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九三学社成员,现任化学系主任。工作以来,先后主持完成国家、省、教育厅等级别纵向、横向科研项目和教学项目多个。以第一作者或通讯联系人(指导研究生)在Angew Chem Int Ed、Macromol Rapid Commun、Amino Acid、Ind Eng Chem Res、Green Chem、Tetrahedron、J Appl Polym Sci、J Polym Res、Des Monom Polym、Syn Commun、Monatsh Chem、J Org Chem、RSC Adv、Sensor Actuat B Chem、Org Lett、Synlett、Eur J Org Chem等发表科研、教学论文多篇,SCI、EI、人大复印资料等收录百余篇,主编出版教材《绿色化学通用教程》、《化学史人文教程》,申请专利20余件(已授权10余件)。在绿色化学方面的科研与教学成果,2005年、2009年、2013年先后获得华南师范大学教学成果二等奖、一等奖(3次, 均排名第一);2010年获得广东省科学技术奖一等奖(排名第二)。广东省高校“千百十工程”培养对象(2006-2010,校级;2010-2014,省级)。国内外SCI、EI期刊(如Chem Sci、Org Lett、Chem Commun、Sensor Actuat B Chem、Macromolecules、Polymer、Syn Commun、Polym Sci A Polym Chem、J Appl Polym Sci、J Biomat Sci Polym Ed、《化工学报》等)审稿专家。 工作经历: 1995.7 - 1997.8 华南师范大学 化学系 有机化学教研室 (助教) 1997.9 - 2001.9 华南师范大学 化学系 有机化学教研室 (讲师) 2001.10- 2005.11 华南师范大学 化学系 有机化学教研室 (副教授) 2005.12– 至今 华南师范大学 化学与环境学院有机化学研究所 (教授) 教育背景: 1988.9 - 1992.6 北京师范大学 化学系 化学(师范)专业 (学士) 1992.9 - 1995.6 北京师范大学 化学系 有机化学专业 (硕士) 2000.9 - 2003.10 华南理工大学 材料学院 (在职博士) 2004.4 - 2006.11 华南理工大学 化学与化工学院 (在职博士后) 获奖与荣誉: 1. 江焕峰,汪朝阳,陈鸣才,李金恒,贾兰齐,王阿忠,周磊,张珉,戚朝荣,黄精美.绿色有机化学反应及方法学研究.广东省科学技术奖一等奖,2011年2月(个人证书编号:A02-0-1-03-R02,粤府证[2011]742号;华南师范大学单位证书编号:A02-0-1-03-D03,粤府证[2011]68号)(所属单位:华南理工大学,中科院广州化学有限公司,华南师范大学) 2. 赵耀明,杨帆,汪朝阳,潘育芳,严玉蓉,陈军武,麦杭珍,王浚,王方,叶瑞荣.聚乳酸类生物降解材料的直接法合成及其药物缓释载体应用的基础研究.教育部科技成果(成果登记号:360-10-11720971-03),2010年7月(所属单位:华南理工大学,华南师范大学,广东药学院) 3. 汪朝阳,李景宁,王辉,肖信.绿色化学教育的创新与实践研究.华南师范大学教学成果一等奖,2008年12月(华师2008[159]号文) 4. 汪朝阳,肖信,袁中直,罗秀玲,南俊民.实行人文关怀,弘扬化学精神——化学史教育的创新与实践研究.华南师范大学教学成果二等奖,2013年3月(华师2013[19]号文) 5、汪朝阳,肖信.《化学史人文教程》(科学出版社).华南师范大学第二届优秀教学论文(教材)奖一等奖,2016年6月 主要发明专利: 1. 汪朝阳,熊金锋.一种相容性聚乳酸阻燃剂的制备方法(ZL 201210207082.8),2014-02-05授权 2. 汪朝阳,霍景沛.一种多功能呋喃酮荧光增白剂及其制备方法(ZL 201210498956.X),2013-12-25授权 3. 汪朝阳,毛郑州.苯并咪唑的制备方法(ZL 200810025710.4),2010-09-08授权 4. 汪朝阳,罗时荷.单糖或其糖醇与乳酸的共聚物的制备方法(ZL 201010564281.5),2012-08-22授权 5. 汪朝阳,李雄武,李国明.聚磷酸酯的制备方法(ZL 200610036700.1),2008-12-24授权 6. 汪朝阳,侯晓娜.氨基酸和乳酸共聚物的制备方法(ZL200710026220.1),2008-10-8授权 7. 汪朝阳,郑绿茵,李淑琏,郭维.咪酰胺的制备方法(ZL 200510037302.7),2007-10-3授权 8. 汪朝阳,李淑琏,郑绿茵,郭维.氨基甲酰咪唑的制备方法(ZL 200510037299.9),2007-8-22授权 9. 汪朝阳,毛超旭.一种固体薄荷型香料的制备方法(ZL 201010564307.6),2012-08-08授权(2014年已转让给相关企业) 10.汪朝阳


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Huo, J.-P.; Deng, G.-H.*; Wu, W.; Xiong, J.-F.; Zhong, M.-L.;Wang, Z.-Y.* Electrophoretic deposition polymerization of diacetylenes with tunable structure. Macromol Rapid Commun, 34(22), 1779-1784, 2013(SCI一区Top) 2. Huo, J.-P.; Luo, J.-C.; Wu, W.; Xiong, J.-F.; Mo, G.-Z.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Synthesis and characterization of fluorescent brightening agents with chiral 2(5H)-furanone and bis-1,2,3- triazole structure. Ind Eng Chem Res, 52(34), 11850-11857, 2013(SCI二区Top) 3. Qi, J.; Huang, L.-B.; Wang, Z.-Y.*; Jiang, H.-F.* Ruthenium- and rhodium- catalyzed oxidative alkylation of C-H bonds: Efficient access to β-aryl ketones. Org Biomol Chem, 11(46), 8009-8013, 2013(SCI二区,封面文章) 4. Xiong, J.-F.; Luo, S-H.; Huo, J.-P.; Liu, J.-Y.; Chen, S.-X.*;Wang, Z.-Y.* Design, synthesis, and characterization of 1,3,5-tri(1H‑benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)benzene-based fluorescent supramolecular columnar liquid crystals with a broad mesomorphic range. J Org Chem, 79(17), 8366-8373, 2014(SCI二区Top) 5. Xiong, J.