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持久性有机污染物的区域环境地球化学研究(Occurrence of Persistent Organic Pollutents in the Regional Environment)


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Yu-Feng Guan, Ji-Zhong Wang, Hong-Gang Ni, Xiao-Jun Luo, Bi-Xian Mai, and Eddy Y. Zeng. Riverine fluxes of polybrominated diphenyl ethers from the Pearl River Delta (China) to the coastal ocean. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007, 41, 6007-6013. Yu-Feng Guan, Ji-Zhong Wang, Hong-Gang Ni, and Eddy Y, Zeng. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in riverine runoff of the Pearl River Delta, China: Assessment of mass loading, input source and environmental fate. Environmental Pollution, 2008, 157,618-624. Yu-Feng Guan, O.S. Samuel Sojinu, Shao-Meng Li, and Eddy Y, Zeng. Fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the environment of the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Environmental Pollution, 2008, 157, 2166-2172 Ji-Zhong Wang, Yu-Feng Guan, Hong-Gang Ni, Xian-Lin Luo, and Eddy Y. Zeng Riverine Fluxes of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Pearl River Delta (China) to the Coastal Ocean: Implications for Sources, Transport and Fate. Environmental Science & Technology 2007, 41, 5614-5619. Ji-Zhong Wang, Hong-Gang Ni, Yu-Feng, Guan, and Eddy Y. Zeng. Occurrence, and mass loadings of n-alkanes in riverine runoff of the Pearl River Delta, South China: Global implications for levels and inputs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2008, 27, 2034-2941. Hong-Gang Ni, Feng-Hui Lu, Ji-Zhong Wang, Yu-Feng Guan, Xian-Lin Luo, and Eddy Y Zeng. Linear alkylbenzenes in riverine runoff of the Pearl River Delta (China) and their application as anthropogenic molecular markers in coastal environments. Environmental Pollution, 2008, 154, 348-355.
