大学本科 2005.9-2009.7 烟台大学 理学学士 数学与应用数学 全日制
硕士研究生 2009.9-2011.7 华南理工大学 理学硕士 应用数学 全日制
博士研究生 2011.9-2014.7 华南理工大学 理学博士 应用数学 全日制
1. Some new nonlinear wave solutions and their convergence for the (2+1)-dimensional Broer-Kau-Kupershmidt equation,Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, Volume 38,Issue 7,2014,Pages 1303-1329.(SCI三区,第一作者)
2. Traveling wave solutions in N-dimensional delayed nonlocal diffusion system with mixed quasimonotonicity,Analysis and applications,Volume 13,Issue 1,2015,Pages 23-43.(SCI三区,第一作者)
3. Existence of solitary waves and periodic waves to a perturbed generalized KdV equation,Mathematical modelling and analysis,Volume 19,Issue 4,2014,Pages 537-555. (SCI四区,第一作者)
4. Existence and critical speed of traveling wave fronts in a modified vector disease model with distributed delay,Journal of dynamical and control systems,Volume 18,Issue 3,2012,Pages 355-378.(SCI四区,第一作者)
5. Existence and asymptotic behavior of traveling wave fronts for a time-delayed degenerate diffusion equation,Abstract and applied analysis,2013.(SCI二区,第一作者)
6. Some common expressions and new bifurcation phenomena for nonlinear waves in a generalized mKdV equation. International journal of bifurcation and chaos,Volume 23,Issue 3,2013. (SCI三区,第二作者)