吴开明, 成林, 万响亮, 张国宏, κ然, 王红鸿: 低合金高强度钢微观组织的三维形态及长大行为, 中国体视学学会科学技术奖, 自然科学奖二等奖, 2013
1. Masato Enomoto, Lin Cheng, Hiroyuki Mizuno, Yoshinori Watanabe, Tomohiko Omura, Jun’ichi Sakai, Ken’ichi Yokoyama, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ryuji Okuma: Hydrogen absorption into austenitic stainless steels under high-pressure gaseous hydrogen and cathodic charge in aqueous solution, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E, Vol. 1E, 2014, 331-340.
2. Cheng Lin, Wu Kai-ming, Wan Xiang-liang, Zhang Guo-hong: Growth kinetics of proeutectoid ferrite in an Fe-0.09C-1.5Mn-0.2Si steel, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, Volume 21, No. 10, April 2014, 964-968.
3. Lin Cheng, Kaiming Wu, Xiangliang Wan: Orientation of intragranular idiomorphs in Low-Carbon Low-Alloy Steels, Steel Research International, Volume 85, No. 5, January 2014, 836-843.
4. L. Cheng, K.M. Wu, X.L. Wan, R. Wei: In-situ observation on the growth of Widmanstätten sideplates in an Fe-C-Mn steel, Materials Characterization, 87(2014), 86-94.
5. Wan Xiangliang, Wu Kaiming, Wang Honghong, Lu Weiyu, Cheng Lin: Effect of Zr-Ti combined deoxidation on impact toughness of coarse-grained heat-affected zone with high heat input welding, China Welding, Vol.24, No.3, pp1-7.
6. Xiang-liang Wan, Kai-ming Wu, Gang Huang, Ran Wei, Lin Cheng: In situ observation of austenite grain growth behavior in the simulated coarse-grained heated-affected zone of Ti-microalloyed steels, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Volume 21, No. 9, September 2014, pp878-885.
7. Y. Li, X. L. Wan, L. Cheng, K. M. Wu: First-principles calculation on the interaction of Mn with ZrO2 and its effect on the formation of ferrite in high-strength low-alloy steels, Scripta Materalia, 75(2014), pp78-81. 1359-6462
8. L. Cheng, X.L. Wan, K.M. Wu: Three-dimensional analysis of ferrite allotrimorphs nucleated on grain boundary faces, edges and corners: Materials Characterization, 2010(61): 580-583. (SCI)
9. L. Cheng, X.L. Wan, K.M. Wu: Three-dimensional morphology of grain boundary Widmanstätten ferrite in a low carbon low alloy steel: Materials Characterization, 61 (2010): 192-197. (SCI)
10. L. Cheng and K.M. Wu: New insights into intragranular ferrite in a low-carbon low-alloy steel: Acta Materialia, 2009(57): 3574-3762. (SCI))
11. L. Cheng, Z.G. Li and K.M. Wu:Serial Sectioning and 3D-reconstruction of Ferrite Allotriomorphs Nucleated at Grain Boundary Faces in an Fe-C-Mn Alloy, ISIJ International, 48(2008), No.6, pp.830-834.(SCI)
12. L. Cheng, Masato Enomoto and Fu-Gao Wei, Influence of carbon segregation to dislocations on thermal desorption spectrum of hydrogen in medium carbon martensitic steels, ISIJ International. 2013; 53:131-138. (SCI)
13. L. Cheng, M. Enomoto, D. Hirakami and T. Tarui. Further Assessment of the Kissinger formula in simulation of thermal desorption spectrum of hydrogen, ISIJ International. 2013, 53(2):250-256. (SCI)
14. X.L. Wan, R. Wei, L. Cheng, M. Enomoto, Y. Adachi. Lengthening kinetics of ferrite plates in high strength low-carbon low alloy steel, Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48: 4345-4355. (SCI)
15. X.L. Wan, H.H. Wang, L. Cheng, K.M. Wu. The formation mechanisms of interlocked microstructures in low-carbon high-strength steel weld metals, Materials Characterization, 2012, 67: 41-51. (SCI)
16. Wan Xiang-Liang, Cheng Lin, Wu Kai-Ming. Three-Dimensional Morphology and Growth Behavior of Ferrite Allotriomorphs Formed on Grain Boundary Edges, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International. 2010, 17(11): 49-53. (SCI)
17. X.L. Wan, L. Cheng, K.M. Wu. Growth Behavior of Ferrite Allotriomorphs Nucleated on Grain Boundary, Faces in a Low Carbon Steel, Metals and Materials International, 2010, 16: 865-870.
18.张国宏,成林,李钰,伊萨耶夫•欧列格,吴开明. 海洋耐蚀钢的国内外进展. 中国材料进展, 2014.33(7),pp4.