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教育经历 2008.11 - 至今:华东师范大学化学系‚教授、博导 2005.10 - 2008.9:德国马普煤炭研究所Benjamin List教授小组进行博士后研究 2004. 9 - 2005. 8:日本东京大学药学院Shu Kobayashi教授小组进行博士后研究 1999. 9-2004. 7:上海有机化学研究所‚在唐勇研究员指导下进行硕博连读‚研究生会主席 1997. 7 - 1999. 8:四川教育学院组织人事处‚助教 1993. 9 - 1997. 7:四川师范大学化学系‚校学生会主席 荣誉及奖励 2018年 入选科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才 ” 2017年 获国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金资助 2015年 The CSJ Asian International Symposium Distinguished Lectureship Award Awarded by Chemistry Society of Japan (CSJ) 2014年 英国皇家化学会会士 (Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry) 2013年 上海市优秀学术带头人 2012年 获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金资助 2012年 国家自然科学奖二等奖 完成人:唐勇、孙秀丽、叶松、周剑、康彦彪 2011年 “Thieme Chemistry Journal Award” 2011年 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 2011年 上海市自然科学奖一等奖完成人:唐勇、孙秀丽、叶松、周剑、叶龙武 2006年 全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖 2006年 上海市研究生优秀成果奖 2005年 中国科学院50篇优秀博士论文奖 1996年 四川省十佳大学生


课题组目前致力于“具有四取代碳手性中心的不对称催化构建”。 四取代碳手性中心广泛存在于天然产物和药物分子中,包括季碳、杂原子取代、螺环等多种类型。发展高效构建方法可以促进相关活性分子的合成与修饰,以及构效关系研究,对于有机合成化学和药物合成与研发等具有重要意义。利用不对称催化的方法构建四取代碳手性中心,特别是季碳手性中心,是有机合成化学一个重要前沿研究课题,因为反应过渡态较拥挤,反应活性往往较低,而且潜手性中心的取代基的位阻差异性较小,选择性识别很困难。 我们课题组运用“协同活化”的理念,采用“双功能催化”和 “多种催化剂协同催化”这两种实现协同效应的策略,来提高反应速度和加强选择性控制,从而发展构建全取代碳手性中心的不对称催化新反应。通过几年的探索,我们形成了以下的特色研究成果: 第一、发展了一种新的实现“协同催化”的策略:“副产物作为(助)催化剂”的串联反应,被同行认为是一个概念性的突破;开发了胺-膦酰胺新型手性双功能催化剂;利用手性双金络合物实现了首例金催化的烯烃与重氮化合物的不对称环丙烷化反应。 第二、围绕具有四取代碳手性中心的药物核心骨架如3,3-双取代氧化吲哚、螺环氧化吲哚、Cα-四取代氨基酸和叔醇等,发展了一系列不对称催化的新反应。例如,首次利用不对称催化的炔烃和叠氮的环加成反应,6π电环化反应和Morita-Baylis-Hillman(MBH)反应来构建四取代碳手性中心。 共发表通讯作者论文92篇,包括J. Am. Chem. Soc. (5篇); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (7篇); Nat. Commun (1篇). Chem. Sci. (2篇) , Acc. Chem. Res (1篇). Chem. Rev. (1篇) 。通讯作者论文SCI他引3700多次。此外申请9项中国专利(6项获授权)。多篇论文被Synfacts(9篇次),Chemistryviews, Organic Chemistry Portal和《有机化学》作为亮点评述。 应Wiley出版社邀请撰写并出版专著《Multicatalyst System in Asymmetric Catalysis》。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Z. Zhang, Y. Sun, Y. Gong, D.-L. Tang, H. Luo, Z.-P. Zhao, F. Zhou*, X. Wang* & J. Zhou* Enantioselective propargylic amination and related tandem sequences to α-tertiary ethynylamines and azacycles Nat. Chem. 2024, 10.1038/s41557-024-01479-z. P.-W Xu, F. Zhou*, L. Zhu* & J. Zhou* Catalytic desymmetrization reactions to synthesize all-carbon quaternary stereocentres Nature Synthesis 2023, 2, 1020-1036. Y. Gao, X.-X. Zhang, J.-S. Yu, J. Zhou* Recent Advances in Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of α -Chiral Tertiary Azides Acta Chim. Sinica 2023, 81, 1590-1608. J.-S. Tian, Z. Tu, F. Zhou, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou* Tandem imine generation/N-cyclization/C-alkylation sequence to access N-functionalized indoles featuring an aza-quaternary carbon Org. Chem. Front.2023, 10, 1759. Y. Gong, C. Wang, F. Zhou,* K. Liao, X.-Y. Wang, Y. Sun, Y.-X. Zhang, Z. Tu, X. Wang,* and J. Zhou* Sulfonyl-PYBOX Ligands Enable Kinetic Resolution of α-Tertiary Azides by CuAAC Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202301470. C.-W. Lei, X.-Y. Wang, B.-S. Mu, J.-S. Yu,* Y. Zhou,* and J. Zhou* Me2(CH2Cl)SiCF3 Facilitated Tandem Synthesis of Oxasilacycles Featuring a Trifluoromethyl Group Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 8364,8369. B.-W. Pan, Y. Shi, S.-Z. Dong, J.-X. He, B.-S. Mu, W.-B. Wu, Y. Zhou,* F. Zhou * and J. Zhou* Highly stereoselective synthesis ofspirocyclopropylthiooxindoles and biological evaluation Org. Chem. Front.2022, 9, 2640. X.-Y Cui, F. Zhou,* H.-H. Wu,* J. Zhou* Asymmetric Tandem Reactions Achieved by Chiral Amine & Gold(I) Cooperative Catalysis, Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2022, 42, 3033-3050. W.-B. Wu,X. Yu, J.-S. Yu, X. Wang*, W.-G. Wang* & J. Zhou* Constructing Tertiary Alcohols with Vicinal Stereocenters: Highly Diastereo- and Enantioselective Cyanosilylation of α-Branched Acyclic Ketones and Their Kinetic Resolution, CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 2140–2152. B.-S. Mu, Y. Gao, F.-M. Yang, W.-B. Wu, Y. Zhang, X. Wang,* J.-S. Yu,* and J. Zhou* The Bifunctional Silyl Reagent Me2(CH2Cl)SiCF3 Enables Highly Enantioselective Ketone Trifluoromethylation and Related Tandem Processes Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202208861. B.