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Tetrahedral DNA Nanostructure-Delivered DNAzyme for Gene Silencing to Suppress Cell Growth
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-30 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b22444
Lingxian Meng 1 , Wenjuan Ma 1 , Shiyu Lin 1 , Sirong Shi 1 , Yanjing Li 1 , Yunfeng Lin 1

DNAzymes are synthetic oligonucleotides that are capable of cleavaging target mRNA to exert gene-silencing activity and are considered as promising therapeutic agents. Dz13 is a DNAzyme that cleaves the mRNA of c-Jun and suppresses the growth of squamous cell carcinomas. However, DNAzymes exhibit low cellular uptake efficacy and require a suitable drug delivery system. In this study, we directly added the Dz13 sequence to the 5′-end of single-stranded DNA to form modified tetrahedral DNA nanostructures (TDN–Dz13). The TDNs were used to deliver the single-stranded DNAzyme Dz13 into cells. Dz13 delivered by the TDNs showed high cellular uptake efficiency and still maintained intracellular gene-silencing activity to cleave the target c-Jun mRNA, which reduced cell proliferation. This study may help find a convenient approach for the delivery of DNAzymes to regulate target genes.



DNAzyme是合成的寡核苷酸,能够裂解靶mRNA发挥基因沉默活性,被认为是有前途的治疗剂。Dz13是一种DNA酶,可裂解c-Jun的mRNA并抑制鳞状细胞癌的生长。然而,DNA核酶表现出低的细胞摄取功效,并且需要合适的药物递送系统。在这项研究中,我们将Dz13序列直接添加到单链DNA的5'末端以形成修饰的四面体DNA纳米结构(TDN–Dz13)。TDN用于将单链DNAzyme Dz13递送到细胞中。TDNs传递的Dz13显示出高细胞摄取效率,并且仍然保持细胞内基因沉默活性以切割目标c-Jun mRNA,从而减少了细胞增殖。