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(1976—),男,中共党员,山东菏泽人,博士,硕士生导师,副教授,化学工程系主任兼党支部书记。1999年6月在淮南工业学院本科生毕业留校,2005年6月获安徽理工大学化学工艺硕士学位,2010年6月获博士学位,2006年6月至2009年3月,在美国西肯塔基大学燃烧科学与环境技术研究所留学。 获奖情况 安徽理工大学优秀教师、安徽理工大学优秀共产党员、安徽理工大学教坛新秀等




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1.Cheng-li Wu, Yan Cao, Cheng-Chun He, Zhong-bing Dong, Weiping Pan*, Study of Elemental Mercury Re-emission through a Lab-scale Simulated Scrubber, Fuel, 89(8):2072~2080, 2010 2.Wu Chengli*, Cao Yan, Dong Zhongbing, Pan weiping, Impacting Factors of Elemental Mercury Re-emission across a Lab-scale Simulated Scrubber, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(3):523~528, 2010(SCI:622JJ, EI:20102713056645) 3.Chengli Wu*, Yan Cao, Zhongbing Dong, Chinmin Cheng, Hanxu Li, Weiping Pan. Evaluation of mercury speciation and removal through air pollution control devices of a 190 MW boiler, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(2):277~282, 2010(SCI:558NY,EI:20100712710359) 4.Wu Cheng-li*, Cao Yan, Dong Zhong-bing, Cheng Chin-min, Li han-xu, Pan wei-ping,Mercury speciation and removal across full-scale wet FGD systems at coal-fired power plants,Journal of Coal Science and Engineering(China), 16(1):82~87, 2010 5.武成利*,曹晏,董众兵,潘伟平,燃煤电厂烟气中汞的监测方法评价.环境与健康杂志,27(3):270~271,2010 6.武成利*,程学丰,高良敏,曹晏,潘伟平,吸附剂吸附法采集循环流化床烟气中汞试验研究,第十四届二氧化硫、氮氧化物、汞、细颗粒物污染控制技术与管理国际交流会,上海,2010.5 7.Wu Chengli*, Cao Yan, Dong Zhongbing, Pan Wei-ping, Evaluations and comparisons of available mercury emission monitoring methods for the flue gas,Proceedings of2010 International Workshop on Diffuse Pollution Management Measures and Control Technique, Huainan, 2010.10.27-29(ISTP收录) 8.武成利*,曹晏,李寒旭,潘伟平,循环流化床燃煤锅炉中汞迁移研究[J] .燃料化学学报,40(10):1276-1280,2012(EI 20124915763041) 9.Chengli Wu*, Yan Cao, Hanxu Li, Weiping Pan. Full-scale evaluation and suppression of mercury re-emission and in wet flue gas desulfurization system[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,(316-317):354-357(EI:20131716237363) 10.CHENGLI WU*, JIANXIA WU, YAN CAO, HANXU LI and WEIPING PAN. Study on Reduction behaviour of Oxidized Mercury to Elemental Mercury through Lab-Scale Wet Simulator[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014,26(6) : 1691-1694 11.武成利,陈彩静,单婉,张涛.分散剂对低阶煤制备高浓度气化水煤浆的影响,煤炭技术,2012,31(10):220-221