-S. Mu, Z.-H. Zhang, W.-B. Wu*, J.-S. Yu, J. Zhou* Recent Advances in Synthesis of Chiral 1,2-Dihydropyridines Acta Chim. Sinica 2021, 79, 685-693. P.-W. Xu, X.-Y. Cui, C. Chen, F. Zhou, J.-S. Yu, Y.-F. Ao,* and J. Zhou* Enantioselective Synthesis of Cα-Tetrasubstituted N-Hydroxyl-α-amino Nitriles via Cyanation of Ketonitrones Using Me2(CH2Cl)SiCN, Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 8471,8476. K Liao, Y. Gong, R.-Y. Zhu, C Wang, F. Zhou,* and J. Zhou* Highly Enantioselective CuAAC of Functional Tertiary Alcohols Featuring an Ethynyl Group and Their Kinetic Resolution Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2021, 60, 8488 –8493. X.-Y. Cui, Y.-L. Zhao, Y.-M. Chen, S.-Z. Dong,* F. Zhou, H.-H. Wu,* and J. Zhou* Au-Catalyzed Formal Allylation of Diazo(thio)oxindoles: Application to Tandem Asymmetric Synthesis of Quaternary Stereocenters, Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 4864-4869. B.-S. Mu, X.-Y. Cui, X.-P. Zeng, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou*Modular synthesis of chiral 1,2-dihydropyridines via Mannich/Wittig/cycloisomerization sequence that internally reuses waste Nature Commun.2021, 12, 2219. X.-S. Hu, J.-X. He, S.-Z. Dong, Q.-H. Zhao, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou*Regioselective Markovnikov hydrodifluoroalkylation of alkenes using difluoroenoxysilanes. Nature Commun. 2020, 11, 5500. P.-G. Ding, X.-S. Hu, J.-S. Yu* and J. Zhou*Diastereodivergent Synthesis of α-Chiral Tertiary Azides through Catalytic Asymmetric Michael Addition.Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 8578-8583. Y. Shi, B.‐W. Pan, J.‐S. Yu. Y. Zhou, J. Zhou*Recent Advances in Applying Carbonyl‐stabilized Phosphorus Ylides for Catalysis.ChemCatChem, 2021, 13, 129-139. F. Zhou*, L. Zhu, B.-W. Pan, Y. Shi, Y.-L. Liu, J. Zhou*Catalytic enantioselective construction of vicinal quaternary carbon stereocenters. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 9341–9365. W.-B. Wu, J.-S. Yu, J. Zhou*Catalytic Enantioselective Cyanation: Recent Advances and Perspectives ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 7668,7690. Q. Xiao, J.-S. Yu, Y.-F. Wang, D.-J. Ma, J. Zhou* and X. Lou* 3-Difluoroalkyl Quaternary Oxindoles Inhibit Macrophage Pyroptosis by Blocking Inflammasome Recruitment of Caspase-1 ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 1392,1401. C. Wang, F. Zhou, J. Zhou*Recent Advances in the Enantioselective Copper(I)-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Reaction Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 40, 3065-3077. F. Zhou*, J. Zhou*.Ni-Catalyzed Desymmetrization of Malononitriles to Cycloenones with a Nitrile-Containing All-Carbon Quaternary Center Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 40, 2180-2181. P.-G. Ding, F. Zhou, X. Wang, Q.-H. Zhao, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou*. H-Bond donor-directed switch of diastereoselectivity in the Michael addition of α-azido ketones to nitroolefins. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 3852-3861. C. Chen, W.-B. Wu, Y.-H. Li, Q.-H. Zhao, J.-S. Yu, J. Zhou*Activation of Chiral (Salen)TiCl2 Complex by Phosphorane for the Highly Enantioselective Cyanation of Nitroolefins. Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 2099,2104. W.-B. Wu, X.-P. Zeng, J. Zhou*Carbonyl-Stabilized Phosphorus Ylide as an Organocatalyst for Cyanosilylation Reactions Using TMSCN. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 14342-14350. R.-Y. Zhu, K. Liao, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou* Recent Advances in Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of P-Chiral Phosphine Oxides Acta Chim. Sinica 2020, 78, 193-216. C. Wang, R.-Y. Zhu, K. Liao, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* Enantioselective Cu(I)-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Prochiral Diazides with Terminal or 1-Iodoalkynes. Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 1270-1274. Y.-H. Wang, Z.-Y. Cao, Q.-H. Li, G.-Q. Lin, J. Zhou* and P. Tian* Activating Pronucleophiles with High pKa Values: Chiral Organo-Superbases. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 8004-8014. Y.-H. Wang, J.