2007年5月至今, 武汉科技大学理学院信息与计算科学系;
2010年-2011年 英国strathclyde 大学数学与统计系, 访问学者,导师毛学荣教授。
[1] Lian Baosheng, Zhu Fuliu, Existence Theorem of the Multipliers on Riemannian Symmetric Space SL(3,H)/SP(3) Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol.9 No.6 Nov.2004.
[2]连保胜,朱赋鎏,偶数维Damek-Ricci空间的曲率 武汉大学学报(理学版)Vol.50 No.1 Feb. 2004
[3]Lian Baosheng, Hu Shigeng,The Effects of Risk and the Preference for Capitalism on Growth and welfare,《ADVANCES IN SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND APPLICATIDNS(ASSA)》,Vol. 6, No. 2, 2006.
[4]连保胜,胡适耕,R&D和边干边学的混合模型的稳定性分析,数学杂志,Vol. 6, No. 2, 2006
[5]Lian Baosheng, Hu Shigeng,Stochastic Delay Gilpin-Ayala Competition Models, Stochastics and Dynamics Vol. 6, No. 4, 2007.(SCI)
[6] Lian Baosheng, Hu Shigeng,Wang Hongchu,Stability in Stochastic Gilpin-Ayala Competition Models.应用数学Vol. 20, No. 2, 2007,
[7]Lian Baosheng, Hu Shigeng,Asymptotic behavior of Delay Gilpin-Ayala Competition Models《JMAA》Vol.339,No.1, 2008.(SCI)
[8] Lian Baosheng, Hu Shigeng,Che Yingtao,The Central Limit Theorem on SU(n,1)/S(U(n)×U(1)) , Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,Vol.23,No.1,2008.
[9] 连保胜,胡适耕,随机时滞Lotka-Volterra 模型,数学物理学报 2009,29(5):1247-1255
[10] Lian Baosheng, Hu Shigeng,Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Model, ICMS2009, vol. 5, pp. 417–420, 2009
[11]Lian Baosheng,Yang Qiaohua, Ostrowski type inequalities on H-type groups J. Math.Anal,Appl. 2010,365(1):158-165 (SCI)
[12] Lian Baosheng, Hu Shigeng and Yang Fen ,Stochastic Delay Lotka-Volterra Model ,Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2011
[13] Lian Baosheng, Yang Fen, Stochastic Differential Equation with Pth Linear Growth Condition, ICIST2011