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Academic Appointment Assistant Professor Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL, 2018-Present Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Education and Training Postdoctoral Research Associate; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (with Dr. Jun Liu and Dr. Yong Wang), Richland WA (2013-2017) Ph.D. in Chemistry; Duke University (with Prof. Jie Liu), Durham NC (2013) B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering (major) and B.S. in Chemistry (major); Shandong University (with Prof. Houyi Ma), Shandong, China (2008) Selected Awards 1. Nanoscale Emerging Investigator Award (nominated, 2023) 2. Program Chair (elected), Division of Energy and Fuels, American Chemical Society (2023) 3. Doctoral New Investigator Award, American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (2021) 4. Outstanding performance award, PNNL (2013) 5. Nanoscience program fellowship, Duke University (2009, 2010) 6. Distinguished graduate honor of Shandong Province, China (2008) 7. National scholarship of China (2007) 8. Excellent student award of Shandong Province (2005) 9. First-class, excellent student scholarship of Shandong University (2004, 2006, 2007) 10. Second-class, excellent student scholarship of Shandong University (2005)


We aim to develop novel energy materials that are meaningful for the next generation electrical energy storage and conversion. We perform fundamental research on understanding how the interplays between surface chemistry and electrochemical potential direct the formation, transformation and stabilization of energy materials, and developing innovative approaches to synthesize materials with structure and property controlled across multiple length scale.We study the applications of these novel materials by assembling and testing various electrochemical devices particularly batteries and fuel cells. Some applications that we are currently interested in are high energy density rechargeable batteries and electrocatalysts that convert electricity into energy-dense liquid fuels.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhang, H.; Song, B.; Zhang, W.; Cheng, Y.; Chen, Q.; Lu, K. “Activation of MoS2 Monolayer Electrocatalysts via Reduction and Phase Control for Selective Hydrogenation of Nitrogen to Ammonia ” Chemical Science, 2022, In press Zhang, H.; Shang, Z.; Gao, S.; Song, B.; Zhang, W.; Cao, R.; Jiao, S.; Cheng, Y.; Chen, Q.; Lu, K. “Redox Catalysis Promoted Fast Iodine Kinetics for Polyiodide-Free Na-I2 Electrochemistry” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, In press Gao, S.; Li, B.; Tan, H.; Xia, F.; Dahunsi, O.; Xu, W.; Liu, Y.; Wang, R.; Cheng, Y.* “High Energy and Stable Subfreezing Aqueous Zn-MnO2 Batteries with Selective and Pseudocapacitive Zn-ion insertion in MnO2” Advanced Materials, 2022, 202201510 Dahunsi, O.; Li, B.; Gao, S.; Lu, K.; Xia, F.; Xu, T.; Cheng, Y.* “One-Step Synthesis of Na–Sn Alloy with Internal 3D Na15Sn4 Support for Fast and Stable Na Metal Batteries” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5, 20-26 Lu, K.; Xia, F.; Li, B.; Liu, Y.; Abdul Razak I. ; Gao, S.; Kaelin, J.; Brown, D. E.; Cheng, Y.* “Synergistic Multisites Fe2Mo6S8 Electrocatalysts for Ambient Nitrogen Conversion to Ammonia” ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 16887-16895 Xia, F.; Li, B.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Gao, S.; Lu, K.; Kaelin, J.; Wang, R.; Marks, T.; Cheng, Y.* “Carbon Free and Noble Metal Free Ni2Mo6S8 Electrocatalyst for Selective Electrosynthesis of H2O2” Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2104716 Shang, Z.; Song, B.; Li, H.; Zhang, H.; Feng, F.; Kaelin, J.; Zhang, W.; Xie, B.; Cheng, Y.; Lu, K. and Chen, Q. “Atomically Dispersed Manganese Lewis Acid Sites Catalyze Electrohydrogenation of Nitrogen to Ammonia” CCS Chemistry, 2021, In press Gao, S.; Li, B.; Lu, K.; Alabidun, S.; Xia, F.; Nickel, C. (undergrad.); Xu, T. and Cheng, Y.