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张颖异,男,1985年12月出生,甘肃平凉人,工学博士,副教授。2015年博士毕业于东北大学和钢铁研究总院(联合培养),2015至2017年在重庆大学从事博士后科研工作,任讲师。自2018年1月起以“青年英才”形式进入安徽工业大学从事教学科研工作,兼任中国金属学会铁合金分会专家库专家和IntechOpen出版社编辑。主要从事炼铁新工艺开发、冶金固废综合利用以及金属基复合材料制备等领域的研究。发表学术论文50余篇,其中被 SCI/EI 收录论文20余篇,授权发明专利11项,实用新型专利3项。近年来,作为科研骨干参加国家科技支撑计划2项,参加科技部国际合作与交流专项和“十三五”重点研发计划项目各1项,参加国家自然科学基金项目6项,主持中央高校基本科业务费专项、中国博士后科学基金、国家自然科学基金、十三五重点研发计划子项目和子课题各1项,累计主持和主研科研项目20余项。


(1)炼铁新工艺开发; (2)冶金固废综合利用; (3)金属基复合材料制备


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Y.Y. Zhang*, W.J. Ni, Y.G. Li. Effect of SiliconizingTemperature on Microstructure and Phase Constitution of Mo–MoSi2 FunctionallyGraded Materials[J]. Ceramics International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.03.136. 2. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.G. Li, C.G. Bai. Microstructure and OxidationBehavior of Si–MoSi2 Functionally Graded Coating on Mo Substrate[J].Ceramics International. 2017, 43(8): 6250-6256. 3. Y.Y. Zhang*, W. Lv, X.W. Lv*, C.G. Bai, K.X. Han, B. Song.Oxidation Kinetic of Ilmenite Concentrate by Non-isothermal ThermogravimetricAnalysis[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International. 2017, 24 (7): 678-684. 4. Y.Y. Zhang*, W. Lv, X.W. Lv, S.P. Li, C.G. Bai. IsothermalReduction Kinetics of Panzhihua Ilmenite Concentrate Under 30%CO–70% N2Atmosphere[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials.2017, 24 (7): 240-248. 5. Y.Y. Zhang*, W. Lv, Y.H. Qi, Z.S. Zou. Recovery of Iron and Calcium Aluminate SlagFrom High-ferrous Bauxite by High Temperature Reduction and Smelting Process[J].International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 2016, 23: 881-890. 6. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.H. Qi, Z.S. Zou. Recycling of High Ferrous Bauxite Reducing Slagfor Synthesis of CaAl2Si2O8-Al2O3-CaAl12O19Composite[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International. 2016, 23: 1255-1261. 7. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.G. Li, Y.H. Qi, Z.S. Zou. Microstructure and Phase TransformationBehavior of Mo-MoSi2 Gradient Material[J]. Rare Metals. 2015,34(11): 808-813. 8. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.G. Li, X.F. Shi, Y.H. Qi, Effect of Liquid-phase SiliconizingProcess on Silicon Diffusion Behavior in Mo matrix[J]. High TemperatureMaterials and Processes. 2014, 33(5): 421-426. 9. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.G. Li, Y.H. Qi. The Characters of Mo-MoSi2 FunctionallyGraded Coating[J]. High Temperature Materials and Process. 2014, 33(3):239-244. 10. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.H. Qi, X.F. Shi, X.L. Cheng, Z.S. Zou. Reduction and MeltingBehavior of Carbon Composite Lateritic Bauxite Pellets[J]. InternationalJournal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 2014, 22(4): 381-388. 11. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.H. Qi, Z.S. Zou. Mineralogical and Geochemical of the Guigang Salento-TypeBauxite Deposits, Western Guangxi, China[J]. Acta Geodynamica Et Geomaterialia.2014, 11(4): 371-377. 12. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.G. Li, X.F. Shi, Y.H. Qi, Z.S. Zou. Three point bending behavior ofMo-MoSi2 functionally gradient material[J]. Transactions of Materialsand Heat Treatment, 2014, 35: 1-4. 