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侯如燕,女,1971年生,教授,博士生导师,全国优秀女茶叶科技工作者。1996年7月毕业于郑州轻工业学院,获食品科学与工程学士学位;2002年毕业于安徽农业大学,获茶学硕士学位,2011年7月获茶学博士学位;2014年9月-2015年8月, UNIVERSITY of MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST (马萨诸塞州立大学,阿姆赫斯特分校)访问学者。茶树生物学与资源利用国家重点实验室茶叶化学安全与绿色防控团队PI,安徽省115产业创新团队“农产品质量安全风险评估与安全生产关键技术”研究骨干、安徽农业大学茶与食品科技学院食品质量安全专业负责人,在茶叶质量安全与营养健康领域从事多年的教学和科研工作。 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、国家科技部星火计划子课题、安徽省自然科学研究项目、国家标准等项目资助10余项。完成农药残留检测方法国家标准1项(GB/T 23379-2009),农业行业标准方法1项(NY/T 1724-2009);发现了多种油茶皂苷类结构及其抗癌活性;开发了一系列食品农药残留检测方法,并进行风险评估与控制技术研究。授权国家发明专利7项,在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文70余篇,近5年来在Environ. Sci. Technol., J. Agric. Food chem., Food Chem., Anal. Chem. 等环境、食品主流及分析化学期刊上发表SCI收录论文39篇,其中top 期刊论文18篇,获安徽科学技术进步奖一等奖1项,黄山市科技进步三等奖1项。  主讲课程: 本科生:《食品营养与卫生》《食品农药残留分析》 研究生:《农药残留分析与检测》《茶叶质量与安全》《仪器分析》  标准专利: 制定标准: 1、宛晓春、程静、侯如燕、陈戈、蔡荟梅、王素红、杜先锋、臧爱香.国家推荐性标准GB/T 23379-2009 蔬菜、水果及茶叶中吡虫啉残留的测定-HPLC法 2、宛晓春、侯如燕、蔡荟梅、朱旭君、吴慧平、张正竹、李大祥.农业推荐性标准NY/T 1724-2009 茶叶中吡虫啉残留的测定-HPLC法 授权专利: 1. 侯如燕、焦卫婷、肖昱、郭家刚、宛晓春,一种测定茶叶中多种烟碱农药残留的预处理及其检测方法,专利号:ZL 2014 1 0226018.3, 2016.03.09 2. 侯如燕、宗建法、鲍官虎、凌铁军、张梁,一种名为油茶皂苷C1和油茶皂苷C2的五环三萜类化合物及其制备方法与应用,专利号:ZL2014 1 0676245.6,2016.01.06 3.侯如燕、宗建法、宛晓春、鲍官虎、凌铁军、张梁,一种名为油茶皂苷C4和 C5的五环三萜类化合物的制备方法,ZL2015 1 0779731.5,2017.11.17 4.梁进、杨豆豆、陆宁、侯如燕、宛晓春,一种富硒红茶菌绿茶芝麻酥及其制备方法,专利号: ZL 2013 1 0306435.4,2015 5. 梁进、宛晓春、陆宁、侯如燕、陈素雅,一种富硒绿茶瓜子仁酥及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201210138446.1,2013 6.梁进、宛晓春、侯如燕、胡玉龙,一种苦瓜绿茶降糖含片的制备方法,专利号: ZL2012104016160, 2014 7.梁进、宛晓春、侯如燕,一种超微茶粉八宝茶饮料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL2012105586443, 2014  科研情况: 1、多孔二氧化硅负载型纳米农药在茶叶中的时空分布与代谢动态 (31772076), 国家自然科学研究基金,2018.01-2021.12 2、茶资源综合利用及祁门红茶朔源技术,省特色产业发展项目,安徽省农业委员会(皖财农2016【188】号):2017.01-2018.12 2、安徽茶产业技术体系茶产业拓展研究室岗位专家,安徽省财政厅(皖农科2016 【84】号),2016.01-2020.12 3、香瓜子药香味、氧化改善技术研究, 洽洽食品股份有限公司,2016.10-2017.9 4、新烟碱类农药在茶叶中的代谢谱分析及代谢动态研究,国家自然科学研究基金(31270728),2013.01-2016.12 5、名优茶质量安全控制技术集成、示范与推广,科技部星火计划(子课题合同主持)2012GA710001,2012.01-2014.12  获奖情况: 1.茶叶数字化品控关键技术研究与装备创制,安徽省科学技术进步一等奖,2018, R5 2.全国优秀女茶叶科技工作者, 2018 3.茶叶中吡虫啉农药残留的液相色谱检测方法,第一届中国科协优秀论文遴选技术农林科学农林集群三等奖,2017 4.冷榨茶油精制及综合利用关键技术研究与应用,黄山市科学技术奖三等奖,2010-3 R6




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2019: 1. Yingying Zhang#, Wanjun Gao#, Chuanjian Cui, Zhengzhu Zhang, Lili He, Jinkai Zheng, Ruyan Hou*, Development of a method to evaluate the tenderness of fresh tea leaves based on rapid, in-situ Raman spectroscopy scanning for carotenoids, Food Chem., 2019, 274, 452-459 (SCI,1区,IF:5.399) 2.Meng Fu, Xu Shen, Hui Peng, Qiang Zhou, Jing Yun, Yue Sun, Chi-Tang Ho, Huimei Cai*, Ruyan Hou*.Identification of Rancidity Markers in Roasted Sunflower Seeds Produced from Raw Materials Stored for Different Periods of Time, LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2019,118, 108721 (SCI,1 区,IF:3.714) 3. 高万君,张永志,童蒙蒙,马慧勤,钱珊珊,王天雨,李叶云,吴慧平*,侯如燕*,茶园常用除草剂田间药效试验与残留动态,茶叶科学,2019,39(4):20-32 4. Guoqin Ge#,Weiting Jiao#,Chuanjian Cui,Guangqin Liao,Jun Sun,Ruyan Hou*. Thiamethoxam Metabolism and Metabolic Effects in Cell Suspension Culture of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.),J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019,67,7538-7546 (SCI,1区,IF:3.571) 5.Shuilin Ji, Juzhou Zhang, Gushuai Tao, Chuanyi Peng, Yue Sun, Ruyan Hou*, Huimei Cai*, Influence of heating source on the migration of photoinitiators from packaging materials into Tenax® and popcorn, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2019, 100340 (SCI, 1区,IF:3.84) 6.Weiting Jiao#, Guoqin Ge#, Rimao Hua, Jun Sun, Yeyun Li, Ruyan Hou*, Study on the Metabolism of Six Systemic Insecticides in a Newly Established Cell Suspension Culture Derived from Tea (Camellia Sinensis L.) Leaves,J. Vis. Exp,2019, 148, e59312, doi:10.3791/59312.