1.生物分析化学; 2.半导体纳米化学; 3.分子光谱及分析。主要包括:1)半导体纳米量子点的合成,光学及光谱特性,以及量子点在发光材料,纳米器件,生物传感和生物探针方面的应用。2)小分子与生物大分子(如DNA,蛋白质)的相互作用,识别及机理。
Wenying Zhong, Jun-Sheng Yu, Wenlong Huang, Qunyi Ni, Yingqiu Liang Spectroscopic studies of the investigation of chorobenzylidine with DNA Biopolymers, 62 (2001) 315-323.
Zhou-Sheng Yang, Jun-Sheng Yu, Hong-Yuan Chen Influence of several factors on potential modulated DNA cleavage by the Cu(en)2+ and Cu(EDTA)2- complexes J.Electroanal. Chem. 530 (2002)68-74.
Wenying Zhong, Yuchun Wang, Jun-Sheng Yu, Yingqiu Liang, et al The interaction of human serum albumin with a novel antidiabetic agent-SU-118 J. Pharm. Sci. 93(2004)1039-1046.
Da-Wei Deng, Jun-Sheng Yu, Yi Pan Water-soluble CdSe and CdSe/CdS nanocrystals: A greener synthetic route J. of Colloid and Interface Science,299(2006)225-232.