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教育经历 2001/07-2004/06,安徽医科大学,药理学专业,博士研究生 1986/09-1989/07,复旦大学医学院,劳动卫生与职业病专业,硕士研究生 1979/09-1984/07,复旦大学医学院,预防医学专业,本科生 工作经历 2001/07-----至今,安徽医科大学,公共卫生学院,教授,博士生导师 1998/02-1999/02,新加坡国立大学医学院,高级访问学者 1996/07-2001/07,安徽医科大学,公共卫生学院,副教授 1991/07-1996/07,安徽医科大学,卫生系,讲师




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Wang H, Liu L, Hu YF, Hao JH, Chen YH, Su PY, Yu Z, Fu L, Tao FB*, Xu DX*. Association of maternal serum cadmium level during pregnancy with risk of preterm birth in a Chinese population. Environ Pollut 2016; 216: 851-857.(IF: 5.714) Xu DX*, Chen YH, Zhao L, Wang H, Wei W. Reactive oxygen species are involved in lipopolysaccharide-induced intra-uterine growth restriction and skeletal development retardation in mice. Am J ObstetGynecol 2016; 195: 1707-1714. (IF: 6.120) Li J, Wang H, Hao JH, Chen YH, Liu L, Yu Z, Fu L, Tao FB, Xu DX*. Maternal serum lead level during pregnancy is positively correlated with risk of preterm birth in a Chinese population. Environ Pollut 2017; 227: 484-489. (IF: 5.714) Wang H, Liu L, Hu YF, Hao JH, Chen YH, Su PY, Yu Z, Fu L, Tao FB, Xu DX*. Association of maternal serum cadmium level during pregnancy with risk of preterm birth in a Chinese population. Environ Pollut 2016; 216: 851-857. (IF: 5.714) Chen YH, Fu L, Hao JH, Yu Z, Zhu P, Wang H, Xu YY, Zhang C, Tao FB*, Xu DX*. Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy elevates the risks of small for gestational age and low birth weight infants in Chinese population. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100: 1912-1919. (IF: 5.605) Li R, Wang X, Wang B, Li J, Song Y, Luo B, Chen Y, Zhang C, Wang H, Xu D*. Gestational 1-nitropyrene exposure causes fetal growth restriction through disturbing placental vascularity and proliferation. Chemosphere 2018;213: 252-258.(IF: 5.108) Zhao S, Liu Y, Wang F, Xu DX*, Xie P. N-acetylcysteine protects against microcystin-LR-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and germ cell apoptosis in zebrafish testes. Chemosphere 2018; 204:463-473.(IF: 5.108) Fu L, Chen YH, Bo QL, Song YP, Ma L, Wang B, Xu S, Zhang C, Wang H, Xu DX*. Lipopolysaccharide Downregulates 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 Expression through Inhibiting Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ in Placental Trophoblasts. J Immunol 2019; 203(5): 1198-1207.(IF: 4.718) Chen YH, Hu XG, Zhou Y, Yu Z, Fu L, Zhang GB, Bo QL, Wang H, Zhang C, Xu DX*. Obeticholic Acid Protects against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Fetal Death and Intrauterine Growth Restriction through Its Anti-Inflammatory Activity. J Immunol 2016; 197: 4762-4770.(IF: 4.718) Chen YH, Zhao M, Chen X, Zhang Y, Wang H, Huang YY, Wang Z, Zhang ZH, Zhang C, Xu DX*. Zinc supplementation during pregnancy protects against lipopolysaccharide-induced fetal growth restriction and demise through its anti-inflammatory effect. J Immunol 2012; 189: 454-463. (IF:4.718) Li R, Wang X, Wang B, Li J, Song Y, Luo B, Chen Y, Zhang C, Wang H, Xu DX*. Gestational 1-nitropyrene exposure causes gender-specific impairments on postnatal growth and neurobehavioral development in mice. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2019; 180: 123-129. (IF: 4.527) Guo C, Yang Y, Shi MX, Wang B, Liu JJ, Xu DX*, Meng XH*. Critical time window of fenvalerate-induced fetal intrauterine growth restriction in mice. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2019; 172: 186-193. (IF: 4.527) Chen YH, Tao FB, Xu DX*. The Association between Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index and Risk of Preterm Delivery in Chinese Population. Am J Epidemiol 2018; 187: 1123-1124.(IF: 4.473) Wang H, Hu YF, Hao JH, Chen YH, Wang Y, Zhu P, Zhang C, Xu YY, Tao FB*, Xu DX*. Maternal serum zinc concentration during pregnancy is inversely associated with risk of preterm birth in a Chinese population. J Nutr 2016; 146(3): 509-515.(IF: 4.416) Chen YH, Fu L, Hao JH, Wang H, Zhang C, Tao FB, Xu DX*. Influent factors of gestational vitamin D deficiency and its relation to an increased risk of preterm delivery in Chinese population. Sci Rep 2018; 8(1): 3608.(IF: 4.011) Zhang ZH, Liu XQ, Zhang C, He W, Wang H, Chen YH, Liu XJ, Chen X, Xu DX*. Tlr4-mutant mice are resistant to acute alcohol-induced sterol-regulatory element binding protein activation and hepatic lipid accumulation. Sci Rep 2016; 6: 33513. (IF: 4.011) Wang H, Liu L, Hu YF, Hao JH, Chen YH, Su PY, Fu L, Yu Z, Zhang GB, Wang L, Tao FB, Xu DX*. Maternal serum cadmium level during pregnancy and its association with small for gestational age infants: a population-based birth cohort study. Sci Rep 2016; 6: 22631. (IF: 4.011) Xu S, Chen YH, Tan ZX, Xie DD, Zhang C, Zhang ZH, Wang H, Zhao H, Yu DX, Xu DX*. Vitamin D3 pretreatment regulates renal inflammatory responses during lipopolysaccharide-induced acute kidney injury. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 18687. (IF: 4.011) Chen YH, Yu Z, Fu L, Wang H, Chen X, Zhang C, Lv ZM, Xu DX*. Vitamin D3 inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced placental inflammation through reinforcing interaction between vitamin D receptor and nuclear factor kappa B p65 subunit. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 10871. (IF: 4.011) Wang H, Hu YF, Hao JH, Chen YH, Su PY, Wang Y, Yu Z, Fu L, Xu YY, Zhang C, Tao FB, Xu DX*. Maternal zinc deficiency during pregnancy elevates the risks of fetal growth restriction: a population-based birth cohort study. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 11262. (IF: 4.011)