( (SCI,2区,IF:1.38) 7.Dongxu Wang#, Ruiwen Huo#, Chuanjian Cui#, Qiang Gao, Jianfa Zong, Yijun Wang, Yue Sun, Ruyan Hou*, Anticancer activity and mechanism of total saponins from the residual seed cake of Camellia oleifera Abel. in hepatoma-22 tumor-bearing mice, Food & Function, 2019, 10, 2480-2490 (SCI,1区,IF:3.247) 8.Jie Zhou, Chunmei Li, Zejun Jiang, Lufang Wang, Hang Su, Hui Li, Chao Deng, Qi Wang, Jing Wang, Fen Jin*, Ruyan Hou*. Occurrences of the typical agricultural nonionic surfactants 2 tristyrylphenol ethoxylates in cherries (Cerasus pseudocerasus), 3 peaches (Amygdalus persica), and kiwifruit (Actinidia Chinensis) and 4 the implications of human exposure in China, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019, 67 (10), 2999-3005. (SCI,1区,IF:3.412) 9.Jiagang Guo, Mengmeng Tong, Jie Tang, Hongzheng Bian, Xiaochun Wan, Lili He, Ruyan Hou*. Analysis of multiple pesticide residues in polyphenol-rich agricultural products by UPLC-MS/MS using a modified QuEChERS extraction and dilution method,Food Chem., 2019, 274: 452-459, (SCI,1区,IF:5.399) 10. Chuan-yi Peng, Yan-ling Zhang, Wei Song, Ya-ning Lv, Qian Xu, Ping Zheng, Zhu-zheng Zhang, Xiao-chun Wan, Ru-yan Hou*, Hui-mei Cai*. Using Stable Isotope Signatures to Delineate the Geographic Point‐of‐Origin of Keemun Black Tea,J. Sci. of Food Agri.,2019,99 (5), 2596-2601(SCI, 1区,IF:2.379) 11. Wanjun Gao, Min Yan, Yu Xiao, Yaning Lv, Chuanyi Peng, Xiaochun Wan*, and Ruyan Hou*, Rinsing Tea before Brewing Decreases Pesticide Residues in Tea Infusion, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019, 67,19, 5384-5393 (SCI,1区,IF:3.412) 12. Tianxi Yang, Jeffery J Doherty, Huiyuan Guo, Bin Zhao, John M. Clark, Baoshan Xing, Ruyan Hou, and Lili He*, Real-time monitoring of pesticide translocation in tomato plants by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Anal. Chem. 2019, 91 (3), 2093–2099 (SCI,1区,IF:6.350) 2018: 1. Weiting Jiao, Yizheng Hu, Guoqin Ge, Jianchao Li, Yu Xiao, Huimei Cai, Lili He, Rimao Hua, Jun Sun*, Ruyan Hou*, Comparison of metabolic behavior of six systemic insecticides in a newly established tea (Camellia sinensis L.) leaf-derived cell suspension culture. J. Agric. Food chem. 2018, 66, 8593−8601 (SCI,1区,IF:3.412) 2.Chuanjian Cui, Jianfa Zong, Yue Sun, Liang Zhang, Chi-Tang Ho, Xiaochun Wan, Ruyan Hou*, Triterpenoid saponins from the genus Camellia: structures, biologicalactivities, and molecular simulation for structure–activity relationship, Food & Function., 2018, 9, 3069-3092 (SCI,1区,IF:3.247) 3.Yunru Peng, Qilu Meng, Jie Zhou, Bo Chen, Junjun Xi, Piaopiao Long, Liang Zhang*, Ruyan Hou*, Nanoemulsion delivery system of tea polyphenols enhanced the bioavailability of catechins in rats, Food Chem., 2018, 242, 527-532 (SCI 收录,1区,IF:4.529) 4.Chuan-yi Peng, Xiao-hui Zhu, Ru-yan Hou, Gao-fei Ge, Ri-mao Hua, Xiao-chun Wan, Hui-mei Cai, Aluminum and Heavy Metal