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张磊,男,1987年10月生,博士,博士后,重庆大学特聘研究员,博士生导师(含硕士生),IEEE/IEEE   Computer   Society 会员,人社部香江学者计划获得者,重庆市优秀博士论文奖获得者,教育部博士学术新人奖获得者。2013年6月毕业于重庆大学通信工程学院,获电路与系统专业工学博士学位,同年8月入选国家香江学者计划人才项目(香江学者奖),同年7月至9月,在清华大学和哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究院作学术交流,同年10月至2015年11月为香港理工大学电子计算学系博士后研究员,从事计算机视觉和机器学习方面的合作研究。目前,与加拿大、新加坡、香港等国家和地区的高校保持着良好的学术交流与合作关系。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Lei Zhang*, David Zhang, “Visual Understanding via Multi-Feature Shared Learning with Global Consistency, ” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2015. (SCI, EI) [2] Lei Zhang*, David Zhang, “Domain Adaptation Extreme Learning Machines for Drift Compensation in E-nose Systems, ” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 1790-1801, July 2015. (SCI, EI) [3] Xin Yin, Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, David Zhang, “Temperature Modulated Gas Sensing E-nose System for Low-cost and Fast Detection, ” IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015. (SCI, EI) [4] Xiongwei Peng, Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, “A novel sensor feature extraction based on kernel entropy component analysis for discrimination of indoor air contaminants ” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 234, pp. 143-149, 2015. (SCI, EI) [5] Lei Zhang*, Xiongwei Peng, Fengchun Tian, David Zhang, Time series estimation of gas sensor baseline drift using ARMA and Kalman based models, Sensor Review, 2015. (SCI, EI) [6] Yinghui Huang, Lei Zhang, Guan Lian, Rixing Zhan, Rufu Xu, Yan Huang, Biswade Mitra, Jun Wu, and Gaoxing Luo*, “A novel mathematical model to predict prognosis of burnt patients based on logistic regression and support vector machine, ” Burns, 2015. (SCI, EI) [7] Lei Zhang*, David Zhang, Fengchun Tian, “SVM and ELM: Who Wins? Object Recognition with Deep Convolutional Features from ImageNet, ” The 6th Int ’Conf. ELM, 2015. [8] Lei Zhang*, David Zhang, “Domain Adaptation Transfer Extreme Learning Machines, ” Proceedings of ELM, Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization, Singapore, vol. 3, pp. 103-119, Springer, 2015. [9] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, “Performance Study of Multilayer Perceptrons in a Low-Cost Electronic Nose, ” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 1670-1679, July 2014. (SCI, EI) [10] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, Xiongwei Peng, Xin Yin. “A rapid discreteness correction scheme for reproducibility enhancement among a batch of MOS gas sensors, ” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 205C, pp. 170-176, 2014. (SCI, EI) [11] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, “A new kernel discriminant analysis framework for electronic nose recognition, ” Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 816, pp. 8-17, 2014. (SCI, EI) [12] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, Guangshu Pei, “A novel sensor selection using pattern recognition in electronic nose, ” Measurements, vol. 54, pp. 31-39, 2014. (SCI, EI). [13] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, Xiongwei Peng, Xin Yin, Guorui Li, Lijun Dang, “Concentration estimation using metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor array based e-noses , ” Sensor Review, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 284-290, 2014. (SCI, EI). [14] Fengchun Tian, Lijun Dang, Lei Zhang*, C. Kadri, Xin Yin, Xiongwei Peng, Shouqiong Liu, “A Novel Classifier Ensemble for Recognition of Multiple Indoor Air Contaminants by an Electronic Nose, ” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 207 (2014) 67-74. (SCI, EI). [15] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, Lijun Dang, et al. “A novel background interferences elimination method in electronic nose using pattern recognition, ” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 201 (2013) 254-263. (SCI, EI). [16] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, et al., “Chaotic time series prediction of e-nose sensor drift in embedded phase space, ” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 182 (2013) 71-79. (SCI, EI). [17] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, Shouqiong Liu, Lijun Dang, et al. “Chaos based Neural Network Optimization for Concentration Estimation of Indoor Air Contaminants by an Electronic Nose, ” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 189 (2013) 161-167. (SCI, EI). [18] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, Shouqiong Liu, et al. “Standardization of metal oxide sensor array using artificial neural networks through experimental design, ” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 177 (2013) 947-955. (SCI, EI). [19] Lei Zhang*, F.C. Tian, L. Dang, G. Li, “A novel ANN ensemble and self-calibration model in electronic nose for concentration estimation, ” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Networks and Communication Engineering (ICCNCE), 30 (2013) 114-116. (SCI) [20] Lei Zhang*, Fengchun Tian, Hong Nie, Lijun Dang, Guorui Li, Qi Ye, Chaibou Kadri, “Classification of multiple indoor air contaminants by an electronic nose and a hybrid support vector machine, ” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 174 (2012) 114-125. (SCI, EI).