-S. Tian, P.-W. Tan, Q. Cao, X.-X. Zhang, Z.-Y. Cao, F. Zhou, X. Wang, and J. Zhou* Regiodivergent Intramolecular Nucleophilic Addition of Ketimines for the Diverse Synthesis of Azacycles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 1634 –1643. R.-Y. Zhu, L. Chen, X.-S. Hu, F. Zhou and J. Zhou* Enantioselective synthesis of P-chiral tertiaryphosphine oxides with an ethynyl group via Cu(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 97–106. S.-L. Xie, X.-T Gao, F. Zhou, H.-H. Wu, J. Zhou* Enantioselective carboxylative cyclization of propargylic alcohol with carbondioxide under mild conditions. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2020, 31, 324–328. Y. Gong, Z.-Y. Cao, Y.-B. Shi, F. Zhou, Y. Zhou and J. Zhou* A highly efficient Hg(OTf)2-mediated Sakurai–Hosomiallylation of N-tert butyloxycarbonylamino sulfones, aldehydes, fluoroalkylketones and α,β-unsaturated enones usingallyltrimethylsilane. Org. Chem. Front. 2019, 6, 3989–3995. Y.-P. Tian, Y. Gong, X.-S. Hu, J.-S. Yu, Y. Zhou and J. Zhou*HClO4 catalysed aldol-type reaction of fluorinated silyl enol ethers with acetals or ketalstoward fluoroalkyl ethers. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019, 17, 9430–9434. X.-S. Hu, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou* Catalytic selective mono- and difluoroalkylation using fluorinated silyl enol ethers. Chem.Commun. 2019, 55, 13638-13648. X.-T. Gao, S.-L. Xie, F. Zhou, H.-H. Wu and J. Zhou* Multifunctional 1,3-diphenylguanidine for the carboxylativecyclization of homopropargyl amines with CO2 under ambient temperature and pressure. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 14303-14306. S.-L. Xie, X.-Y. Cui, X.-T. Gao, F. Zhou, H.-H. Wu and J. Zhou* Stereoselective defluorinative carboxylation of gem-difluoroalkenes with carbon dioxide. Org. Chem. Front. 2019, 6, 3678-3682. P.-W. Xu, J.-S. Yu,* C. Chen, Z.-Y. Cao, F. Zhou and J. Zhou*. Catalytic Enantioselective Construction of Spiro Quaternary Carbon Stereocenters. ACS Catalysis 2019, 9, 1820-1882. K. Liao, X.-S. Hu, R.-Y. Zhu, R.-H. Rao, J.-S. Yu, F. Zhou and J. Zhou* Catalytic Enantioselective Protonation of Monofluorinated Silyl Enol Ethers towards Chiral α-Fluoroketones. Chin. J. Chem. 2019, 37, 799-806. Y.-J.Hao, Y. Gong, Z.-Y Cao, Y. Zhou, J. Zhou* A highly efficient In(OTf)3-catalyzed[3+3] annulation of spirocyclopropyl oxindoles with 1,4-di-thiane-2,5-diol. Chin. Chem. Lett.2020, 31, 681-684. X.-S Hu, P.-G. Ding, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou* A Sc(OTf)3 catalyzed Mukaiyama–Mannich reaction of difluoroenoxysilanes with unactivatedketimines. Org. Chem. Front. 2019, 6, 2500-2505. Y. Gong, J.-S. Yu, Y.-J. Hao, Y. Zhou, J. Zhou* Catalytic Enantioselective Aldol-Type Reaction Using α-Fluorinated Enolates. Asian J. Org. Chem. 2019, 8, 610–626. X.-S. Hu, J.-S. Yu,* Y. Gong, J. Zhou*Internally reuse by-product as promoter: A catalyst-free imine formation/Mukaiyama-Mannich sequence of α-amido sulfones with fluorinated silyl enol ethers. J. Fluorine Chem. 2019, 219, 106-114. Y.-J. Hao, J.-S. Yu, Y. Zhou, W. Wang, J. Zhou*C―F…H―X相互作用在有机反应中的影响(Influence of C—F…H—X Interactions on Organic Reactions) Acta Chim. Sinica 2018, 76, 925—939 Y.-J. Hao, X.-S. Hu, J.-S. Yu, Y. Zhou*, F. Zhou, J. Zhou*An efficient Fe(III)-catalyzed 1,6-conjugate addition of para-quinone methides with fluorinated silyl enol ethers toward β,β-diaryl α-fluorinated ketones.Tetrahedron 2018, 74, 7395-7398. F.-M. Liao, Y. Du, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* Au(I)/手性双功能叔胺催化实现的一锅法串联成烯/不对称环化反应构建螺环季碳氧化吲哚(Au(I)/Chiral Tertiary Amine Catalyzed Tandem Olefination/Asymmetric Cyclization Reaction to Quaternary Spirocyclic Oxindoles) Acta Chim. Sinica 2018, 76, 862—868. Z.-Y. Cao, W. Wang, K. Liao, X. Wang, J. Zhou* and J. Ma* Catalytic enantioselective synthesis of cyclopropanes featuring vicinal all-carbon quaternary stereocenters with a CH2F group; study of the influence of C–F,H–N interactions on reactivity Org. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 2960-2968. P.-W. Xu, C. Chen, J.-K. Liu, Y.-T. Song, F. Zhou, J. Yan and J. Zhou* One-Pot Sequential [3 + 3] Dipolar Cycloaddition of Aldehyde or Ketone and Hydroxylamine with Spirocyclopropyl Oxindole.J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83, 12763-12774 Z.