1979-83年 杭州大学化学系本科毕业(无机化学)
1983-86年 中科院上海有机所硕士研究生毕业(物理有机)
1986-87年 香港中文大学进修研究生(有机合成)
1987-92年 阿尔伯达大学 (University of Alberta,加拿大)化学系博士研究生毕业(物理有机、自由基化学)
1993-99年 多伦多大学化学系与医学院、阿尔伯达大学生化系、加州大学圣地亚哥分校化学与生化系博士后工作 (生物化学与生物医学)
1999年- 南开大学化学学院 课题组长(1999年副教授、2004年教授、2006年以来博士生导师、2008年同济大学短期任教)
(一)金属神经化学 (有机化学专业)
C. M. Yang, Biometal Binding-Site Mimicry with Modular, Hetero-Bifunctionally Modified Architecture Encompassing a Trp/His Motif: Insights into Spatiotemporal Noncovalent Interactions from a Comparative Spectroscopic Study. Dalton Trans 2011, 40, 3008-3027.(RSC)
C. M. Yang, J. Zhang, Insights into Intramolecular Trp and His Side-Chain Orientation and Stereospecific Interactions Surrounding Metal Centers: An Investigation Using Protein Metal-Site Mimicry in Solution. Chem.-Eur. J. 2010, 16, 10854 - 10865.( Wiley-VCH)
C. M. Yang, X. Li, W. Wei, Y. Li, Z. Duan, J. Zheng, and T. Huang, Dissecting the general physicochemical properties of noncovalent interactions involving tyrosine side chain as a second-shell ligand in biomolecular metal-binding site mimetics: An experimental study combining fluorescence, 13C NMR and ESI-MS spectroscopy. Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 3120-3130. ( Wiley-VCH)
Y. Li, C. M. Yang, A tryptophan-containing open-chain framework for tuning a high selectivity for Ca2+ and 13C NMR observation of a Ca2+-indole interaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 3527-3530.(ACS)
Y. Li, C. M. Yang, A rationally designed novel receptor for probing cooperative interaction between metal ions and bivalent tryptophan side chain in solution. Chem. Commun. 2003 (23): 2884-2885.(RSC)
C. M. Yang, On the structural regularity in nucleobases and amino acids and relationship to the origin and evolution of the genetic code. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biospheres, 2005, 35, 275-295. (Springer:国际生命起源与进化学会主刊)
C. M. Yang,On the 28-gon symmetry inherent in the genetic code intertwined with aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases - The Lucas series. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2004, 66,1241-1257.(Elsevier: 国际数学生物学学会主刊; 主编: 牛津大学)
C. M. Yang, Molecular versus atomic information logic behind the genetic coding contents, Advances in Bioinformatics & its Applications, pp554-562. (Math. Biol. & Med. Series, Vol.8, World Scientific. 2005)
C. M. Yang, Chemistry and the polyhedral symmetry of the genetic Code,The Journal of the Symmetrion Symmetry: Culture and Science, 2001, 12 (Nos. 3-4) 331-347.(国际对称学会主办, 匈牙利布达佩斯)