2004年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学, 2005年进入中国科学院理化技术研究所攻读博士学位,2007-2008年在日本理化学研究所河田纳米光子研究室交流访问, 2009赴澳大利亚斯威本科技大学微光子中心工作
1. Z. S. Gan, Y. Cao (并列第一作者), R. A. Evans, and M. Gu,“Three-dimensional deep sub-diffraction optical beam lithography with 9 nm feature size,”Nature Communications 4, 2061 (2013).
2. Y. Cao, N. Takeyasu, T. Tanaka, X. M. Duan, and S. Kawata,3D Metallic Nanostructure Fabrication By Surfactant-Assisted Multiphoton-Induced Reduction,Small 5, 1144 (2009).
3. M. Gu, X. Li, and Y. Cao,Optical storage arrays: a perspective for future big data storage,Light: Science and Applications, 3, e177, (2014).
4. Y. Cao, Z. S. Gan, B. H. Jia, R. A. Evans, and M. Gu, High-photosensitive resin for super-resolution direct-laser-writing based on photoinhibited polymerization,Optics Express 19, 19486 (2011).