-Y. Cao, F. Zhou and J. Zhou* Development of Synthetic Methodologies via Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of 3,3-Disubstituted Oxindoles Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 1443-1454. P.-G. Ding, X.-S. Hu, F. Zhou and J. Zhou* Catalytic enantioselective synthesis of α-chiral azidesOrg. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 1542-1559. Y.-L. Liu, X.-P. Yin, J. Zhou* Internally Reuse Waste: Catalytic Asymmetric One-Pot Strecker Reaction of Fluoroalkyl Ketones, Anilines and TMSCN by Sequential Catalysis Chin. J. Chem. 2018, 36, 321-328. X.‐P. Yin, L. Zhu, J. Zhou* Metal‐Free Azidation of α‐Hydroxy Esters and α‐Hydroxy Ketones Using Azidotrimethylsilane Adv. Synth. Catal. 2018, 360, 1116-1122. X.-T. Gao, C.-C. Gan, S.-Y. Liu, F. Zhou*, H.-H. Wu,* J. Zhou* Utilization of CO2 as a C1 Building Block in a Tandem Asymmetric A3 Coupling-Carboxylative Cyclization Sequence to 2-Oxazolidinones ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 8588-8593. F.-M. Liao,X.-T. Gao, X.-S. Hu, S.-L. Xie, J. Zhou*A general and efficient Lewis acid catalysed Mukaiyama-aldol reaction of difluoroenoxysilanes and ketones. Sci. Bull. 2017, 62, 1504-1509. P.-W. Xu, J.-K. Liu,L. Shen, Z.-Y. Cao, X.-L. Zhao, J. Yan,* J. Zhou*Diastereo- and enantioselective [3,+,3] cycloaddition of spirocyclopropyl oxindoles using both aldonitrones and ketonitrones. Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 1619. F.Zhou,* S.-L.Xie, X.-T.Gao, R. Zhang,* C.-H.Wang, G.-Q.Yin, J. Zhou* Activation of (salen)CoI complex by phosphorane for carbon dioxide transformation at ambient temperature and pressure. Green Chem. 2017, 19, 3908-3915. F.-M. Liao, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou* Recent Advances in the Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of Tri- or Tetra-substituted Monofluoroalkenes Chin. J. Org. Chem.2017, 37, 2175-2186. X.-S. Hu, Y. Du, J.-S. Yu,* F.-M. Liao, P.-G. Ding and J. Zhou* A Highly Efficient Gold(I)-Catalyzed Mukaiyama–Mannich Reaction of α-Amino Sulfones with Fluorinated Silyl Enol Ethers To Give β-Amino α-Fluorinated Ketones Synlett 2017, 16, 2194-2198. F.-M. Liao, Z-Y. Cao, J.-S. Yu and J. Zhou* Highly Stereoselective Gold-Catalyzed Coupling of Diazo Reagents and Fluorinated Enol Silyl Ethers to Tetrasubstituted Alkenes Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56,2459-2463. X. Ye, X.-P. Zeng, J. Zhou* Me2(CH2Cl)SiCN和Me3SiCN在醛的不对称氰化反应中的比较研究, Acta Chim. Sinica 2016, 74, 984-989 Y.-H. Wang, Z.-Y. Cao, J. Zhou* Nucleophilic Difluoromethylenation of Ketones Using Diethyl Difluoro(trimethylsilyl)methylphosphonate Mediated by 18-Crown-6 Ether/KOAc. J. Org. Chem.2016, 81, 7807-7816. X.-P. Zeng, J. Zhou* Me2(CH2Cl)SiCN: Bifunctional Cyanating Reagent for the Synthesis of Tertiary Alcohols with a Chloromethyl Ketone Moiety via Ketone Cyanosilylation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 8730-8733. Highlighted by http://www.x-mol.com/news/3137, 双功能硅氰化试剂的设计、合成及在(S)-CPB pheromone全合成中的应用 J.-S. Yu, H.-M. Huang, P.-G. Ding, X.-S. Hu, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* Catalytic Enantioselective Construction of Sulfur-Containing Tetrasubstituted Carbon StereocentersACS Catal. 2016, 6, 5139-5144. X.-P. Zeng, Z.-Y. Cao, Y.-H.Wang, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* Catalytic Enantioselective Desymmetrization Reactions to All-Carbon Quaternary Stereocenters. Chem. Rev. 2016. 116, 7330. Y.-L. Zhao, Z.-Y. Cao, X.-P. Zeng, J.-M. Shi, Y.-H. Yu and J. Zhou* Asymmetric sequential Au(I)/chiral tertiary amine catalysis: an enone-formation/cyanosilylation sequence to optically active 3-alkenyloxindoles from diazooxindoles. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 3643-3646. J.-S. Yu, J. Zhou* Organocatalytic enantioselective Mukaiyama–Mannich reaction of fluorinated enol silyl ethers and cyclicN-sulfonyl ketimines. Org. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 298-303. Z.-Y. Cao, Y.-L. Zhao, J. Zhou* Sequential Au(I)/chiral tertiary amine catalysis: a tandem C–H functionalization of anisoles or a thiophene/asymmetric Michael addition sequence to quaternary oxindoles. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 2537 Z.