(40)Lixin QIAN, Tiejun CHUN*, HongmingLONG*,Qingmin MENG. A Novel Detection of Assimilation Characteristic of IronOres: Dynamic Resistance Measurements, International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials, 2020, 27(1):18-25.
(39)穆固天,春铁军*,朱梦飞,王臻,龙红明. 铁矿烧结过程微细颗粒物排放行为. 钢铁,2019, 54(7):17-24.
(38)朱梦飞,李东升,谢运强,甘牧原,春铁军*. 燃料特性对铁矿烧结过程NO排放行为的影响,烧结球团,2019,44(2):58-62.
(37)Tiejun CHUN, Gutian Mu, Qingmin MENG*,Hongming LONG*, Ping WANG , Chuanguang BI. Preparation of MgO added iron orepellets and effects on a pilot scale blast furnace operation. Journal ofMining Metallurgy Section B-Metallurgy, 2019, 55(2)B:167-175.
(36)王臻,春铁军*,李东升,宁超,穆固天,朱梦飞,龙红明. 高磷铁矿含碳团块直接还原动力学,过程工程学报,2018, 18(3): 530-536 .
(35)李东升,春铁军*,王臻,宁超,穆固天,朱梦飞,龙红明. 高磷铁矿含碳团块直接还原-磁选提铁,过程工程学报,2018, 18(2): 375-381 .
(34)LixinQIAN, Tiejun CHUN*, Hongming LONG*, Jiaxin LI, Zhanxia DI, QingminMENG, Ping WANG. Emission reduction research and development of PCDD/Fs in theiron ore sintering. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2018,117:82-91.
(33)Tiejun CHUN, Gutian MU, Zhanxia DI*, Hongming LONG*, Chao Ning,Dongsheng LI. Recoveryof iron from copper slag by carbothermic reduction and magnetic separation inthe presence of CaO. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2018, 63(1):299-305.
(32)Tiejun CHUN, Hongming Long*, ZhanxiaDI, Qingmin MENG, Ping WANG. Preparation of direct reduction sponge iron(DRI)using pyrite cinder containing nonferrous metals. High Temperature MaterialsProcessing, 2017, 36(10):971-978.
(31)Hongming LONG, TiejunCHUN*, Zhanxia DI*, Qingmin MENG, Ping WANG. Effects of Mill Scales onthe Combustion Characteristics of pulverized coals Metallurgical Research &Technology,2017, 114, 514-518.
(30)Tiejun CHUN, Dongsheng LI, Zhanxia DI *, Hongming LONG*, LeiTANG, Feng LI, Yafei LI. Recovery of iron from red mud by High temperaturereduction of carbon-bearing briquettes. The Journal of The Southern AfricanInstitute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2017, 117:361-364.
(29)Tiejun CHUN, Hongming Long*, Zhanxi DI, Xiangyang ZHANG, XuejianWU, Lixin QIAN. Novel technology of reducing SO2 emission in theiron ore sintering. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2017,105:297-302.
(28) Zhanxia DI, Tiejun CHUN*, HongmingLONG*,Qingmin MENG, Ping WANG, Jialong YANG. Study on the effects of catalyston combustion characteristics of pulverized coal. Metallurgical Research& Technology, 2017, 114:104-115.
(27)Tiejun CHUN, Hongming LONG*, ZhanxiaDI*, Ping WANG, Qingmin MENG. Influence of microwave heating on the microstructuresof iron ore pellets with coal during reduction. Ironmaking&Steelmaking,2017, 44(7):486-491.
(26) Hong-ming LONG, Xue-jian WU, Tie-jun CHUN*,Jia-xin LI, Ping WANG, Qing-min MENG, Zhan-xia DI, Xiang-yang ZHANG, Mechanismon Selective Desulphurization in Iron Ores Sintering Process with Adding Urea. HighTemperature Materials Processing, 2017, 36(2):183-188..
(25)Hongming LONG, Xuejian WU, TiejunCHUN*, Zhanxia DI, Ping WANG, Qingmin MENG, A pilot-scale study ofselective desulphurization during the iron ore sintering with adding urea. International Journal ofMinerals, Metallurgy and Materials,2016,23(11):1239-1243.
(24) Hongming LONG, Xuejian WU,Tiejun CHUN*,Zhanxia DI, Bin YU. Assimilation Behavior of Calcium Ferrite and CalciumDiferrite with Sintered Al2O3 and MgO. Metallurgicaland Materials Transaction B, 2016, 47(5):2830-2836..
(23)Hongming LONG, QingminMENG, Tiejun CHUN*, Ping WANG, Jiaxin Li. Preparation of metalliciron powder from copper slag by carbothermic reduction and magnetic separation,Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2016, 55(3):338-344.
(22)Tiejun CHUN, Chao NING, Hongming LONG*, JiaxinLI, Jialong YANG, MineralogicalCharacterization of Copper Slag from Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group China, JOM,2016, 68(9):2323-2340.
(21)Tiejun CHUN, Deqing ZHU. OxidizingRoasting Performances of Coke Fines Bearing Brazilian Specularite Pellets.HighTemperature Materials and Processes, 2016, 35(6):615-620.