Accumulation in Tea Leaves: An Interplay of Environmental and Plant Factors and an Assessment of Exposure Risks to Consumers, Journal of Food Science, 2018,83(4): 1165-1172(1区, IF:2.108) 5.L Cao, X Guo, G Liu, Y Song, CT Ho, R Hou, L Zhang, X Wan, A comparative analysis for the volatile compounds of various Chinese dark teas using combinatory metabolomics and fungal solid-state fermentation, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2018, 26 (1), 112-123(1区, 2.852) 2017: 1.Mengmeng Tong, Wanjun Gao, Weiting Jiao, Jie Zhou, Yeyun Li, Lili He, Ruyan Hou*. The Uptake, Translocation, Metabolism and Distribution of Glyphosate in Non-target Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L.), J. Agric. Food Chem., 2017,65,7638-7646 (SCI收录,1区,IF:3.154) 2.Huimei Cai, Shuilin Ji, Juzhou Zhang, Gushuai Tao, Chuanyi Peng, Ruyan Hou*, Liang Zhang, Yue Sun, Xiaochun Wan*. Migration kinetics of four photoinitiators from paper food packaging to solid food simulants, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2017, 34(9):1632-1642(SCI收录,2区,IF:2.047) 3.Ruyan Hou, Mengmeng Tong, Wanjun Gao, Lei Wang, Tianxi Yang, Lili He*,Investigation of degradation and penetration behaviors of dimethoate on and in spinach leaves using in situ SERS and LC-MS, Food Chem., 2017, 237, 305–311(SCI 收录,1区,IF:4.529) 4.L Xu, G Chen, C Peng, H Qiao, F Ke, R Hou, D Li, H Cai, X Wan,Adsorptive removal of fluoride from drinking water using porous starch loaded with common metal ions, Carbohydrate polymers, 2017,160, 82-89(1区,IF:5.158) 5.H Cai, S Ji, J Zhang, G Shang, G Tao, C Peng, G Chen, R Hou, L Zhang, Determination of 11 photoinitiators and their migration into tea and milk by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MSPD-GC-MS/MS), Analytical Methods 2017,9 (20), 2957-2963(2区) 2016: 1.Ruyan Hou, Zhiyun Zhang, Shintaro Pang, Tianxi Yang, John M. Clark and Lili He. Alteration of the nonsystemic behavior of the pesticide ferbam on tea leaves by engineered gold nanoparticles, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50 (12), 6216–6223(SCI收录,1区,IF:6.198) 2.Weiting Jiao, Yu Xiao, Xiaosan Qian, Mengmeng Tong, Yizheng Hu, Ruyan Hou*, Rimao Hua*. Optimized combination of dilution and refined QuEChERS to overcome matrix effects of six types of tea for determination eight neonicotinoid insecticides by ultra performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandam mass spectrometry. Food Chem., 2016, 210, 26–34(SCI收录,1区,IF:4.529) 3.Jian-Fa Zong, Yun-Ru Peng, Guan-Hu Bao, Ru-Yan Hou*, Xiao-Chun Wan*.Two New Oleanane-type Saponins from Seed Cake of Camellia oleifera Abel. with Anti-proliferative Activity. Molecules, 2016, 21(2),188 (SCI收录,2区,IF:2.465) 4.Jianfa Zong, Dongxu Wang, Weiting Jiao, Liang Zhang, Guanhu Bao, Chi-Tang Ho, Ruyan Hou* and Xiaochun Wan*.Oleiferasaponin C6 from the Seeds of Camellia oleifera Abel.: A novel Compound Inhibits Proliferation through Inducing Cell-Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis on Human Cancer Cell Lines in vitro, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 91386 - 91393(SCI收录,2区,IF:3.289) 5.Tianxi Yang, Zhiyun Zhang, Bin Zhao, Ruyan Hou, Amanda Kinchla, John M Clark, Lili He*. Real-time and in situ monitoring of pesticide penetration in edible leaves by surface-enhanced Raman scattering mapping, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88(10): 