-Y. Cao, J.-S. Jiang, J. Zhou* A highly enantioselective Hg(II)-catalyzed Sakurai–Hosomi reaction of isatins with allyltrimethylsilanes. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 5500-5504 (invited for New Talent Issue). X.-P. Zeng, Z.-Y. Cao, X. Wang, L. Chen, F. Zhou, F. Zhu, C.-H. Wang, J. Zhou* Activation of Chiral (Salen)AlCl Complex by Phosphorane for Highly Enantioselective Cyanosilylation of Ketones and Enones. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 416-425. J.-S. Yu, J. Zhou* A highly efficient Mukaiyama–Mannich reaction of N-Boc isatin ketimines and other active cyclic ketimines using difluoroenol silyl ethers catalyzed by Ph3PAuOTf. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 10968 (Feature article). J.-S. Yu, F. Zhou, Y.-L. Liu, J. Zhou* A Journey in the Catalytic Synthesis of 3-Substituted 3-Aminooxindoles. Synlett 2015, 26, 2491-2504. (invited account) Z.-Y. Cao, J. Zhou* Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of polysubstituted spirocyclopropyl oxindoles: organocatalysisversustransition metal catalysis. Org. Chem. Front. 2015, 2, 849-858. F.-M. Liao, Y.-L. Liu, J.-S. Yu, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* An efficient catalyst-free Mukaiyama-aldol reaction of fluorinated enol silyl ethers with tryptanthrin. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015,13, 8906-8911. X.-P. Yin, P.-W. Xu, K. Dong, K. Liao, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* Ga(OTf)3催化的3-羟基氧化吲哚与TMSN3的取代反应研究. Acta Chim. Sinica, 2015, 73, 685-689. J.-S. Yu, F.-M. Liao, W.-M. Gao, K. Liao, R.-L. Zuo and J. Zhou* Michael Addition Catalyzed by Chiral Secondary Amine Phosphoramide Using Fluorinated Silyl Enol Ethers: Formation of Quaternary Carbon Stereocenters. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 7381. L. Chen, Y. Du, X.-P. Zeng, T.-D. Shi, F. Zhou and J. Zhou* Successively Recycle Waste as Catalyst: A One-Pot Wittig/1,4-Reduction/Paal–Knorr Sequence for Modular Synthesis of Substituted Furans. Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 1557. (Highlighted by Organic Chemistry Portal http://www.organic-chemistry.org/abstracts/lit4/873.shtm) Zhu, P.-W. Xu, F. Zhou, C.-H. Wang* and J. Zhou* Recycle Waste Salt as Reagent: A One-Pot Substitution/Krapcho Reaction Sequence to α-Fluorinated Esters and Sulfones.Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 972. Y.-L. Liu, J. Zhou* Catalytic Asymmetric Strecker Reaction: Bifunctional Chiral Tertiary Amine/Hydrogen-Bond Donor Catalysis Joins the Field. Synthesis, 2015, 1210-1226 (invited mini-review) W.-M. Gao, J.-S. Yu, Y.-L. Zhao, Y.-L. Liu, F. Zhou, H.-H. Wu,* J. Zhou*Highly enantioselective Michael addition of 3-arylthio- and 3-alkylthiooxindoles to nitroolefins catalyzed by a simple cinchona alkaloid derived phosphoramide. Chem. Commun.2014, 50, 15719. X.-P. Yin, X.-P. Zeng, Y.-L. Liu, F.-M. Liao, J.-S. Yu, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* Asymmetric Triple Relay Catalysis: Enantioselective Synthesis of Spirocyclic Indolines through a One-Pot Process Featuring an Asymmetric6π Electrocyclization. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 13740. F. Zhou, F.-M. Liao, J.-S. Yu, J. Zhou*Catalytic Asymmetric Electrophilic Amination Reactions To Form Nitrogen-Bearing Tetrasubstituted Carbon Stereocenters. Synthesis, 2014, 46, 2983-3003.(Invited focus review). J.-S. Yu, Y.-L. Liu, J. Tang, X. Wang,* J. Zhou* Highly Efficient “On Water” Catalyst-Free Nucleophilic Addition Reactions Using Difluoroenoxysilanes: Dramatic Fluorine Effects. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 9512-9516. .-L. Liu, F.-M. Liao, Y.-F. Niu, X.-L. Zhao, J. Zhou* Highly stereoselective construction of adjacent tetrasubstituted carbon stereogenic centres via organocatalytic Mukaiyama-aldol reaction of monofluorinated silyl enol ethers to isatins. Org. Chem. Front. 2014, 1, 742-747. L. Chen, X.-P. Yin, C.-H. Wang, J. Zhou* Catalytic functionalization of tertiary alcohols to fully substituted carbon centres. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2014, 12, 6033-6048(Invited review) Y.-H. Wang, Z.-Y. Cao,Y.-F. Niu, X.-L. Zhao, J. Zhou*高对映选择性的有机催化的硝基烷烃对N-Boc靛红亚胺的不对称aza-Henry反应 Acta Chim. Sinica.,2014, 72, 867-872. (Invited for special issue on organocatalysis) Z.