[1] Yong Wang, Zhiqiu Huang, et al, Lightweight Fault localization Combined with Fault-context to Improve Fault Absolute Rank, SCIENCE CHINA information Sciences,60(9),2017(中国科学英文版)(SCI,EI收录) (CCF B类)
[2] Yong Wang, Zhiqiu Huang, et al, Spectrum-based Fault Localization Via Enlarging Non-fault Region to Improve Fault Absolute Ranking, IEEE Access, 2018.1.23, pp(99): 8925 ~ 8933 (SCI, EI收录)
[3] Yong Wang, et al, Spectrum-based Fault Localization Using Fault Triggering Model to Refine Fault Ranking List, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems. Vol.E101-D,No.10:2436-2446 ,Oct. 2018. (SCI, EI收录)
[4] Yong Wang, et al., Spectrum-based Fault Localization Framework to Support Fault Understanding, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.E102-D,No.4,Apr. 2019. (SCI, EI收录)
[5] Yong Wang, X. Chen, W. Zhou, X. Liu, J. Li and G. Lu, Using Algebra Graph Representation to Detect Pairwise-Constraint Software Faults, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 184550-184559, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3029094. (SCI, EI收录)
[6] Yong Wang, et al., Pinpoint Minimal Failure-inducing Mode Using Itemset Mining Under Constraints, International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE),14(6), 2018 (EI收录)
[7] Yong Wang, et al., From Predicate Testing to Identify Fault Location for Safety-Critical Software, International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE),14(9), 2018 (EI收录)
[8] Yong Wang,Zhiqiu Huang. Weighted Control Flow Subgraph to Support Debugging Activities, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security,QRS2016(EI收录)(CCF C类会议)
[9] Yong Wang,Zhiqiu Huang. Lightweight Fault Localization Combining with Fault-context, International Conference on Software Analysis, Testing and Evolution. The Annual Conference on Software Analysis, Testing and Evolution (SATE2016). ( EI收录)
[10] Yong Wang, et al., Bug Patterns Localization Based on Topic Model for Bugs in Program Loop, QRS2018,(EI收录) (CCF C类会议)
[11] Yong Wang, et al. Lightweight Fault Localization using Weighted Dynamic Control Flow Subgraph [J]. Int J Performability Eng, 2020, 16(2): 214-222.
[12] 王勇,黄志球,韦良芬,等.基于组合故障频繁树的最小失效诱因模式定位方法[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2018,48(2)(EI收录)
[13] 王勇,黄志球,韦良芬,卢桂馥.基于故障森林的组合测试故障定位研究[J].中国科学技术大学学报,2018(01):28-34.(CSCD收录)
[14] 王勇,卢桂馥,基于最大间距MFA的鉴别分析,光电工程,38(2)(2011)56-60(CSCD收录)
[15] Yong Wang,Zhong-que Wang. Fault-tolerance Research for Mobile Component Application Based on Check-pointing, Process of 2011 International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications,2011.8 (EI收录)
[16] Gui-Fu Lu, Yong Wang, Jian Zou. Low-Rank Matrix Factorization With Adaptive Graph Regularizer. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 25(5): 2196-2205 (2016)(SCI,EI收录)(CCF A类)
[17] Gui-Fu Lu,Yong Wang, Feature extraction using a fast null space based linear discriminate analysis algorithm, Information Sciences, 193 (6) (2012) 72-80 (SCI,EI收录)(CCF B 类).
[18] Gui-Fu Lu, Yong Wang, Jian Zou, Graph maximum margin criterion for face recognition, Neural Processing Letters, 44(2), 387-405, 2016 (SCI, EI收录).
[19] Gui-Fu Lu, Yong Wang, Jian Zou, Improved complete neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition, IET Computer Vision, 7 (1) (2013) 71-79 (SCI,EI收录).
[20] Gui-Fu Lu,Jian Zou, Yong Wang, Incremental learning of discriminate common vectors for feature extraction, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (22) (2012) 11269-11278 (SCI, EI收录).
[21] Gui-Fu Lu,Jian Zou, Yong Wang, Incremental complete LDA for face recognition, Pattern Recognition, 45 (7) (2012) (2510-2521) (SCI, EI收录)(CCF B类)
[22] Gui-Fu Lu,Jian Zou, Yong Wang, Incremental learning of complete linear discriminant analysis for face recognition, Knowledge-based Systems, 31 (7) (2012) 19-27 (SCI, EI收录)(CCF B类).
[23] Gui-Fu Lu, Jian Zou, Yong Wang, Zhongqun Wang, L1-norm-based principal component analysis with adaptive regularization, Pattern Recognition, 60(12),901-907, 2016 (SCI, EI收录)(CCF B类)
[24] 房丙午,黄志球,李勇,王勇. 基于贝叶斯网络的复杂系统动态故障树定量分析方法[J]. 电子学报,2016,(05):1234-1239.(EI收录)
[25] 李勇,黄志球,王勇,房丙午. 基于多源数据的跨项目软件缺陷预测[J]. 吉林大学学报(工学版),2016,(06):2034-2041.(EI收录)
[26] 李勇,黄志球,王勇,房丙午. 数据驱动的软件缺陷预测研究综述[J]. 电子学报,2017,(04):982-988.(EI收录)