1. Guo He, Chuanlin Zhang, On the numerical approximation for Fourier-type highly oscillatory integrals with Gauss-type quadrature rules, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 308: 96-104.
2. Guo He, Shuhuang Xiang,Zhenhua Xu,A Chebyshev collocation method for a class of Fredholm integral equations with highly oscillatory kernels,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2016, 300(C): 354-368.
3. Guo He, Shuhuang Xiang, Enwen Zhu, Efficient computation of highly oscillatory integrals with weak singularities by Gauss-type method, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2016, 93(1): 83-107.
4. Guo He , Shuhuang Xiang, An improved algorithm for the evaluation of Cauchy principal value integrals of oscillatory functions and its application,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, 280: 1-13.
5. Shuhuang Xiang, Guo He,The fast implementation of higher order Hermite-Fejer interpolation, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,2015, 37(4): A1727-A1751.
6. Shuhuang Xiang, Guo He, Yeol Je Cho, On error bounds of Filon-Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature for highly oscillatory integrals,Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2015, 41(3): 573-597.
7. Shuhuang Xiang, Guo He, Haiyong Wang, On Fast and Stable Implementation of Clenshaw-Curtis and Fejer-Type Quadrature Rules,Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 436164: 1-11.
8. Zhenhua Xu,Shuhuang Xiang,Guo He,Efficient evaluation of oscillatory Bessel Hilbert transforms,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2014, 258: 57-66。
9. Hongchao Kang, Shuhuang Xiang, Guo He,Computation of integrals with oscillatory and singular integrands using Chebyshev expansions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013, 242: 141-156."