-Y. Cao, Y.-H. Wang, X.-P. Zeng, J. Zhou* Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of 3,3-disubstituted oxindoles: diazooxindole joins the field. Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 2571-2584(Invited Digest Paper). Y.-H. Wang, Y.-L. Liu, Z.-Y. Cao, J. Zhou*An Organocatalytic Addition of Nitromethane to Activated Ketimines. Asian J. Org. Chem. 2014, 3, 429-432. (Invited for special issue on organocatalysis) Y.-L. Liu, X. Wang, Y.-L. Zhao, F. Zhu, X.-P. Zeng,L. Chen, C.-H. Wang, X.-L. Zhao, J. Zhou* One-Pot Tandem Approach to Spirocyclic Oxindoles Featuring Adjacent Spiro-Stereocenters. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2013, 52, 13735-13739. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2014, 10, 204) L. Chen, F. Zhu, H.-C. Wang,* J. Zhou* A highly efficient thiourea catalyzed dehydrative nucleophilic substitution reaction of 3-substituted oxindoles with xanthydrols. RSC Adv. 2013,3, 19880-19884. F. Zhou, C. Tan, J. Tang, Y.-Y. Zhang, W.-M. Gao, H.-H. Wu, Y.-H. Yu and J. Zhou* Asymmetric Copper(I)-Catalyzed Azide–Alkyne Cycloaddition to Quaternary Oxindoles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 10994-10997 刘运林、朱锋、王翠红、周剑* 3-羟基氧化吲哚的不对称合成:金属催化vs有机催化《有机化学》,2013,33, 1595-1615 (邀请综述)。 Z.-Y. Cao, X. Wang, C. Tan, X.-L. Zhao, J. Zhou* and K. Ding Highly Stereoselective Olefin Cyclopropanation of Diazooxindoles Catalyzed by a C2-Symmetric Spiroketal Bisphosphine/Au(I) Complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 8197-8200. C.-B. Ji, Z.-Y. Cao, X. Wang,* D.-Y. Wu and J. Zhou* A Catalyst-Free, One-Pot Three-Component Aminomethylation of α-Substituted Nitroacetates: Theoretical and Experimental Studies into the Rate-Accelerating Effects of the Solvent Methanol. Chem. Asian. J. 2013, 8, 877. F. Zhou, X.-P. Zeng, C. Wang, X.-L. Zhao and J. Zhou* Organocatalytic asymmetric synthesis of 3,3-disubstituted oxindoles featuring two heteroatoms at C3 position. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 2022-2024. Y.-L. Liu, J.-S. Yu, J Zhou* Catalytic Asymmetric Construction of Stereogenic Carbon Centers that Feature a gem-Difluoroalkyl Group. Asian J. Org. Chem. 2013, 2, 194-206. (Invited focus review) L. Chen, T.-D. Shi, J, Zhou* Waste as Catalyst: Tandem Wittig/Conjugate Reduction Sequence to α-CF3 γ-Keto Esters That Uses Ph3PO as Catalyst for the Chemoselective Conjugate Reduction. Chem. Asian. J.2013, 8, 556-559. (Highlited by Synfacts 2013, 9, 559) Z.-Y. Cao, F. Zhou, Y.-H. Yu, J. Zhou* A Highly Diastereo- and Enantioselective Hg(II)-Catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Diazooxindoles and Alkenes. Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 42. (Highlited by Synfacts 2013, 9, 415). X.-P. Zeng, Y.-L. Liu, C.-B. Ji, J. Zhou* The First Catalytic Asymmetric Morita-Baylis-Hillman Reaction of Acrolein with Aromatic Aldehydes. Chin. J. Chem. 2012, 30, 2631-2635 (邀请封面文章) Y.-L. Liu, J. Zhou* Organocatalytic asymmetric cyanation of isatin derived N-Boc ketoimines. Chem. Commun.2013, 49, 4421. (Invited for themed issue for 2013 Emerging Investigator). (Highlited by Synfacts 2013, 9, 96). L. Chen, J. Zhou*A Highly Efficient Friedel–Crafts Reaction of Tertiary α-Hydroxyesters or α-Hydroxyketones to α-Quaternary Esters or Ketones. Chem. Asian J.2012, 7, 2510-2515. (VIP paper).Highlighted by ChemViews Magzine http://www.chemistryviews.org/details/ezine/2656621/Catalytic_FriedelCrafts_for_Quaternary_Carbonyl_Compounds.html F. Zhu, F. Zhou, Z.-Y. Cao, C. Wang, Y.-X. Zhang, C.-H. Wang*, J. Zhou* A Facile Method for the Synthesis of 3-Substituted 3-(Alkylthio)oxindoles or 3-Alkoxyoxindoles. Synthesis, 2012, 3129-3144. (invited feature article). J.-S. Yu, F. Zhou, Y.-L. Liu, J. Zhou* Organocatalytic asymmetric Michael addition of unprotected 3-substituted oxindoles to 1,4-naphthoquinone. Beilstein. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 1360-1365. (invited paper for a Thematic Series entitled “Organocatalysis”) Y.-L. Liu, X.-P. Zeng, J. Zhou* 高对映选择性的有机催化的二氟烯醇硅醚与β,γ-不饱和-α-酮酸酯的不对称Mukaiyama-aldol 反应《化学学报》,2012, 70, 1451-1456。 Y.-L. Liu, X.