Zhang ZS, Chen J, Liu TQ, Cao CG, Li CF*. 2016. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer sources and tillage practices on greenhouse gas emissions in paddy fields of central China. Atmospheric Environment, 144:274-281.(*通讯作者)
Guo LJ, Zheng SX, Cao CG, Li CF*. 2016.Tillage practices and straw-returning methods affect topsoil bacterial community and organic C under a rice-wheat cropping system in central China. Scientific Reports, 6:33155. DOI:10.1038/srep33155.(*通讯作者)
Guo LJ, Lin S, Liu TQ, Cao CG, Li CF*. 2016. Effects of conservation tillage on topsoil microbial metabolic characteristics and organic carbon within aggregates under a rice (Oryza sativa L.) –wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system in central China. PLoS ONE 11(1):e0146145.(*通讯作者)
Zhang ZS, Cao CG, Guo LJ, Li CF*. 2016. Emissions of CH4 and CO2 from paddy fields as affected by tillage practices and crop residues in central China. Paddy and Water Environment, 14(1):85-92.(*通讯作者,他引1次)
Guo LJ, Zhang RD, Zhang ZS, Cao CG, Li CF*. 2015. Effects of different no-tillage modes on soil CO2 fluxes from paddy fields in central China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 15(3):737-750. (*通讯作者)
Liu TQ, Fan DJ, Zhang XX, Chen J, Li CF*, Cao CG*. 2015. Deep placement of nitrogen fertilizers reduces ammonia volatilization and increases nitrogen utilization efficiency in no-tillage paddy fields in central China. Field Crops Research, 184:80-90.(*通讯作者,他引2次)
Zhang ZS, Guo LJ, Liu, TQ, Li CF*, Cao CG*. 2015. Effects of tillage practices and straw returning methods on greenhouse gas emissions and net ecosystem economic budget in rice–wheat cropping systems in central China. Atmospheric Environment, 122:636-644.(*通讯作者,他引1次)
Guo LJ, Zhang ZS, Wang DD, Li CF*, Cao CG*. 2015. Effects of short-term conservation management practices on soil organic carbon fractions and microbial community composition under a rice-wheat rotation system. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 51(1):65-75.(*通讯作者,他引6次)
Zhang ZS, Cao CG, Guo LJ, Li CF*. 2014. The effects of rape residue mulching on net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity from no-tillage paddy fields. Scientific World Journal, 2014:1-9.(*通讯作者)
Zhang ZS, Cao CG, Cai ML, Li CF*. 2013. Crop yield, P uptake and soil organic phosphorus fractions in response to short-term tillage and fertilization under a rape-rice rotation in central China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 13(4):871-882. (*通讯作者)
Li CF*, Zhang ZS, Guo LJ, Cai ML, Cao CG*. 2013. Emissions of CH4 and CO2 from double rice cropping systems under varying tillage and seeding methods. Atmospheric Environment, 80:438-444.(*通讯作者,他引8次)
Zhou DN, Zhang FP, Duan ZY, Liu ZW, Yang KL, Guo R, Yuan FY, Tian YX, Li CF*. 2013. Effects of heavy metal pollution on microbial communities and activities of mining soils in central Tibet, China. Journal of Food, Agricultural & Environment, 11(1):676-681.(*通讯作者)
Cheng-Fang Li, Dan-Na Zhou, Zhi-Kui Kou, Zhi-Sheng Zhang, Jin-Ping Wang, Ming-Li Cai, Cou-Gui Cao. 2012. Effect of tillage and N fertilizers on CH4 and CO2 emissions and soil organic carbon in paddy fields of central China. PLoS ONE, 7(5):e34642.(他引12次)
Cheng-fang Li, Li-xin Yue, Zhi-kui Kou, Zhi-sheng Zhang, Jin-ping Wang, Cou-gui Cao. 2012. Short–term effects of conservation management practices on soil labile organic carbon fractions under a rape–rice rotation in central China. Soil & Tillage Research,119:31-37.(他引10次)
Zhang Jian-she, Zhang Fu-ping, Yang Jin-hua, Wang Jin-ping, Cai Ming-li, Li Cheng-fang*,Cao Cou-gui.2011. Emissions of N2O and NH3, and nitrogen leaching from direct seeded rice under different tillage practices in central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 140(1-2):164-173. (*通讯作者;他引17次)
Li Cheng-fang, Kou Zhi-kui, Yang Jin-hua, Cai Ming-li, Wang Jin-ping, Cao Cou-gui. 2010. Soil CO2 fluxes from direct seeding rice fields under two tillage practices in central China. Atmospheric Environment, 44:2696-2704. (他引7次)
Li Cheng-fang, Yang Jing, Zhang Chuan, Zhang Zhi-sheng, Zheng Min, Ahmad Shahrear, Cao Cou-gui. 2010. Effects of short-term tillage and fertilization on grain yields and soil properties of rice production systems in central China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(2):577-584. (他引1次)
Zhang Fu-ping#, Li Cheng-fang#, Tong Le-ga, Yue Li-xin, Li Ping, Ciren Yang-jin, Cao Cou-gui. 2010. Response of microbial characteristics to heavy metal pollution of mining soils in central Tibet, China. Applied Soil Ecology, 45:144-151.(#Co-first author;他引34次)
Ahmad Shahrear#, Li Cheng-fang#,Dai Guang-zhao, Zhan Ming, Wang Jin-ping, Pan Sheng-gang, Cao Cou-gui. 2009. Greenhouse gas emission from direct seeding paddy field under different rice tillage systems in central China. Soil & Tillage Research, 106:54-61. (#Co-first author;他引50次)
Li Cheng-fang, Cao Cou-gui, Wang Jin-ping, Zhan Ming, Yuan Wei-ling, Shahrear Ahmad. 2009. Nitrous oxide emissions from wetland rice–duck cultivation systems in southern China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 56(1):21-29. (他引6次)
Li Cheng-fang, Cao Cou-gui, Wang Jin-ping, Zhan Ming, Yuan Wei-ling, Shahrear Ahmad. 2008. Nitrogen losses from integrated rice–duck and rice–fish ecosystems in southern China. Plant and Soil, 307:207-217. (他引8次)