1. Refaey, M., Tian, X., Tang, R., Li, D.*, 2017. Changes in physiological responses, muscular composition and flesh quality of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus suffering from transport stress. Aquaculture, doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2017.01.026. (SCI, IF=1.893)
2. Chi, W., Gao, Y., Hu, Q., Guo, W., Li, D.*, 2017. Genome-wide analysis of brain and gonad transcripts reveals changes of key sex reversal-related genes expression and signaling pathways in three stages of Monopterus albus. PLoS ONE (3): e0173974. (SCI, IF=3.234)
3. 陈洁,李大鹏*,张志敏,汤蓉,李莉,张曦,肖琛,孙怡晴,Onxayvieng Kommaly. 草鱼不同部位肌肉营养成分、肌纤维特性以及脂肪代谢相关基因的表达. 淡水渔业, 2017, 47(328): 107-112.
4. Gao, Y., Jia, D., Hu, Q., Li, D.*, 2016. Foxl3, a target of miR-9, stimulates spermatogenesis in spermatogonia during natural sex change in Monopterus albus. Endocrinology, 157(11):4388-4399. (SCI, IF=4.159)
5. Zhang, Z., Tian, X., Li, D.*, 2016. Tissue pH and gut ecomorphology in six freshwater teleosts occupying different trophic levels. Turkish journal of Zoology. 40: 713-719. (SCI, IF=0.88)
6. Liu,Z., Li,D.*, Hu,Q., Tang,R., Li. L. 2016. Effects of exposure to microcystin-LR at environmentally relevant concentrations on the metabolism of thyroid hormones in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Toxicon, 124:15-25. (SCI, IF=2.309)
7. 程辉辉, 谢从新, 李大鹏*, 肖业红, 田 兴,陈 洁, 汤 蓉, 亓成龙, 马玲巧. 种青养鱼模式下的草鱼肌肉营养成分和品质特性. 水产学报, 2016, 40(7), 1050-1059.
8. 程辉辉,李大鹏*. 柱形病对黄颡鱼血液生化指标的影响. 淡水渔业, 2016, 46(322): 103-106.
9. 田兴,马玲巧,李大鹏*,亓成龙,何绪刚,汤蓉. 运输对养殖黄颡鱼血液生化和肌肉物性分析指标的影响. 淡水渔业, 2016, 47(328): 107-112.
10. 李大鹏*,谢从新,马徐发,何绪刚. 生物浮床--池塘水质改良的绿色解决方案. 科学养鱼, 2016, 32(8): 15-16.
11. Hu, Q., Guo, W., Gao, Y., Tang, R., Li, D.*, 2015. Molecular cloning and characterization of amh and dax1 genes and their expression during sex inversion in rice-field eel Monopterus albus. Scientific Reports, 5:16667. (SCI, IF=5.578)
12. Liu, Z., Li, D.*, Wang, Y., Guo, W., Gao, Y., Tang, R.*, 2015. Waterborne exposure to microcystin-lr causes thyroid hormone metabolism disturbances in juvenile chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus). Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 34(9): 2033-2040. (SCI, IF=3.225)
13. Liu, Z., Tang, R.*, Yin, X., Tong, N., Li, D.*, 2015. Microcystin-LR Alters the Gene Transcription and Activities of Iodothyronine Deiodinases in the Hepatic Cells of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella). Journal of Biochemical & Molecular Toxicology, 29(7):305-310. (SCI, IF=1.925)
14. Liu, Z., Tang, R.*, Li, D.*, Hu, Q., Wang, Y., 2015. Subacute microcystin-LR exposure alters the metabolism of thyroid hormones in juvenile zebrafish (Danio Rerio). Toxins, 7: 337-352. (SCI, IF=2.480)
15. 王景伟,李大鹏*,潘宙,郭威,谢从新,何绪刚,亓成龙. 架设生物浮床对池塘养殖鱼类生长和肌肉品质特性的影响. 华中农业大学学报, 2015, 34 (4): 108-113.
16. 马玲巧,李大鹏*,田兴,汤蓉. 1龄黄颡鱼的肌肉营养成分及品质特性分析. 水生生物学报, 2015, 39(1): 193-196.
17. 马玲巧,彭晓珍,李大鹏*. 复方中草药添加剂对施氏鲟肌肉营养成分及品质的影响. 华中农业大学学报,2015, 34(3): 111-116.
18. 程辉辉,Kommaly Onxayvieng,王哲,顾泽茂,李大鹏*,亓成龙,马玲巧,陈漪涛. 感染累枝虫对黄颡鱼血液生化指标的影响. 淡水渔业, 2015, 45(318): 96-99.
19. 田兴,李大鹏*,谢从新,何绪刚,刘全圣. 草鱼池塘优质高产养殖技术. 科学养鱼, 2015, 6: 81-82.