(20) Hongming LONG,Tiejun CHUN*, Ping WANG,Qingmin MENG, Zhanxia DI, JiaxinLI, Grinding Kinetics of vanadium-titanium magnetiteconcentrate in a damp mill and its properties, Metallurgical andMaterials Transaction B, 2016, 47(3), 1765-1772.
(19)春铁军,吴雪健,宁超,龙红明. 菱铁矿磁化焙烧与磁选分离制备铁精矿. 过程工程学报,2016,16(2):233-237.
(18) Hongming Long, Tiejun Chun*, Zhanxia Di, PingWang, Qingmin Meng, Jiaxin Li, Preparation of Metallic Iron Powder from PyriteCinder byCarbothermic Reduction and Magnetic Separation. Metals, 2016,6(4):88-96.
(17) Hongming Long, Xiaolong Chen, Tiejun Chun*,Qingmin Meng, Ping Wang. Sulfur Balance Calculation of New DesulfurizationTechnology in the Iron Ore Sintering Process, Metallurgical Research &Technology, 2016, 107:113-118.
(16)Hongming LONG, Qingmin MENG, PingWANG, Tiejun CHUN*, Yonglin YAO. Preparation of Chromium-ironMetal Powder from Chromium Slag by Reduction Roasting and Magnetic Separation, Journalof Iron and Steel Research International, 2015, 22(9): 771-776.
(15)Tiejun CHUN,Hongming LONG*, Jiaxin LI. Alumina-Iron Separation of High AluminaIron Ore by Carbothermic Reduction and Magnetic Separation. SeparationScience and Technology, 2015, 50(5):760-766.
(14)Tiejun CHUN, Deqing ZHU. New Processof Pellets-Metallized Sintering Process (PMSP) to Treat Zinc-Bearing Dust fromIron and Steel Company. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2015,46(1): 1-4.
(13)TiejunCHUN,Deqing ZHU, Jian PAN. Simultaneously Roasting and Magnetic Separation to TreatLow Grade Siderite and Hematite Ores. Mineral Processing and ExtractiveMetallurgy Review, 2015, 36(4):223-226.
(12)Tiejun CHUN, Deqing ZHU, Jian PAN, ZhenHe. Recovery of Alumina from Magnetic Separation Tailings of Red Mud by Na2CO3Solution Leaching. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2014,45(3): 827-832.
(11)Tiejun CHUN, Deqing ZHU, Jian PAN,Zhen He. Preparation of Metallic Iron Powder from Red Mud by Sodium SaltRoasting and Magnetic Separation. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly,2014, 53(2):183-189.
(10)朱德庆,肖永忠,春铁军*,潘建*. 低品位赤铁矿直接还原过程中铁晶粒长大行为. 中国有色金属学报,2013, 23(11): 3242-3247.
(9)Deqing ZHU, Tiejun CHUN*,Jian PAN, Jinliang ZHANG. Influence of Basicity and MgO Content onMetallurgical Performances of Brazilian Specularite Pellets. InternationalJournal of Mineral Processing, 2013, 125:51-60.
(8) Deqing ZHU, Zhiyong RUAN, Tiejun CHUN*, JianPAN. Utilization of High Sulfur Raw Materials in Iron Ore pellets. Journalof Iron and Steel Research International, 2013, 20(10): 32-38.
(7)Deqing ZHU, TiejunCHUN*, Jian PAN, Zhengqi GUO. Preparation of Oxidised Pellets UsingPyrite Cinders as Raw Material. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2013,40(6): 430-435.
(6)Deqing ZHU, TiejunCHUN*, Jian PAN, Liming LU, Zhen HE. Upgrading and Dephosphorization ofWestern Australian Iron Ore Using Reduction Roasting by Adding SodiumCarbonate. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials,2013, 20(6): 505-513.
(5) Deqing ZHU, Tiejun CHUN*, Jian PAN, Zhen HE.Recovery of Iron from High-Iron Red Mud by Reduction Roasting with AddingSodium Salt. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2012,19(8): 1-5.
(4)Tiejun CHUN,Deqing ZHU, Jian PAN.Influence of Sulfur Content in Raw Materials on Oxidized Pellets. Journal ofCentral South University of Technology, 2011, 18(6): 1924-1929.
(3)朱德庆,春铁军*,潘建. 低品位赤铁矿球团成核剂强化还原机理研究.北京科技大学学报,2011,33(11):1325-1330.
(2)ZhuDeqing, MendesVinicius, ChunTiejun*, PanJian, LiQihou, LiJian, QiuGuanzhou. Direct reduction behaviors ofcomposite binder magnetite pellets in coal-based grate-rotary kiln process. ISIJ International, 2011, 51(2): 214-219.
(1)朱德庆,春铁军*,潘建, 危雪梅. 某高磷铁矿提铁降磷研究. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2011,42(3):568-573.
(5)春铁军,吴雪健,钱立新,龙红明,宁超,李家新,狄瞻霞,王平,孟庆民. 一种团聚法抑制烧结过程微细颗粒物排放的方法,专利号:ZL201610288689.1,授权公告日:2018年12月4日
(2)春铁军,吴雪健,龙红明,宁超,钱立新,李东升,狄瞻霞,李家新,王平,孟庆民. 一种抑制铁矿烧结烟气微细颗粒物减排的团聚剂的制备方法,专利号:ZL201610288686.8,授权公告日:2018年1月30日