5243-5250(SCI收录,1区,IF: 5.886) 6.Tianxi Yang, Bin Zhao, Ruyan Hou, Zhiyun Zhang, Amanda J Kinchla, John M Clark, Lili He*, Evaluation of the Penetration of Multiple Classes of Pesticides in Fresh Produce Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Mapping, J. of Food Sci. 2016, 81(11): 2891-2901 (cover paper, 1区, IF:1.649) 7. Chuan-yi Peng, Hui-mei Cai, Xiao-hui Zhu, Da-xiang Li, Yun-qiu Yang, Ru-yan Hou, Xiao-chun Wan,Analysis of Naturally Occurring Fluoride in Commercial Teas and Estimation of Its Daily Intake through Tea Consumption, Journal of Food Science, 2016, 81(1): H235–H239(1区, IF:2.018) 2015: 1.Ruyan Hou, Weiting Jiao, Yu Xiao, Jiagang Guo, Yaning LV, Huarong Tan, Jingwei Hu, Xiaochun Wan*. Novel use of PVPP in a modified QuEChERS extraction for UPLC-MS/MS analysis of neonicotinoid insecticides in tea. Anal. Methods,2015,7,5521-5529 (SCI收录,2区,IF: 1.821) 2.Ruyan Hou, Shintaro Pang, Lili He*,In situ SERS detection of multi-class insecticides on plant surfaces. Anal. Methods,2015,7,6325-6330 (SCI收录,2区, IF: 1.821) 3.Jianfa Zong, Ruilong Wang, Guanhu Bao, Tiejun Ling, Liang Zhang, Xinfu Zhang, Ruyan Hou*. Novel triterpenoid saponins from residual seed cake of Camellia oleifera Abel. show anti-proliferative activity against tumor cells. Fitoterapia 2015, 104, 7-13 (SCI收录,3区, IF: 2.345) 4.Mengmeng Zhu, Xu Shen, Jianglin Chen, Tingting Yang, Ruyan Hou*. Determination of Volatile Compounds of Chinese Traditional Aromatic Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annulus L.). Int. J. Food Eng. 2015, 11, (1):85-95 (SCI收录,4区,IF:0.497) 2014: 1.Lin Feng, Ming-Jun Gao, Ru-Yan Hou, Xiao-Yi Hu, Liang Zhang, Xiao-Chun Wan, Shu Wei. Determination of quality constituents in the young leaves of albino tea cultivars. Food Chemistry, 2014,(155): 98-104(1区) 2.Hui-mei Cai, Chuan-yi Peng, Jing Chen, Ru-yan Hou, Hong-jian Gao, Xiao-chun Wan. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy surface analysis of fluoride stress in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) leaves, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2014, 158, 11-15(1区) 2013: 1.Ru-Yan Hou, Wei-Ting Jiao, Xiao-San Qian, Xiao-Hui Wang, Yu Xiao, and Xiao-Chun Wan*. Effective extraction method for determination of neonicotinoid residues in tea. J. Agric. Food Chem 2013, 61, 12565−12571 (SCI收录,1区,IF:3.107) 2.Ru-Yan Hou, Jin-Feng Hu, Xiao-San Qian, Ting Su, Xiao-Hui Wang, Xiu-Xia Zhao Xiao-Chun Wan. Comparison of the dissipation behaviour of three neonicotinoid insecticides in tea. Food Addit. Contam. Part A,2013, 30(10): 1761-1769 (SCI收录,2区,IF:2.234) 3.J Yu, F Guo, YQ Yang, HH Gao, RY Hou, XC Wan, Synthesis of the enantiomers of (3Z, 9Z)-cis-6, 7-epoxy-3, 9-octadecadiene, one of the major components of the sex pheromone of Ectropis oblique Prout,Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,2017, 28 (6), 758-761(4区) 4.Xuelong Ma, Jiangyu Fang, Xiaochun Wan, Ruyan Hou, Wanyou Liao. Lead Absorption by Tea Leaves and its Distribution in Tea, Plants Life Science Journal, 2013,10(3):1245-1251(非) 5.Tie-Jun Ling, Xiao-Chun Wan, Wei-Wei Ling, Zheng-Zhu Zhang, Tao Xia, Da-Xiang Li, Ru-Yan Hou. New Triterpenoids and Other Constituents from a Special Microbial-Fermented Tea; Fuzhuan Brick Tea. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010, 58, 4945-4950(1区)
