1984.9-1988.7 山东师范大学物理系学习,获理学学士学位
2007.9-2010.7 鲁东大学,原子与分子物理,获理学硕士学位
2010.9-2011.7 大连理工大学、中科院大连化物所,访问学者
1988.07-2002.01 山东省交通学校从事教学、管理工作
2002.01-至今 鲁东大学物理与光电工程学院从事教学、科研工作
1. Wei Wang(王伟), Yong-Jiang Yu(于永江)?, Gang Zhao(赵刚), and Chuan-Lu Yang(杨传路) Effects of collision energy and rotational quantum number on stereodynamics of the reactions: H(2S) + NH(v = 0, j = 0, 2, 5, 10)→N(4S) + H2[J] Chin. Phys. B ,2016,25(8):083402-1-8.
2. yu yongjiang ?,Yu Xiaoyue. Quasi-classical Trajectory Study of the Scalar Properties of the Reaction N(4S)+H2(v=0,1,2,3; j=0)→NH+H[J] Advanced Materials Research, 2014,924:227-232.
3. Xiaoyue Yu,Yongjiang Yu ?. Quasi-Classical Trajectory Study of the Reaction N(4S) + H2 (v = 0, j = 0)→NH + H(2S) Stereo Dynamics Properties[J]. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2013,147: 67-77.
4. Xia Wen-Ze, Yu Yong-Jiang ? , Yang Chuang-Lu. Influence of isotopic variants and collision energy on the stereodynamics of the N(4S)+H2 reactive system [J]. Acta Phys. Sin. 2012, 61( 22):223401-8.
5. Yu Yong-Jiang, Wang de-hua, Feng Shu-xiang, Xia Wen-ze. Influence of vibrational excitation and collision energt on the stereo dynamics of the reactions: N(4S ) + H2 ( v = 0-3; j = 0)→NH+H[J]. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry ,2012,11(4) :763-780.
6. Yu Yong-Jiang, Xu Qiang, Xu Xiu-Wei. Influence of rotational excitation and collision energy on the stereo dynamics of the reaction: N(4S) + H2 (v = 0, j = 0, 2, 5, 10) → NH(X3Σ-) + H[J]. Chin. Phys. B, 2011,20(12):123402.
7. Yu Yong-jiang, Wang Hua-yang,Yang Chuan-lu, Chen Jian-nong. First Principles Investigations on the Interaction of Aun(n=2-9) Clusters with Ethanol Molecules [J]. Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin. 2011, 27(4).
8. Yu Yong-jiang, Chen Jian-nong, Yan Jin-liang, Wang Fei-fei. Longitudinally polarized subwavelength beam generated by focusing radially modulated Bessel Gaussian beam[J]. Acta Phys. Sin. 2011, 60(4):040000.
9. Yu Yong-jiang, Yang Chuan-lu, An Yi-peng, Wang Hua-yang. First principles investigations on the interaction of Aun(n=2,3,4) clusters with ethanol molecules[J]. Acta Phys. Sin. 2011, 60(2): 023102.
10. Yu Yong-jiang, Chen Jian-nong, Wang De-fa, Hao Jin-guang. Fractional Fourier transform of hard-edge apertured and misaligned Lohmann s optical system[J]. Laser Technology, 2008,32(1):109-112.
11. Yu Yong-jiang, Chen Jian-nong, Hao Jin-guang, Wang De-hua. Propagation and self-imaging effect of deformed high-order Bessel beam[J]. Optics and Precision Engineering, 2007, 15(6): 835-840.