13. W. Lv, X.W. Lv*, Y.Y.Zhang, S.P. Li. Isothermal oxidation kinetics of ilmenite concentratepowder from Panzhihua in air[J]. Powder Technology. 2017, 320: 239-248. 14. W.Lv, X.W. Lv*, J.Y.Xiang, Y.Y. Zhang, C.G. Bai. A novel process to prepare high-titaniumslag by carbothermic reduction of pre-oxidized ilmenite concentrate with theaddition of Na2SO4[J]. International Journal of MineralProcessing. 2017, 167: 68-78. 15. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.H. Qi, Z.S. Zou. Early Stage HydrationProperties of Calcium Aluminosilicate Slag[A]. 6th International Conference onAdvanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering[C]. June23th-24th.Zhuhai, China, 2016. 16. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.H. Qi, Z.S. Zou, Y.G. Li. DevelopmentProspect of Rotary Hearth Furnace Process in China[A]. 2013 Asian PacificConference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering[C]. May 22th-25th,Beijing, China, 2013. 17. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.G. Li, J. Chen, Y. Tian. Progress inResearch on Mo-MoSi2 Functionally Gradient Material[A]. 2011International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology[C].July 29th-31th, Sanya, China, 2011. 18. Y.Y. Zhang*, Y.G. Li, K. Zhang. Research andDevelopment of High Temperature Electrothermal Materials[A]. 2011 internationalConference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology[C]. October 28th-30th,Chengdu, China, 2011. 19. W. Lv, Y.Y. Zhang,G.Q. Fan, K. Tang, X.W. Lv. Effects of Pre-oxidation and Additive onCarbothermic Reduction of Ilmenite Concentrate[A]. 8th International Symposiumon High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing[C]. February 9th-12th,San Diego, America, 2017. 20. S.P. Li, X.W. Lv*, .G.Q.Fan, Y.Y. Zhang, W. Lv. Dependence of Ti2O3 andTemperatures on Electrical Conductivity of TiO2-FeO-Ti2O3slags[A]. 8th International Symposium on High-Temperature MetallurgicalProcessing[C]. February 9th-12th, San Diego, America, 2017. 专利: 1. 张颖异,吕学伟,白晨光,等. 一种外热式的煤基直接还原‑熔分炉熔融还原炼铁工艺,ZL201510614043.3(授权); 2. 张颖异,高建军,齐渊洪,等.一种复合高温耐火材料及其制造方法,ZL201410647375.7(授权); 3. 张颖异,高建军,齐渊洪,等. 水泥熟料及其制备方法,ZL201410740011.3(授权); 4. 张颖异,李运刚,赵杰. 一种Mo-C-N-Si-Nb梯度涂层材料及其制备方法,ZL201210351285.4(授权); 5. 张颖异,齐渊洪,郭玉华,等.一种高铁铝土矿生产金属粒铁和氧化铝的方法,ZL201310225153.1(授权); 6. 张颖异,李运刚,赵杰,等. 一种钼及其合金的连续镀硅工艺,ZL201310226315.3(授权); 7. 张颖异,吕学伟,吕炜,等. 一种金属化焙烧过程中的球团包衣料和防粘结方法,CN201610282949.4(授权); 8. 张颖异,吕炜,吕学伟,等. 一种W-WSi2功能梯度材料及其制备方法,CN201610381120.X; 9. 张颖异,白晨光. 一种CH4还原碳化WO3制备WC粉体的方法,CN201710458570.9; 10. 高建军,张颖异,王海风,等. 直接利用粉矿熔融还原炼铁的方法,ZL201410779305.7(授权); 11. 吕学伟,张颖异,邱杰. 液态合金干法粒化及甲烷水蒸气重整余热回收装置和方法,CN201610381126.7; 12. 吕学伟,胡凯,张颖异,等.一种电炉冶炼钛渣的冶炼终点判断系统及方法,CN201610803499.9; 13. 师学峰,徐洪军,张颖异,等. 高磷鲕状赤铁矿气基直接还原-磨矿磁选的炼铁工艺,ZL201510661519.9(授权); 14. 吕学伟,邱杰,张颖异,等.镍铁合金干法粒化及甲烷水蒸气重整余热回收装置和方法,ZL201610381128.6(授权); 15. 李运刚,蔡幸福,张颖异,等. Ni-W梯度材料及其制备方法,CN201210192202.1; 16. 师学峰,徐洪军,张颖异,等.高磷鲕状赤铁矿气基直接还原-磨矿磁选的炼铁系统,ZL201520792442.4(授权); 17. 吕学伟,贺文超,邱杰,张颖异,等.一种金属颗粒制备装置和制备方法,ZL201610659451.5(授权); 18. 吕学伟,贺文超,邱杰,党杰,张颖异,等.一种采用循环空气为介质制备金属颗粒并回收热量的装置和方法,CN201610658500.3(授权); 19. 吕学伟,严志明,邓青宇,徐健,党杰,张颖异,等. 一种高温熔体表面张力测量装置及测量方法,CN201610657101.5; 20. 徐洪军,周和敏,郭玉华,王锋,王海风,高建军,张颖异,等. 用于还原金属化球团的熔分系统,ZL201520123735.3(授权)。
