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(1972—),男,中共党员,安徽桐城人,博士,硕士生导师,教授。1995年7月本科毕业于青岛科技大学(原青岛化工学院)有机化工专业,获学士学位。毕业后到淮南化学工程学校从事教学工作。2000年4月到安徽理工大学职业技术学院从事教学工作。2005年1月到安徽理工大学化学工程学院制药工程系从事教学工作。2005年7月在合肥工业大学化学工艺研究生毕业,获硕士学位。2010年12月合肥工业大学材料学研究生毕业,获博士学位。 获奖情况 1.安徽省科技进步三等奖:燃煤锅炉烟道气超重力场净化技术和应用 ( 2012-3-R4 ) 2.中国煤炭工业协会科学技术二等奖:燃煤锅炉烟道气超重力场净化技术( 2011-267-R5 ) 3.淮南市科学技术进步二等奖:低温等离子体催化净化柴油机车尾气技术( 2011-2-R8 )




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1. Zhong Li, Song s ong Wu, Zai g ang Luo, etal. Copper-Promoted Double Oxidative C-H Amination Cascade for the Synthesis of Imidazo[1,5-a]quinolines . Journal of organic chemistry,2016, 81(10): 4386-4392. 2 . Zhong Li, Yuanyuan Q ian , J ia Z hao , etal . Synthesis of hexagonal prism-shaped SiC nanowires from a mixture of bamboo flour and silica xerogel . Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 2015, 9(5-6):734-737. 3. Zhong Li, Tiejun Shi , Dexin Ta n. Conversion of wood flour-SiO 2 -phenolic composite to p orous SiC c eramic containing SiC w hiskers . Journal of Serbian Chemical Society , 2013, 78(8): 1213-1223 4. Dexin Tan, Yanli Wang, Zhong Li, etal. Synthesis and cure kinetics of diphenyl(diphenylethynyl) silane monomer. Research on Chemical Intermediat, 2013,39(6):3427-3440. 5 . Zhong Li, Tiejun Shi, Dexin Tan. Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Polyamide-6 Composites Reinforced with Fir Flour/SiO 2 Hybrid Material . Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2012 , 51 (9) : 926 – 931 . 6. Dexin Tan, Tiejun Shi, Zhong Li. Synthesis and Catalytic Graphitization of Silicon Containing Arylacetylenic Resin. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2012,20(8):721-729. 7. Dexin Tan, Tiejun Shi, Zhong Li. A Structural Evaluation of Fir Powder in Graphitization Process with Iron Oxide at Low Temperature. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2012,20(8):639-647. 8. Zhong Li , Shao m ing Y u , De x in Tan , etal . Myristic Acid/Montmorillonite Composite as Shape Stabilized Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage. Advanced Materials Research , 2011 , 332-334 : 935-938. 9. Dexin Tan, Tiejun Shi, Zhong Li. Synthesis,Characterization and Non-isothermal Curing Kinetics of Two Silicon-containing Arylactylenic Monomers. Research on Chemical Intermediat, 2011,37(8):831–845. 10. Zhong Li, Tie j un Shi, De x in Tan. Long b-Silicon Carbide Necklace-Like Whiskers Prepared by Carbothermal Reduction of Wood Flour/Silica/Phenolic c omposite. Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2010, 93 (10): 3499–3503. 11. Zhong Li, Tiejun Shi and Liying Guo. Preparation and morphology of porous SiO2 ceramics derived from fir flour templates. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society. 2010,75(3): 385-394. 12. 李忠 , 史铁钧 , 郭立颖 . 高残炭热固性酚醛树脂的合成及表征 . 高分子材料科学与工程, 2009,25(1):8-11. 13. 李忠 , 史铁钧 , 郭立颖 . 杉木粉 / ZrO2 网络互穿杂化材料的制备、形态、结构与性能 . 化工学报 ,2008,59(11):2922-2928.
