1. 针对流域水循环研究,揭示了青藏高原东北部大气降水来源、流域产汇流机制、地下水补给来源、封闭式湖泊的演化机理,探明了湖面蒸发对流域降水的贡献量,查明了气候因素对湖泊水位变化的贡献率,为高寒区域水循环及水量转化研究提供了借鉴,丰富了寒区同位素水文学理论。
2. 针对河口海岸线变迁对水沙条件的响应研究,探明了黄土高原治沟造地工程(淤地坝建设)对黄河水沙环境的影响,确定了黄河口海陆变迁的输沙量临界值,解决了岸线变化与水沙数据不匹配问题,揭示河口海岸地貌演变对水沙条件的响应,为黄河下游水资源调控及河口海岸带开发管理提供科学依据。
1. Cui, B.L., Xiao, B., Li, X.Y., 2017. Exploring the geomorphological processes of Qinghai Lake and surrounding lakes in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery (1973–2015). Global and Planetary Change, 152: 167-175.
2. Cui, B.L., Li, X.Y., 2016. Isotope and hydrochemistry reveal evolutionary processes of lake water in Qinghai Lake. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42(3): 580-587.
3. Cui, B.L., Li, X.Y., 2016. The impact of climate changes on water level of Qinghai Lake in China over the past 50 years. Hydrology Research, 47(2): 532-542.
4. Cui, B.L., Li X.Y., 2015. Stable isotope reveal sources of precipitation in the Qinghai Lake Basin of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 527-528: 26-37.
5. Cui, B.L., Li, X.Y., 2015. Runoff processes in the Qinghai Lake Basin, Northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China: Insights from stable isotope and hydrochemistry. Quaternary International, 380-381: 122-132.
6. Cui, B.L., Li, X.Y., 2015.Characteristics of stable isotope and hydrochemistry of the river water in the Qinghai Lake Basin, NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73: 4251-4263.
7. Cui, B.L., Li, X.Y., 2014. Characteristics of stable isotope and hydrochemistry of the groundwater around Qinghai Lake, NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71: 1159-1167.
8. Cui, B.L., Chang, X.L., Shi, W.Y., 2014. Abrupt changes of runoff and sediment load in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River, China. Water Resources, 41(3): 252-260.
9. Cui, B.L., Chang, X.L., Li, X.Y., 2012. Landscape pattern change of a typical region in the Kubuqi Desert, Northwestern China. Journal of Earth Environment, 3(6): 1165-1173.
10. Cui, B.L., Li, X.Y., 2011. Coastline change of the Yellow River estuary and its response to the sediment and runoff (1976–2005). Geomorphology, 127: 32-40.
11. Cui, B.L., Li, X.Y., Chang, X.L., et al., 2010. Remote sensing monitoring of coastline change in the Yellow River estuary. The 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP), IEEE, 2225-2231.
12. 崔步礼,李小雁. 2011. 基于DEM的山地丘陵区土地利用覆被研究-以青海湖流域为例.自然资源学报,26(3):1-10.
13. 崔步礼,常学礼,左登华,等. 2009. 沙地景观中矢量数据栅格化方法及尺度效应探讨.生态学报,29(5):2463-2472.
14. 崔步礼,常学礼,陈雅琳, 等. 2006. 黄河水文特征对河口海岸变化的影响.自然资源学报, 21(6):957-964.
15. 崔步礼,常学礼,陈雅琳,等. 2007. 黄河口海岸线遥感动态监测.测绘科学, 32(3):108-109.
16. 崔步礼,常学礼,陈雅琳,等. 2006. 山东半岛丘陵区典型流域影响河流径流因素分析.生态学杂志, 25(9):1056-1060.
17. 崔步礼, 赵涛, 程浩. 2013. 江南丘陵典型地区土地利用/覆被目视解译尺度效应. 湖北农业科学, 52(13): 3021-3027.
18. 崔步礼,李小雁,李岳坦,等. 2011. 青海湖流域河川径流特征及其对降水的滞后效应.中国沙漠, 31(1):247-253.
19. 崔步礼,常学礼,陈雅琳,等. 2007. 山东半岛丘陵区典型流域影响河流径流的人文因素分析.水土保持研究,14(3):115-117.
20. 崔步礼,常学礼,陈雅琳,等. 2006. 粮食产量变化及影响因素分析——以山东省东营市为例.安徽农业科学, 34(11):2549-2550.
21. 崔步礼,常学礼,陈雅琳,等. 2006. 山东半岛丘陵区典型流域降水对农业的影响分析.农业现代化研究, 27(3):230-233.