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教育背景 1993-09--1996-09 北京理工大学电子工程系 攻读博士学位 1990-09--1993-07 哈尔滨理工大学电气工程系 攻读硕士学位 1986-09--1990-07 天津纺织工学院自动化系 攻读学士学位 出国学习工作 2001 年美国堪萨斯城密苏里大学访问学者 工作简历 2021-04~2022-05,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院, 研究员 2015-01~2018-04,中国科学院大学工程计算中心, 主任 2012-05~2014-12,中国科学院大学, 副校长 2008-07~2012-05,研究生院, 副院长 2002-03~2008-07,研究生院计算与通信工程学院, 常务副院长 1998-12~2002-02,研究生院信息科学与工程学院, 教师 1996-09~1998-12,清华大学汽车工程系, 博士后 社会兼职 2013-11-28-2016-11-29,全国会计信息化标准化技术委员会, 副主任委员 2013-04-01-2018-03-31,九三学社中央科技专门委员会, 委员




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Dongbo Yu, Jun Xiao, Ying Wang. Efficient Lightweight Surface Reconstruction Method from Rock-Mass Point Clouds. Remote Sensing[J]. 2022, 14: 刘鲁鹏, 肖俊, 王云标, 卢政达, 王颖. A Novel Rock-Mass Point Cloud Registration Method Based on Feature Line Extraction and Feature Point Matching. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing[J]. 2022, Yunfan Lu, Yifan Hu, Jun Xiao, Lupeng Liu, Long Zhang, Ying Wang, Qiangqiang Yuan. Three-Dimensional Model of the Moon with Semantic Information of Craters Based on Chang’e Data. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)[J]. 2021, 21(3) Cheng, Xiao Long, Liu, Lu Peng, Xiao, Jun, Zhang, Qi Hua, Xue, Jian, Wang, Ying, 刘鲁鹏. A General Block Stability Analysis Algorithm for Arbitrary Block Shapes. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE[J]. 2021, 9 Lu, Zhengda, Guo, Jianwei, Xiao, Jun, Wang, Ying, Zhang, Xiaopeng, Yan, DongMing. Extracting Cycle-aware Feature Curve Networks from 3D Models. COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN[J]. 2021, 131 Lu, Yunfan, Hu, Yifan, Xiao, Jun, Liu, Lupeng, Zhang, Long, Wang, Ying. Three-Dimensional Model of the Moon with Semantic Information of Craters Based on Chang'e Data. SENSORS[J]. 2021, 21(3) Yifan Hu, Jun Xiao, Lupeng Liu, Long Zhang, Ying Wang. Detection of Small Impact Craters via Semantic Segmenting Lunar Point Clouds Using Deep Learning Network. REMOTE SENSING[J]. 2021, 13(9) Wang, Yunbiao, Xu, Shibiao, Xiao, Jun, Wang, Feipeng, Wang, Ying, Liu, Lupeng. Accurate Rock-Mass Extraction From Terrestrial Laser Point Clouds via Multiscale and Multiview Convolutional Feature Representation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING[J]. 2021, 59(5): 4430-4443, Hu, Liang, Xiao, Jun, Wang, Ying. Efficient and automatic plane detection approach for 3-D rock mass point clouds. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS[J]. 2020, 79(1-2): 839-864, Hu, Liang, Xiao, Jun, Wang, Ying. An automatic 3D registration method for rock mass point clouds based on plane detection and polygon matching. VISUAL COMPUTER[J]. 2020, 36(4): 669-681, Dongbo Yu, Jun Xiao, Ying Wang. High-Precision Plane Detection Method for Rock-Mass Point Clouds Based on Supervoxel. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 2020, 20(15) 胡亮, 肖俊, 王颖. 基于多维度特征和MLP的岩体点云植被滤波方法. 中国科学院大学学报[J]. 2020, 37(3): 345-351, Yaru XIAN, Jun XIAO, Ying WANG. A fast registration algorithm of rock point cloud based on spherical projection and feature extraction. 中国计算机科学前沿:英文版[J]. 2019, 13(1): 170-182, Xian, Yaru, Xiao, Jun, Wang, Ying. A fast registration algorithm of rock point cloud based on spherical projection and feature extraction. FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE[J]. 2019, 13(1): 170-182, Lupeng Liu, Jun Xiao, Ying Wang. Major Orientation Estimation-Based Rock Surface Extraction for 3D Rock-Mass Point Clouds. Remote Sensing[J]. 2019, 11(6): 吴仲琦, 郭建伟, 肖俊, 曾祥永, 王颖, 严冬明. 基于二次曲面拟合的机械模型交互式分割方法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报[J]. 2019, 31(7): 1210-1220, Wang, Feipeng, Xiao, Jun, Wang, Ying. Efficient Rock-Mass Point Cloud Registration Using n-Point Complete Graphs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING[J]. 2019, 57(11): 9332-9343, Liu, Lupeng, Xiao, Jun, Wang, Ying. A Survey: Plane Detection Algorithms of Rock Mass based on Hough Transform. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications(ICAICA)null. 2019, 卢政达, Jianwei Guo, Wang Ying. Feature Curve Network Extraction via Quadric Surface Fitting. Pacific Graphicsnull. 2019, 王飞鹏, 肖俊, 王颖, 王云标. 一种基于高斯曲率的ICP 改进算法. 中国科学院大学学报[J]. 2019, 36(5): 702-708,