-F.; Li, J.-X.; Mo, G.-Z.; Huo, J.-P.; Liu, J.-Y.; Chen, X.-Y.*;Wang, Z.-Y.* Benzimidazole derivatives: Selective fluorescent chemosensor for the picogram detection of picric acid. J Org Chem, 79(23), 11619-11630, 2014(SCI二区Top) 6. Peng, P.; Xiong, J.-F.; Mo, G.-Z.; Zheng, J.-L.; Chen, R.-H.; Chen, X.-Y.*; Wang, Z.-Y.* A concise synthesis of benzimidazoles via the microwave-assisted one-pot batch reaction of amino acids up to a 10-g scale. Amino Acids, 46(10), 2427-2433, 2014(SCI二区) 7. Mo, G.-Z.; Wu, Y.-C.; Hao, Z.-F.*; Luo, Q.-F.; Liang, X.-Y.; Guan, L.-T.;Wang, Z.-Y.*Synthesis and characterization of a novel drug-loaded polymer, poly(lactic acid-co-aminomethyl benzimidazole). Des Monomers Polym, 18(6), 536-544, 2015(IF 2.780) 8. Shi, J.; Tang, X.-D.; Wu, Y.-C.; Li, H.-N.; Song, L.-J.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Palladium-catalyzed desulfitative arylation of 5-alkoxy-3,4-dibromo-2(5H)-furanone with sodium arylsulfinates. Eur J Org Chem, 1193-1197, 2015(IF 3.154) 9. Shi, J.; Tang, X.-D.; Wu, Y.-C.; Fang, J.-F.; Cao, L.; Chen, X.-Y.*; Wang, Z.-Y.* A radical coupling reaction of DMSO with sodium arylsulfinates in air: mild utilization of DMSO as C1 resource for the synthesis of arylsulfonyl dibromomethane. RSC Adv, 6(31), 25651-25655, 2016(SCI二区) 10. Wu, Y.-C.; Huo, J.-P.; Cao, L.; Ding, S.; Wang, L.-Y.; Cao, D.-R.*; Wang, Z.-Y.* Design and application of tri-benzimidazolyl star-shape molecules as fluorescent chemosensors for the fast-response detection of fluoride ion. Sens Actuators B, 237, 865-875, 2016(SCI一区Top) 11. Wu, Y.-C.; You, J.-Y.; Jiang, K.; Xie, J.-C.; Li, S.-L.; Cao, D.-R.*; Wang, Z.-Y.* Colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent sensor for F- based on benzimidazole-naphthalene conjugate: Reversible and reusable study & design of logic gate function. Dyes Pigments, 140, 47-55, 2017(SCI一区Top) 12. Wu, Y.-C.; Luo, S.-H.; Cao, L.; Jiang, K.; Wang, L.-Y.*; Xie, J.-C.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Self-assembled structures of N-alkylated bisbenzimidazolyl naphthalene in aqueous media for highly sensitive detection of picric acid. Anal Chim Acta, 976, 74-83, 2017(SCI一区Top) 13. Huo, J.-P.; Hu, Z.-D.; He, G.-Z.; Hong, X.-X.; Yang, Z.-H.; Luo, S.-H.; Ye, X.-F.; Li, Y.-L.; Zhang, Y.-B.; Zhang, M.; Chen, H.; Fan, T.; Zhang, Y.-Y.; Xiong, B.-Y.; Wang, Z.-Y.*; Zhu, Z.-B.*; Chen, D.-C.* High temperature thermochromic polydiacetylenes: Design and colorimetric properties. Appl Surf Sci, 423, 951-956, 2017(SCI一区Top) 14. Wu, Y.-C.; Luo, S.-H.; Mei, W.-J.*; Cao, L.; Wu, H.-Q.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Synthesis and biological evaluation of 4-biphenylamino-3-halo-2(5H)-furanones as potential anticancer agents. Eur J Med Chem, 139, 84-94, 2017(药物化学SCI一区Top) 15.Cao, L.; Luo, S.-H.*; Wu, H.-Q.; Chen, L.-Q.; Jiang, K.; Hao, Z.-F.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Copper(I)-catalyzed alkyl- and arylsulfenylation of 3,4-dihalo-2(5H)-furanones (X=Br, Cl) with sulfoxides under mild conditions. Adv Synth Catal, 359, 2961-2971,2017(SCI一区Top) 16. Luo, S.