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(1974-),中共党员,教授,博士,硕士生导师,第一届校学术委员会委员,第一批校中青年学术骨干,应用化学系主任。1996年毕业于湖南大学化学化工系,获学士学位,2005年毕业于华东理工大学资源与环境学院,获硕士学位,2011年毕业于南京大学化学化工学院,获博士学位。1996年7月参加工作,在电子部第43所从事表面处理工程设计与开发。1999年2月调入安徽理工大学,从事一线教学科研工作。 受教育经历 2007/09–2011/08,南京大学,化学化工学院,博士 2002/09–2005/06,华东理工大学,资源与环境学院,硕士 1992/09–1996/06,湖南大学,化学化工系,学士 研究工作经历 2013/12–至今,安徽理工大学,化学工程学院应用化学系,教授 2006/09–2013/11,安徽理工大学,化学工程学院应用化学系,副教授 2001/09–2006/08,安徽理工大学,化学工程学院应用化学系,讲师 1999/02–2001/08,安徽理工大学,化学工程学院应用化学系,助教 1996/07–1999/01,电子部第四十三研究所,第八研究室,技术员


1.采用超声/电化学/微波/水热等方法构建功能纳米材料及其光、电性质的研究 2.纳米电分析化学与生物传感器 3.环境污染物与危险化学品的分析检测与安全处置


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]Jian-Jun Shi,Guo-Hai Yang, and Jun-Jie Zhu*, Sonoelectrochemical fabrication of PDDA-RGO-PdPt nanocomposites as electrocatalyst for DAFCs,Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011, 21, 7343-7349. [2]Jian-Jun Shi, Jun-Jie Zhu*, Sonoelectrochemical fabrication of Pd-graphene nanocomposite and its application in the determination of chlorophenols,Electrochimica Acta,2011, 56, 6008-6013. [3]Jian-Jun Shi, Yi-Jun Wang, Yue Ma, Qing-Ming Shen,and Jun-Jie Zhu*, Sonoelectrochemical synthesis and assembly of bismuth-antimony alloy: from nanocrystals to nanoflakes,Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2012, 19, 1039-1043. [4]Jian-Jun Shi, Wei Hu, Dan Zhao, Ting-Ting Heand Jun-Jie Zhu*, Sonoelectrochemical synthesized RGO-PbTe composite for novelelectrochemical biosensor,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemistry,2012, 173, 239-243. [5]Jian-Jun Shi, Fan Tang, Hong-Long Xing, Hu-Xiang Zheng, Lian-Hua Bi, Wei Wang*, Electrochemical detection of Pb and Cd in paper-based microfluidic devices,J. Braz. Chem. Soc.,2012, 23, 1124-1130. [6]Jian-Jun Shi*, Sheng Wang, Ting-Ting He, Dao-Yuan Zhou, Recovering Nano-sized SnO2from electronic wastes by ultrasonic-assisted electrochemical method,Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 550-553, 2024-2028. [7]Juan Peng, Sheng Wang, Peng-Hui Zhang, Li-Ping Jiang,Jian-Jun Shi*, and Jun-Jie Zhu*.Fabrication of graphene quantum dots and hexagonal boron nitride nanocomposites for fluorescent cell imaging.Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology.2013, 9, 1679-1685. [8]石建军a,*,王圣a,何婷婷a,姜立萍b,*.超声电化学快速制备近红外CdTe量子点与细胞成像,无机化学学报,2013,29(10):2071-2078. [9] Jin-Song Hua,*, Jie Hea, Hong-Long Xinga,Jian-Jun Shia,*, Construction of an unusual 3D framework based on V-shaped imidazolyl and oxalate ligands,Mendeleev Commun.,2013, 23, 231-232. [10]Jian-Jun Shia,b, Sheng Wanga,Ting-Ting Hea, Jun-Jie Zhub,*, Sonoelectrochemical synthesis of water-soluble CdTe quantum dots,Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,2014.21(2) :493-498. [11]Jian-Jun Shia,b,Ting-Ting Hea, Fang Jiangb,Jun-Jie Zhub,*,Ultrasensitive electrochemical multianalyte immunoassay based on the electrically heated carbon electrode and nanocomposites for rapid determination of bicomponent proteins,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2014,55(5): 51-56. [12]Jian-Jun Shia,*,Li-Rong Menga, Wei Hua,Jie Hea, Gui-HuaHoub,*,Radial Sonophotocatalytic Device and Degradation of Organic Pollutant,Asia Journal of Chemistry,2014, 26(6), 1771-1774. [13]Li-Rong Meng,Jian-Jun Shi*, Ming Zhao,Jie He,Synthesis of magnetic sonophotocatalyst and its enhanced biodegradability of organophosphate pesticide.Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society,2014, 35,(12) : 3521-3526. [14]孟礼荣,高猛,项阳,刘旭阳,刘景翠,石建军*,石墨烯/二氧化钛/铂复合电催化材料的制备与燃料电池性能研究,安徽理工大学学报,2015, 35(2):37-42. [15]Ming Zhaoa,1, Gao-Chao Fanb, 1, Jing-Jia Chenb,Jian-Jun Shia, b,*, and Jun-Jie Zhub,*, Highly sensitive and selective photoelectrochemical biosensor for Hg2+detection based on dual signal amplification by exciton energy transfer coupled with sensitization effect,Analytical Chemistry.2015, 87, 12340-12347. [16]Yu Luoa, Fen-Ying Kongb,*, Cheng Lib,Jian-Jun Shia,*, Wei-Xin Lvb,Wei Wangb,One-pot preparation of reduced graphene oxide-carbon nanotube decorated with Au nanoparticles based on protein for non-enzymatic electrochemical sensing of glucose,Sensors and Actuators B Chemical.2016,234, 625-632. [17]Jian-Jun Shi*,Lei-Xia Meng,Ping Yang,Ultrasensitive determination 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by exploiting the strongly enhanced electrochemiluminescence of an assembly between CdSe and graphene quantum dots and its strong quenching by TNT,Microchimica Acta,2016,revised. [18]Jian-Jun Shi*,Lei Gong, Yan-Hong Zhang, Ping Yang, Jie He, Microwave assisted sonochemical synthesisof Cu and Mn doped GSH-ZnS polypeptides quantum dots and its enhanced photoelectrochemical properties,RSC advance,2016,revised.
