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男,教授,1981年11月,毕业法国艾克斯-马赛大学(AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY) 法国马赛免疫中心Malissen院士实验室,免疫学博士,新乡医学院免疫遗传工程实验室主任,中国免疫学会青年工作委员会委员。 在国内外专业杂志上发表学术论文10余篇。2013年入职新乡医学院,从事免疫遗传及调控基因研究。目前,已经搭建新乡医学院-法国Immunophenomics中心(CIPHE)合作平台,成立新乡医学院免疫调控基因实验室,通过化学诱变及新一代基因打靶技术,为构建我国第一个的免疫专业化模式动物资源库提供基础。目前已经有22个基因敲除小鼠品系,用于免疫基础与应用研究。




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[1] Liang, Y*., Cucchetti, M., Roncagalli, R., Yokosuka, T., Malzac, A., Bertosio, E., Imbert, J., Nijman, I.J., Suchanek, M., Saito, T., et al. (2013). The lymphoid lineage-specific actin-uncapping protein Rltpr is essential for costimulation via CD28 and the development of regulatory T cells. Nat Immunol 14, 858-866. [2] Roncagalli, R., Hauri, S., Fiore, F., Liang, Y., Chen, Z., Sansoni, A., Kanduri, K., Joly, R., Malzac, A., Lahdesmaki, H., et al. (2014). Quantitative proteomics analysis of signalosome dynamics in primary T cells identifies the surface receptor CD6 as a Lat adaptor-independent TCR signaling hub. Nat Immunol. doi:10.1038/ni.2843 [3] Ordonez-Rueda, D., Jonsson, F., Mancardi, D.A., Zhao, W., Malzac, A., Liang, Y., Bertosio, E., Grenot, P., Blanquet, V., Sabrautzki, S., et al. (2012). A hypomorphic mutation in the Gfi1 transcriptional repressor results in a novel form of neutropenia. Eur J Immunol 42, 2395-2408. [4] Xiao, J., Liang, Y., Li, K., Zhou, Y., Cai, W., Zhao, Y., Xing, Z., Chen, G., and Jin, L. (2010). A novel strategy for genetic dissection of complex traits: the population of specific chromosome substitution strains from laboratory and wild mice. Mamm Genome 21, 370-376. [5] Zhou, Y., Liang, Y., Li, K., Bai, X., Chen, G., Xing, Z., and Xiao, J. (2012). The phenotypic distribution of quantitative traits in a wild mouse F1 population. Mamm Genome 23, 232-240. [6] Zhao, L., Li, K., Bao, S., Zhou, Y., Liang, Y., Zhao, G., Chen, Y., and Xiao, J. (2010). A 1-bp deletion in the gammaC-crystallin leads to dominant cataracts in mice. Mamm Genome 21, 361-369. [7] Zhu, W., Fan, Z., Zhang, C., Guo, Z., Zhao, Y., Zhou, Y., Li, K., Xing, Z., Chen, G., Liang, Y., et al. (2008). A dominant X-linked QTL regulating pubertal timing in mice found by whole genome scanning and modified interval-specific congenic strain analysis. PLoS One 3, e3021. [8] Fan, Z.P., Zhu, W.S., Zhang, C., Zhou, Y.X., Li, K., Liang, Y.M., Xing, Z.H., Chen, G.Q., Bai, X., and Xiao, J.H. (2008). [SNP discovery by F-CSGE in the coding region of mitochondrial DNA in wild house mice from Shanghai suburb]. Yi Chuan 30, 475-482. [9] Li, K., Chen, B., Zhou, Y., Huang, R., Liang, Y., Wang, Q., Xiao, Z., and Xiao, J. (2009). Multiplex quantification of 16S rDNA of predominant bacteria group within human fecal samples by polymerase chain reaction--ligase detection reaction (PCR-LDR). J Microbiol Methods 76, 289-294.
