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学习经历 大学本科 2001.9-2005.7 曲阜师范大学 理学学士 数学与应用数学 全日制 硕士研究生 2005.9-2008.2 曲阜师范大学 理学硕士 运筹学与控制论 全日制 博士研究生 2008.3-2011.1 东北大学 工学博士 控制理论与控制工程 全日制 博士后研究 2012.6-2014.7 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 博士后 系统科学 在职 工作经历 2011.1-至今, 鲁东大学,数学与统计科学学院,教授 2012.6-2013.3, 新加坡南洋理工大学,研究员 2014.10-2014.12, 香港城市大学,高级研究助理 2016.6-2016.8, 香港城市大学,高级研究助理 2017.12-2018.2, 香港城市大学,高级研究助理 2018.9-2019.9, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,访问学者 近年来获得奖励情况和荣誉称号 2019年 被评为山东省杰青(独立) 2017年 获山东省青年科技奖(独立) 2016年 被评为泰山学者青年专家(独立) 2015年 获山东高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖(第一位): 随机非线性系统的分布式控制及其应用 2015年 获烟台市第十五届自然科学学术论文奖一等奖(第一位): 具有马尔可夫切换的随机非线性系统输出跟踪控制 2014年 获山东高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖(第一位): 具有马尔可夫切换的高阶随机非线性系统的控制问题研究及应用 2013年 获山东高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(第一位): 基于齐次占优方法的高阶随机系统的控制问题研究及应用 2013年 获辽宁省优秀博士学位论文奖(独立) 2012年 获中科院许国志博士后工作奖(独立) 2012年 获东北大学优秀博士学位论文奖(独立) 2012年 获山东高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(第一位): 高阶随机非线性系统的稳定控制器设计及算法应用 2012年 获烟台市第十四届自然科学学术论文奖一等奖(第一位): 随机非线性系统自适应控制研究




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Wuquan Li*, Lu Liu and Gang Feng. Cooperative control of multiple nonlinear benchmark systems perturbed by second-order moment processes. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2869385. (SCI一区) [2] Wuquan Li*, Lu Liu and Gang Feng. Distributed output-feedback tracking of multiple nonlinear systems with unmeasurable states. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC. 2018.2875453. (SCI二区) [3] Wuquan Li*, Lu Liu and Gang Feng. Output tracking of stochastic nonlinear systems with unstable linearization. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28(2):466-477. (SCI二区) [4] Wuquan Li*, Lu Liu and Gang Feng. Cooperative control of multiple stochastic high-order nonlinear systems. Automatica, 2017, 82:218-225. (SCI一区) [5] Wuquan Li*, Lu Liu and Gang Feng. Distributed containment tracking of multiple stochastic nonlinear system. Automatica, 2016, 69:214-221. (SCI一区) [6] Wuquan Li, Tao Li, Lihua Xie* and Ji-Feng Zhang. Necessary and sufficient conditions for bounded distributed mean square tracking of multi-agent systems with noises. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2016, 26(4):631-645. (SCI二区) [7] Wuquan Li*. Distributed output tracking of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with unstable linearization. Systems & Control Letters, 2015, 83(9):67-73. (SCI三区) [8] Wuquan Li*, Lihua Xie and Ji-Feng Zhang. Containment control of leader-following multi-agent systems with Markovian switching network topologies and measurement noises. Automatica, 2015, 51(1):263-267. (SCI一区) [9] Wuquan Li* and Ji-Feng Zhang. Distributed practical output tracking of high-order stochastic multi-agent systems with inherent nonlinear drift and diffusion terms. Automatica, 2014, 50(12):3231-3238. (SCI一区) [10] Wuquan Li* and Zhaojing Wu. Output tracking of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems with Markovian switching. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(6): 1585-1590. (SCI二区) [11] Wuquan Li*, Xiaohua Liu and Siying Zhang. Further results on adaptive state-feedback stabilization for stochastic high-order nonlinear systems. Automatica, 2012, 48(8):1667- 1675. (SCI一区) [12] Wuquan Li*, Yuanwei Jing and Siying Zhang. State-feedback control of a class of high-order stochastic nonlinear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2012, 22(14):1583-1601. (SCI二区) [13] Wuquan Li*, Yuanwei Jing and Siying Zhang. Adaptive state-feedback stabilization for a large class of high-order stochastic nonlinear systems. Automatica, 2011, 47(4): 819-828. (SCI一区) [14] Wuquan Li*, Xuejun Xie and Siying Zhang. Output-feedback stabilization of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems under weaker conditions. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2011, 49(3):1262-1282. (SCI二区) [15] Wuquan Li*, Yuanwei Jing and Siying Zhang. Output-feedback stabilization for stochastic nonlinear systems whose linearizations are not stabilizable. Automatica, 2010, 46(4):752-760. (SCI一区) [16] Wuquan Li and Xuejun Xie*. Inverse optimal stabilization for stochastic nonlinear systems whose linearizations are not stabilizable. Automatica, 2009, 45(2):498-503. (SCI一区) [17] Wuquan Li*. Distributed cooperative control for a class of stochastic upper- triangular nonlinear multi-agent systems. Neurocomputing, 2016, 216: 363-370. (SCI二区) [18] Wuquan Li*, Hui Wang and Xiaohua Liu. State-feedback stabilization for stochastic high-order nonlinear systems with Markovian switching. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013, 408(1):374-383. (SCI二区) [19] Wuquan Li*, Xinjiang Wei and Siying Zhang. Decentralized output-feedback control for high-order stochastic nonlinear systems. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2012, 6(6):838-846. (SCI三区) [20] Wuquan Li*, Yuanwei Jing and Siying Zhang. Decentralized stabilization of a class of large-scale high-order stochastic nonlinear systems. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2010, 4(11): 2441-2453. (SCI三区)