-P. Zeng, J. Zhou*Ethylene Glycol: A Powerful Catalyst-Free Medium for C-C Bond-Forming ReactionsEthylene Glycol: A Powerful Catalyst-Free Medium for C-C Bond-Forming Reactions. Chem. Asian J.2012, 7, 1759-1763. L. Chen, F. Zhou, T.-D. Shi, J. Zhou* Metal-Free Tandem Friedel–Crafts/Lactonization Reaction to Benzofuranones Bearing a Quaternary Center at C3 Position. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 4354-4362. (Highlighted by Organic Chemistry Portal: www.organic-chemistry.org/abstracts/lit3/623.shtm ) F. Zhou, M. Ding, J. Zhou* A Catalytic Metal-free Ritter Reaction to 3-Substituted 3-Aminooxindoles. Org. Biomol. Chem.2012, 10, 3178-3183. Y.-L. Liu, J. Zhou* Organocatalytic asymmetric synthesis of 3-difluoroalkyl 3-hydroxyoxindoles. Chem. Commun.2012, 48, 1919-1921. (Highlited by Synfacts2012, 8, 332). C.-B. Ji, Y.-L. Liu, X.-L. Zhao, Y.-L. Guo, H.-Y. Wang, J. Zhou*Direct amination of α-substituted nitroacetates using di-tert-butyl azodicarboxylate catalyzed by Hatakeyama’s catalyst β-ICD.Org. Biomol. Chem.2012, 10, 1158-1161.(Invited for themed issue for Organocatalysis) F. Zhou, Z.-Y. Cao, J. Zhang, H. B. Yang, J. Zhou* A Highly Efficient Friedel–Crafts Reaction of 3-Hydroxyoxindoles and Aromatic Compounds to 3,3-Diaryl and 3-Alkyl-3-aryloxindoles Catalyzed by Hg(ClO4)2,3H2O. Chem. Asian J.2012, 7, 233-241. Z.-Y. Cao, Y. Zhang, C.-B. Ji, J. Zhou* A Hg(ClO4)2·3H2O Catalyzed Sakurai–Hosomi Allylation of Isatins and Isatin Ketoimines Using Allyltrimethylsilane. Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 6398-6401. C.-B. Ji, Y.-L. Liu, Z.-Y. Cao, Y.-Y. Zhang, J. Zhou* Hydroxymethylation of α-substituted nitroacetates. Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 6118-6121. F. Zhou, M. Ding, Y.-L. Liu, C.-H. Wang, C.-B. Ji, Y.-Y. Zhang, J. Zhou* Organocatalytic Asymmetric α-Amination of Unprotected 3-Aryl and 3-Aliphatic Substituted Oxindoles using Di-tert-butyl Azodicarboxylate (pages 2945–2952)Adv. Syn. Catal. 2011, 353, 2945-2952. M. Ding, F. Zhou, Y.-L. Liu, C.-H. Wang, X.-L. Zhao, J. Zhou* Cinchona alkaloid-based phosphoramide catalyzed highly enantioselective Michael addition of unprotected 3-substituted oxindoles to nitroolefins. Chem. Sci. 2011, 2, 2035-2039. (Highlighted by Synfact 2011, 1245) Y.-L. Liu, T.-D. Shi, F. Zhou, X.-L. Zhao, X. Wang,* J. Zhou* Organocatalytic Asymmetric Strecker Reaction of Di- and Trifluoromethyl Ketoimines. Remarkable Fluorine Effect. Org. Lett.2011, 13, 3826-3829. (Highlighted by Synfact 2011, 1015) Y.-L. Liu, B.-L. Wang, J.-J. Cao, L. Chen, Y.-X. Zhang, C. Wang, J. Zhou* Organocatalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Substituted 3-Hydroxy-2-oxindoles via Morita,Baylis,Hillman Reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 15176-15178.(Highlighted by Synfact 2010, 1422) Y.-L. Liu, F. Zhou, J.-J. Cao, C.-B. Ji, M. Ding, J. Zhou* A facile method for the synthesis of oxindole based quaternary α-aminonitriles via the Strecker reaction. Org. Biomol. Chem.2010, 8, 3847-3850. (本文为封面文章) J.-J. Cao, F. Zhou, J. Zhou* Improving the Atom Efficiency of the Wittig Reaction by a “Waste as Catalyst/Co-catalyst” Strategy (pages 4976–4980). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2010, 49, 4976-4980. F. Zhou, Y.-L. Liu, J. Zhou* Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Oxindoles Bearing a Tetrasubstituted Stereocenter at the C-3 Position (pages 1381–1407). Adv. Syn. Catal. 2010, 352, 1381-1407. M. Ding, F. Zhou, Z.-Q. Qian, J. Zhou* Organocatalytic Michael addition of unprotected 3-substituted oxindoles to nitroolefins. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010, 8, 2912-1914. J. Zhou* Recent Advances in Multicatalyst Promoted Asymmetric Tandem Reactions Chem. Asian J. 2010, 5,422-434. Z.-Q. Qian, F. Zhou, T.-P. Du, M. Ding, B.-L. Wang, X.-L. Zhao, J. Zhou* Asymmetric construction of quaternary stereocenters by direct organocatalytic amination of 3-substituted oxindoles. Chem. Commun. 2009, 6753-6755. 独立工作以前发表的文章 J. Zhou, V. Wakchaure, P. Krafft, B. List, Primary Amine-Catalyzed Enantioselective Intramolecular Adolizations. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 7656-7658. (本文为封面文章,VIP文章)。 J. Zhou, B. List, Organocatalytic Asymmetric Reaction Cascade to Substituted Cyclohexylamines. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 7498-7499. (本文入选2007年JACS第二季度“most accessed articles”) Zhou, Y. Tang, Sidearm Effect: Improvement of the Enantiomeric Excess in the Asymmetric Michael Addition of Indoles to Alkylidene Malonates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 9030-9031. J. Zhou, Y. Tang, The development and application of chiral trisoxazolines in asymmetric catalysis and molecular recognition. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2005, 34, 664-676. (本文为封面文章). L.-W. Ye, J. Zhou, Y. Tang, Phosphine-triggered synthesis of functionalized cyclic compounds. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2008, 37, 1140-1152. S. C. Pan, J. Zhou, B. List, Catalytic Asymmetric Acylcyanation of Imines. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 45, 612-614. W. Schrader, P. P. Handayani, J. Zhou, B. List, Characterization of Key Intermediates in a Complex Organocatalytic Cascade Reaction Using Mass Spectrometry. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2009, 48, 1463-1466. V. Wakchaure, J. Zhou, S. Hoffmann, B. List, Catalytic Asymmetric Reductive Amination of a-Branched Ketones. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 4612-4614. J.Zhou, Y. Tang, Enantioselective Friedel–Crafts reaction of indoles with arylidene malonates catalyzed by iPr-bisoxazoline–Cu(OTf)2. Chem. Commun.2004, 432-433. J. Zhou, M.-C. Ye, Z.-Z. Huang, Y. Tang, Controllable Enantioselective Friedel-Crafts Reaction between Indoles and Alkylidene Malonates Catalyzed by Pseudo-C3-Symmetric Trisoxazoline Copper (II) Complexes. J. Org. Chem.2004, 69, 1309-1320. J. Zhou, M.-C. Ye, Y. Tang, Sidearm Approach: A Promising Strategy for Construction of Bisoxazoline-Based Ligand Library. J. Comb. Chem.2004, 6, 301-304. J. Zhou, Y. Tang, Pseudo-C3-symmetric trisoxazolines as ligands in copper catalyzed enantioselective Diels–Alder reaction. Org. Biomol. Chem.2004, 2, 429-433. J. Zhou, B. List, Synthesis of trans-3-Substituted Cyclohexylamines via Br,nsted Acid Catalyzed and Substrate-Mediated Triple Organocatalytic Cascade Reaction. Synlett 2007, 2037-2040. M.-C. Ye, J. Zhou, Z.-Z. Huang, Y. Tang, Chiral tris(oxazoline)/Cu(II) catalyzed coupling of terminal alkynes and nitrones. Chem. Commun.2003, 2554-2555. [被Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 的Highlights 栏目评述 (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2004, 43, 2198.)]. M.-C. Ye, J. Zhou, Y. Tang, Trisoxazoline/Cu(II)-Promoted Kinugasa Reaction Enantioselective Synthesis of Lactams. J. Org. Chem.2006, 71, 3576-3582. S. C. Pan, J. Zhou, B. List, Catalytic Acylcyanation of Imines with Acetylcyanide. Synlett 2006, 3275-3276. Z.-Z. Huang, Y. B. Kang, J. Zhou, M.-C. Ye, Y. Tang, Diastereoselectivity-Switchable and Highly Enantioselective 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Nitrones to Alkylidene Malonate. Org. Lett. 2004, 6, 1677-1679, M.-C. Ye, B. Li, J. Zhou, X.-L. Sun, Y. Tang, Modular Synthesis of Chiral Homo- and Heterotrisoxazolines.Improving the Enantioselectivity in the Asymmetric Michael Addition of Indole to Benzylidene Malonate. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 6108-6110. (本文被Synfact收录, Synfacts, 2005, 203). J.-P. Qiu, Z.-H. Xu, J. Zhou, C.-L. Cao, X.-L. Sun, L.-X. Dai, Y. Tang, Ligand-Accelerated Asymmetric [1,2]-Stevens Rearrangment of Sulfur Ylides via Decomposition o of Diazomalonates Catalyzed by Chiral Bisoxazoline/Copper Complex. Adv. Syn. Catal. 2009, 351, 308-312. C.-L. Cao, Y.-Y. Zhou, J. Zhou, X.-L. Sun, Y. Tang, Y.-X. Li, G.-Y. Li, J. Sun, An orgaonocatlaytic tandem reaction for the construction of bicyclic skeletons. Chem. Eur. J.2009, 15, 11384-11389. J.-P. Qiu, C. Deng, J. Zhou, X.-L. Sun, Y. Tang, Switchable Reactions of Cyclopropanes with Enol Silyl Ethers. Controllable Synthesis of Cyclopentanes and 1,6-Dicarbonyl Compounds. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 7684-7689.


(2012.8- ) Member of Advisory Board of of Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (IF = 3.69) (2014.2- ) Member of Advisory Board of Organic Chemistry: Current Research (2014.5- ) Member of Advisory Board of Current Organocatalysis (2015.8- ) Member of Advisory Board of 化学学报 (2016.4- ) Member of Advisory Board ofMini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry (2013.12) 上海市第十一届青年联合会委员
