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1.Yi-heng Lu,Kang Li,Yu-wei Lu,Wen-quan Feng Thermal degradation kinetics of ionic liquid [BMIM]BF4/TEA/PFSA,composite membranes for fuel cell, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2018, 134:2001-2016 2.Yi-heng Lu, Kang Li and Yu-wei Lu, Microwave-assisted direct synthesis of butene from high-selectivity methane,Royal Society Open Science, 2017,4:171367 3.Yi-heng Lu, Yong Cao,Yu-wei Lu,Tao Yan,Thermal stability and lifetime of [AMIM]Cl/PFSA composite membranes, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2017, 128:1601-1615 4.FENG Wen-quan,LU Yi-heng*,CHEN Ying,LU Yu-wei,Yang Tao,Thermal stability of imidazolium-based ionic liquids investigated by TGA and FTIR techniques, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 125:143-154 5.鲁伊恒,魏风,吕玉卫,马双春,李寒旭,陈明强,磷钨酸表面处理对燃料电池质子交换膜热稳定性的影响,高分子材料科学与工程,2014:30(5):67~71 6.鲁伊恒,魏风,吕玉卫,刘伟龙,李寒旭,陈明强,纳米SiO2表面处理对质子交换膜热稳定性的影响,高分子材料科学与工程,2013: 29(1):84~88 7.Yi-heng LU, Feng Wei, Wei-long Liu, Effect of Fenton reagent on the thermal stability of proton-exchange membrane for fuel cell, Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012, Vols.217-219,pp 780~784 8.Feng Wei, Yi-heng LU, Wei-long Liu, Effect of organotin on the thermal stability of poly(vinyl chloride), Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vols. 550-553, pp 838 9.鲁伊恒,徐国财,吕玉卫,过氧化氢对质子交换膜热分解机理的影响,高分子材料科学与工程,2011, 27(3): 44~47 10.鲁伊恒,徐国财,李寒旭,吕玉卫,过氧化氢对质子交换膜热降解和热稳定性的影响,高分子材料科学与工程,2010, 26(10):81~84 11.鲁伊恒,徐国财,邵群,李寒旭,陈晓玲,燃料电池质子交换膜的热稳定性和热降解动力学,高分子材料科学与工程,2010, 26(5): 61~64 12.Yi-heng LU, Wei-long Liu, Feng Wei, Effect of Barium stearate on the thermal stability of polyvinyl chloride, Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,Vols.395-396,p371~376 13.Yi Heng Lu, Shuang Chun Ma, Ying Chen, Wen Quan Feng, Perfluorinated sulfonic acid ion-exchange membrane doped silicotungstic acid thermal stability and conductivity, International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (ICAEMT 2015)14. Yi-Heng Lu, Yu-Wei Lu, Cheng-Li Wu, Qun Shao, Xiao-Ling Chen, Rosa Ngo Biboum Bimbong, UV-visible spectroscopic study of the salicyladehyde benzoylhydrazone and its Cobalt complexes,Spectrochimica Acta Part.A, 2006, (65):695~701 15. Christine Cordier, Edouard Vauthier, Alain Adenier, Yiheng Lu, Alain Massat, Aliette Cossé- Barbi, Salicylaldehyde benzoyl hydrazone: isomerization due to water. a structural analysis using a combination of NMR, IR, and theoretical investigations, Structural Chemistry, 2004, 15(4):295~307