-H.; Wu, Y.-C.; Cao, L.; Wang, Q.-F.; Chen, S-X.*; Hao, Z.-F.; Jing, L.; Wang, Z.-Y.* One-pot preparation of polylactic acid-ibuprofen conjugates and their performance characterization. Polym. Chem., 8(45), 7009-7016, 2017(SCI一区) 17. Huo, J.-P.; Deng, Q.-J.; Fan, T.; He, G.-Z.; Hu, X.-H.; Hong, X.-X.; Chen, H.; Luo, S.-H.; Wang, Z.-Y.*; Chen, D.-C.* Advances in polydiacetylene development for the design of side chain groups in smart material applications – a mini review. Polym. Chem., 8(48), 7438-7445, 2017(SCI一区) 18. Cao, L.; Li, J.-X.*; Wu, H.-Q.; Jiang, K.; Hao, Z.-F.; Luo, S.-H.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Metal-free sulfonylation of 3,4-dihalo-2(5H)-furanones (X= Cl, Br) with sodium sulfinates under air atmosphere in aqueous media via a radical pathway. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 6(3), 4147-4153, 2018 (SCI一区Top) 19. Cao, L.; Luo, S.-H.; Jiang, K.; Hao, Z.-F.*; Wang, B.-W.; Pang, C.-M.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Disproportionate coupling reaction of sodium sulfinates mediated by BF3·OEt2: an approach to symmetrical/ unsymmetrical thiosulfonates. Org Lett, 20(16), 4754-4758, 2018(SCI一区Top) 20. Wu, Y.-C.; You, J.-Y.; Jiang, K.; Wu, H.-Q.; Xiong, J.-F.*; Wang, Z.-Y.* Novel benzimidazole-based ratiometric fluorescent probes for acidic pH. Dyes Pigments, 149, 1-7, 2018(SCI一区Top) 21. Wu, Y.-C.; Jiang, K.; Luo, S.-H.*; Cao, L.; Wu, H.-Q.; Wang, Z.-Y.* Novel dual-functional fluorescent sensors based on bis(5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole) derivatives for distinguishing of Ag+ and Fe3+ in semi-aqueous medium. Spectrochim Acta Part A, 206, 632-641, 2019(SCI二区) 22. Jiang, K.; Luo, S.-H.*; Pang, C.-M.; Wang, B.-W.; Wu, H.-Q.; Wang, Z.-Y.* A functionalized fluorochrome based on quinoline-benzimidazole conjugate: From facile design to highly sensitive and selective sensing for picric acid. Dyes Pigments, 162, 367-376, 2019(SCI一区Top) 23. Jiang, K.; Chen, S-H.; Luo, S.-H.*; Pang, C.-M.; Wu, X.-Y.; Wang, Z.-Y.* A concise design and synthesis of water-soluble fluorescence sensor for sequential detection of Zn(II) and picric acid via cascade mechanism.Dyes and Pigments, 167, 164-173, 2019(SCI一区Top) 24. Pang, C.-M.; Luo, S.-H.; Jiang, K.*; Wang, B.-W.; Chen, S-H.; Wang, N.; Wang Z.-Y.*.A dual-channel sensor containing multiple nitrogen heterocycles for the selective detection of Cu2+, Hg2+ and Zn2+ in same solvent system by different mechanism. Dyes and Pigments, 170, 107651, 2019(SCI一区Top) 25. Wu, H.-Q.; Yang, K.; Chen, X.-Y.*; Arulkumar, M.; Wang, N.; Chen, S.-H.; Wang, Z.-Y.* A 3,4-dihalo-2(5H)-furanone initiated ring-opening reaction of DABCO in the absence of a metal catalyst and additive and its application in a one-pot two-step reaction. Green Chemistry, 21(14), 3782-3788, 2019.(SCI一区Top,IF=9.405) 26. Wang, B.-W.; Jiang, K.; Li, J.-X.; Luo, S.-H. Wang, Z.-Y.*; Jiang, H.-F.* 1,1-Diphenylvinylsulfide as a functional AIEgen derived from the aggregation-caused quenching molecule 1,1-diphenylethene by easy thioetherification. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201914333)
