,排 5 面向过程管理的信息化教学新模式的建设与实践 ,2015,同济大学教学改革一等奖 排1




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

著作 计算机软件开发技术与应用,高等教育出版社,ISBN 978-7-04-034163-8,2012年出版,主编。 计算机化学,化学工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-122-20656-5 ,2014年出版,主编。 科研论文 Automated pairing of human chromosomes applying gradient profile and similarity matching algorithm, Chemometrics and intelligent lab, Feng, Xinwei ; Cong, Peisheng* ; Zhu, Zhongliang ; Du, Xinyuan,2012 Peisheng Cong*, Dapeng Li, Zhiheng Wang, Shengnan Tang, Tonghua Li, SPSSM8: An accurate approach for predicting eight-state secondary structures of proteins, Biochemie, 9, 2013 Mao W, Cong P*, Wang Z, Lu L, Zhu Z, Li T, .NMRDSP: an accurate prediction of protein shape strings from NMR chemical shifts and sequence data, PLoS ONE (2013) 8(12): Jiangming Sun, Tonghua Li, Peisheng Cong,WenweiXiong, Shengnan Tang, Li Zhu, Direct decomposition of three-way arrays using a non-negative approximation, Talanta, 83(2010),541-548. Dapeng Li, Tonghua Li*, Peisheng Cong, Wenwei Xiong and Jiangming Sun, A novel structural position-specific scoring matrix for the prediction of protein secondary structures,Bioinformatics, Vol. 28 no. 1 2012, pages 32–39. Qi Song, Tonghua Li*, Peisheng Cong, Jiangming Sun, Dapeng Li, Shengnan Tang, predicting turns in proteins with a unified model, PLOS ONE, November 2012 , Volume 7,Issue 11 Jiang-Ming Sun, Tong-Hua Li, Pei-Sheng Cong, Sheng-Nan Tang, Wen-Wei Xiong, Retrieving Backbone String Neighbors Provides Insights Into Structural Modeling of Membrane Proteins ,July 1, 2012 Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. Feng, Xinwei ; Zhang, Qinghua ; Cong, Peisheng ; Zhu, Zhongliang, Simultaneous determination of flavonoids in different citrus fruit juices and beverages by high- performance liquid chromatography and analysis of their chromatographic profiles by chemometrics,ANALYTICAL METHODS,2012,11(4),pp3748-3753 Xiaoyan Zhang, Longjian Lu, Qi Song, Qianqian Yang, Dapeng Li, Jiangming Sun, Tonghua Li*, Peisheng Cong*, DomHR, Accurately Identifying Domain Boundaries in Proteins using a Hinge Region Strategy. PLOS ONE. 4,2013 Feng, XW , Zhang, QH , Cong, PS , Zhu, ZL* , Preliminary study on classification of rice and detection of paraffin in the adulterated samples by Raman spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis . TALANTA ,2013 Feng, XW, Zhang, QH, Cong, PS, Zhu, ZL*, Determination of the paracetamol degradation process with online UV spectroscopic and multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares methods: comparative validation by HPLC . ANALYTICAL METHODS, 2013 Shengnan Tang1, Tonghua Li,*, Peisheng Cong, Wenwei Xiong, Zhiheng Wang and Jiangming Sun, PlantLoc: an accurate web server for predicting plant protein subcellular localization by substantiality motif, Nucl. Acids Res. (2013)