* “Modulating MnO2 Interface with Flexible and Self-Adhering Alkylphosphonic Layers for High-Performance Zn-MnO2 Batteries” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 20, 23724-23731 Gao, S.; Xia, F.; Li, B.; Abdul Razak, I.; Liu, Y.; Lu, K.; Brown, D.; Wang, R. and Cheng, Y.* “Synergistics of Fe3C and Fe on Mesoporous Fe–N–C Sulfur Host for Nearly Complete and Fast Lithium Polysulfide Conversion” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 15, 17791-17799 Wang, Z.; Lu, K.; Xia, F.; Dahunsi, O.; Gao, S.; Li, B.; Wang, R.; Lu, S.; Qin, W.; Cheng, Y.; Wu, X. “Sodiated NaxSnSb nanoparticles embedded in N-doped graphene sponges direct uniform Na nucleation and smooth plating for high efficiency Na metal batteries” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021, 9, 6123 Xie, X.; He, C.; Li, B.; He, Y.; Cullen, D.; Wegener, E.; Kropf, A.; Martinez, U.; Cheng, Y.; Engelhard, M.; Bowden, M.; Song, M.; Lemmon, T.; Li, X.; Nie, Z.; Liu, J.; Myers, D.; Zelenay, P.; Wang, G.; Wu, G.; Ramani, V.; Shao, Y.; “Performance enhancement and degradation mechanism identification of a single atom Co-N-C catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells” Nature Catalysis, 2020, 3, 1044 Lu, K.; Li, B.; Zhan, X.; Xia, F.; Dahunsi, O.; Gao, S.; Reed, D.; Sprenkle, V.; Li, G. and Cheng, Y.* “Elastic NaxMoS2-Carbon-BASE Triple Interface Direct Robust Solid–Solid Interface for All-Solid-State Na–S Batteries” Nano Letters, 2020, 9, 6837-6844 Zhang, H.; Lu, K.; Li, B.; Liu, Y.; Su. Y.; Wang, R. and Cheng, Y.* “Microfluidic, One-batch Synthesis of Pd Nanocrystals on N-doped Carbon in Surfactant-free Deep Eutectic Solvents for Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 42704-42710 Lu, K.; Xu. H.; He, H.; Gao, S.; Li, X.; Zheng, C.; Xu, T. * and Cheng, Y.* “Modulating reactivity and stability of metallic Li via atomic doping” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 10363-10369 Lu, K.; Liu, Y.; Lin, F.; Cordova, I.; Gao, S.; Li, B.; Peng, B.; Xu, H.; Kaelin, J.; Coliz, D. (NIU undergraduate); Wang, C.; Shao, Y. and Cheng, Y.* “LixNiO/Ni Heterostructure with Strong Basic Lattice Oxygen Enables Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution with Pt-like Activity” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 29, 12613-12619 Lu, K.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J.; Zhang, Z.; Cheng, Y.* “Redox Catalytic and Quasi-Solid Sulfur Conversion for High Capacity Lean Lithium Sulfur Batteries” ACS Nano , 2019, 13, 12, 14540-14548 Lu, K.; Gao, S.; Li, G.; Kaelin, J. (NIU undergrad.); Zhang, Z.; Cheng, Y.*” Regulating Interfacial Na-ion Flux via Artificial Layers with Fast Ionic Conductivity for Stable and High-rate Na Metal Batteries” ACS Materials Letters , 2019, 1, 3, 303-309 Jia, X.; Wu, J.; Lu, K.; Li, Y.; Qiao, X.; Kaelin, J. (NIU undergrad.); Lu, S.*; Cheng, Y.*.;Wu, X and Qin, W.* “Organic-Inorganic Hybrids of Fe-Co Polyphenolic Networks Wrapped Fe3O4 Nanocatalysts for Significantly Enhanced Oxygen Evolution” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019,7,14302 Li, P.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Chen, J.; Cheng, Y.; Li, Y.; Ma, Y. and Liu, J. “Diameter dependent doping in horizontally aligned high-density N-doped SWNT arrays” Nano Research, 2019, 12, 1845-1850 Lu, S.*; Wang, Z.; Yan, H.; Wang, R.; Lu, K.; Cheng, Y.*.;Qin, W.; and Wu, X.* “High rate and cycling stable Li metal anodes enabled with aluminum-zinc oxides modified copper foam” Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2019, 41, 87-92
