Li, Ruijin; Yuan, Chao; Dong, Chuan; Shuang, Shaomin; Choi, Martin M. F.In vivo antioxidative effect of isoquercitrin on cadmium-induced oxidative damage to mouse liver and kidney .Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology.2011,383(5).437-445
Wei, Yanli; Ren, Yanfang; Li, Jun; Shuang, Shaomin; Dong, Chuan. Characterization of room temperature phosphorescence of propranolol and the chiral discrimination between R- and S-isomers.Analyst (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2011), 136(2), 299-303.
Zhongping Li, Xu Wang, Guangming Wen, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Man Chin Paau, Martin M.F. Choi, Application of hydrophobic palladium nanoparticles for the development of electrochemical glucose biosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 4619-4623.
Wenjuan Dong, Chuan Dong, Shaomin Shuang, Martin M.F. Choi, Near-infrared luminescence quenching method for the detection of phenolic compounds using N-acetyl-l-cysteine-protected gold nanoparticles–tyrosinase hybrid material, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, (25) 1043–1048.
Suozhu Wu, Wenping Cheng, Yan Qiu, Zhongping Li, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong. Fiber Optic pH Sensor Based on Mode-Filtered Light Detection. Sensors & Actuators: B, 2010, 144(1): 255-259.
Zhongping Li, Jie Gao, Xiaoting Xing, Suozhu Wu, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Man Chin Paau, Martin M. F. Choi*, Synthesis and Characterization of n-Alkylamine-Stabilized Palladium Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Oxidation of Methane,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114: 723–733.
Yanli wei, sufang wang shaomin shuang, Chuan Dong,Chiral discrimination between d- and l-tryptophan based on the alteration of the fluorescence lifetimes by the chiral additives ,Talanta 2010, 81: (4-5):1800 - 1805
Jin-Ping Song, Yu-Jing Guo*, Shao-Min Shuang, Chuan Dong, Study on the inclusion interaction of ethyl violet with cyclodextrins by MWNTs/Nafion modified glassy carbon electrode, J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycle Chem., 2010,68:467-473.
Jin-Ping Song, Yu-Jing Guo, Qiang Zhao, Shao-Min Shuang, Chuan Dong, Martin M.F. Choi, Assemblies of brilliant cresyl violet to DNA in the presence of γ-cyclodextrin, Talanta 82 (2010) 681-686.
Shao-min Shuang, Xiao-na Qiao,Dan-dan Wang,Li Fan,Dong-tao Lu,Li-xiao Mu, Ye-hong Zhou.Analytical Behavior of Fura-2 and Its Determination of [Ca2+]i in Lymphocytes Treated with Cefotaxime. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation.Vol.1 NO.4,Dec,2010, 395-400
Suozhu Wu, Yan Zhang, Zhongping Li, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Martin M. F. Choi, Mode-filtered light methane gas sensor based on cryptophane A, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2009, 633, 238-243.
Shengmei Song, Dong Ju, Junfen Li, Duxin Li, Yanli Wei, Chuan Dong, Peihua Lin, Shaomin Shuang, Synthesis and spectral characteristics of two novel intramolecular charge transfer fluorescent dyes. Talanta, 2009, 77(5): 1707-1714.
Junfen Li, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Study on the phosphorescence characterizations of palmatine chloride on the solid substrate and its interaction with ctDNA. Talanta, 2009, 77(3): 1043-1049.
Yan Zhang, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Chung Keung Lo, Man Chin Paau, Martin M. F. Choi, Application of HPLC and MALDI-TOF MS for Studying As-Synthesized Ligand–Protected Gold Nanoclusters Products, Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81(4): 1676-1695.
Sheng-mei Song, Xiao-li Hou, Yan-bo Wu, Shao-min Shuang, Cheng Yang, Yoshihisa Inouec and Chuan Dong, Study on the interaction between methyl blue and human serum albumin by fluorescence spectrometry. Journal of Luminescence. 2009, 129 (3): 169-175
Wenting An, Yong Jiao, Chuan Dong, Cheng Yang, Yoshihisa Inoue, Shaomin Shuang.Spectroscopic and molecular modeling of the binding of meso-tetrakis(4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin to human serum albumin. Dyes and Pigments, 2009, 81(1): 1-9.
Guomei Zhang, Dujuan Gao, Jianbin Chao, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong. The interaction of C.I. Basic Red 5 with complementary negatively charged hosts: 4-Sulfonatocalix[4]arene and carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin, Dyes and Pigments, 2009, 82( 1): 40-46.
Caihong Zhang, Weili Shen, Ruying Fan, Guomei Zhang, Lingzhi Shangguan, Jianbin Chao, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Martin M.F. Choi,Study of the contact charge transfer behavior between cryptophanes (A and E) and fullerene by absorption, fluorescence and 1HNMR spectroscopy, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2009,650 :118–123.
Wen Ting An, Yong Jiao, Xiao Hua Sun, Xiao Ling Zhang, Chuan Dong, Shao Min Shuang, Ping Fang Xia, Man ShingWong. Synthesis and binding properties of carboxylphenyl-modified calix[4]arenes and cytochrome c. Talanta, 2009,79: 54-61.
Zhongping Li, Yong Guo, Suozhu Wu, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Junfen Li, Xu Wu, Shaomin Shuang, Chuan Dong, Martin M.F. Choi. Methane sensor based on nanocomposite of palladium/multi-walled carbon nanotubes grafted with 1,6-hexanediamine. Sensors & Actuators: B,2009, 139(2):.453-459.