1999—2002 年:在中国科技大学统计与金融系,博士研究生,学习专业:概率统计与保险精算,导师:苏淳教授
1986—1989 年:考取新疆大学数学系基础数学专业,并被导师吴家瑞教授送往北京大学数学系学习。北京大学导师:叶其孝教授
1980—1984 年:在浙江大学应用数学系,学习专业:应用数学
1984—1986 年:安徽医科大学卫生管理系
1989—1999 年:安徽理工大学数理系
2003—2007 年: 南京财经大学金融学院保险系,保险系系主任
2007--现在: 浙江工商大学统计与数学学院应用统计系,先后担任过保险系主任,金融学院副院长,统计与数学学院院长等职务
Efficient confidence limits for adaptive one-arm two-stage clinical trials with binary endpoints通讯作者 BMC Medical Research Methodology (2017) 17:22 SCI期刊 DOI 10.1186/s12874-017-0297-5
Minimax and admissible adaptive two-stage designs in phase II clinical trials 通讯作者 Bmc Medical Research Methodology, 2016, 16(1):90,SCI期刊
Exact p -Values for Simon’s Two-Stage Designs in Clinical Trials 通讯作者 Statistics in Biosciences, 2016, 8(2):351-357,SCI期刊
Exact one-sided confidence limit for the ratio of two Poisson rates Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2017, 9(2)SCI期刊,通讯作者
江涛等,Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern联合分布的Max-Sum局部等价式,中国科学,2016, 46(1)67-80。第一作者
江涛等 Uniform asymptotic estimate for finite-time ruin probabilities of a time-dependent bidimensional renewal model.Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 64 (2015) 45–53,SSCI与SCI收录,保险精算类Top期刊
江涛等,Large deviations for the stochastic present value of aggregate claims in the renewal risk model,Stat. Prob. Letters. 101(2015)83-91,SCI收录
江涛(第三作者)Uniformly asymptotic behavior of ruin probabilities in a time-dependent renewal risk model with stochastic return,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2015.10,SCI收录
江涛 (通讯作者)Optical storage based on coupling of one-way edge modes and cavity modes,JETP LETTERS,2015(8),SCI
江涛等,Max-sum equivalence of conditionally dependent random variables Stat. Prob. Letters. 84(2014)60-66 SCI收录
江涛 Asymptotics of discounted aggregate claims for renewal risk model with risky investment。Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 2010, 25(2): 209-216 SCI收录期刊
江涛 常利息力更新场合有限时间破产概率对负相依索赔额的不敏感性,高校应用数学学报2009, 24(4): 401-409
江涛 Large-deviation probabilities for maxima of sums of subexponential random variables with application to finite time ruin probabilities. Science in China. Series A. Mathematics 48 (2008), no.7, 1257--1265. 中国科学英文版,SCI收录期刊
江涛,保险资金投资于风险资产的破产概率,系统工程学报,Vol.23, 2008(2),148—153. 一级学报
江涛等The Finite-time Ruin Probability for the Jump-Diffusion Model with Constant Interest Force, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,Vol. 22, No. 1 (2006) 171–176 国内一级期刊
江涛等 Local asymptotic behavior of the survival probability of the equilibrium renewal model with heavy Tails equilibrium renewal model with heavy Tails . Science In China (Series A).2005, 48(3),300-306. SCI 收录,中国科学英文版