张晓安 教授,1982本科毕业于吉林大学化学系,1987年获英国巴斯大学化学院博士学位, 1987-90在美国西北大学化学系从事博士后研究,尔后进入业界从事高新技术和产品研发,1990-99年间曾历任美国Aldrich等化学、医药公司客座研究员、高级研究员。1999年加盟美国惠普公司,历任其中央研究院研究员、高级研究员和项目首席研究员,2008年秋全职回国,任大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室教授、博导,2010年秋调入吉林大学超分子国家重点实验室,创建“功能仿生超分子材料与技术研发中心”。
1. 功能仿生刺激响应材料和技术。通过对人和动物神经感知规律的深入理解和领悟,设计出一系列对光、电、磁、热、力、声、环境、特定分子和离子等有刺激响应的功能材料技术,拓展其在超级节能光电显示、信息存储、传感检测、军事伪装和防伪油墨等领域的应用。
2. 无墨打印及绿色化学方法、日用产品和技术。研发可逐渐替代传统油墨印刷的“喷水无墨打印”、“绿色光/热/激光打印”和“万写纸”技术,减少纸张的浪费,研发环境友善的绿色化学方法和产品,以此来促进节能减排、有益健康、无毒无害、保护环境和资源。
Emerging Electrochromic Materials and Devices for Future Displays, Chemical Reviews, 2022, (IF=72.1)
Dynamic Metal-Ligand Interaction of Synergistic Polymers for Bistable See-Through Electrochromic Devices, Advanced Materials, 2022, 2104413 (IF=32.1)
Multi-Component Collaborative Step-by-Step Coloring Strategy to Achieve High-Performance Light-Responsive Color-Switching, Advanced Science, 2021, 2103309 (IF=17.5)
Stimuli-Induced Reversible Proton Transfer for Stimuli-Responsible Materials and Devices, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2021, 54, 2216 (IF=24.5)
Printable off-on thermoswitchable fluorescent materials for programmable thermally controlled full-color displays and multiple encryption, Advanced Materials, 2021, 2008055 (IF=32.1)
Green Revolution in Electronic Displays Expected to Ease Energy and Health Crises. Light: Science & Applications, 2021, 10, 33 (IF=20.3)
Advances in nanomaterials for electrochromic devices, Chemical Society Reviews, 2020, 49, 8687 (IF=60.6)
A single-pixel RGB device in colorful alphanumeric lectrofluorochromic display, Advanced Materials, 2020, 2003121 (IF=32.1)
A multicolour bistable electronic shelf label based on intramolecular proton-coupled electron transfer, Nature Materials, 2019, 18, 1335-1342 (IF=47.7)
Bio-inspired High Energy Efficiency Bistable Electronic Billboard/Reader, Nature Communications, 2019, 10:1559 (IF=17.7)
Water assisted biomimetic synergistic process and its application in water-jet rewritable paper,Nature Communications, 2018, 9: 4819 (IF=17.7)
Uncovering the Circular Polarization Potential of Chiral Photonic Cellulose Films for Photonic Applications, Advanced Materials, 2018, 1705948 (IF=32.1)
Photoinduced Proton Transfer between Photoacid and pH Sensitive Dyes: Influence Factors and Application for Visible Light Responsive Rewritable Paper, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 17055325 (IF=19.9)
Dynamic Behavior of Molecular Switches in Crystal under Pressure and Its Reflection on Tactile Sensing, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 931−939 (IF=16.4)
Hydrochromic Molecular Switches for Water-Jet Rewritable Paper, Nature Commun., 2014, 5: 3044(IF=17.7)