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Mafb and c-Maf Have Prenatal Compensatory and Postnatal Antagonistic Roles in Cortical Interneuron Fate and Function.
Cell Reports ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-Jan-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.031
Emily Ling-Lin Pai , Daniel Vogt , Alexandra Clemente-Perez , Gabriel L. McKinsey , Frances S. Cho , Jia Sheng Hu , Matt Wimer , Anirban Paul , Siavash Fazel Darbandi , Ramon Pla , Tomasz J. Nowakowski , Lisa V. Goodrich , Jeanne T. Paz , John L.R. Rubenstein

Mafb and c-Maf transcription factor (TF) expression is enriched in medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) lineages, beginning in late-secondary progenitors and continuing into mature parvalbumin (PV+) and somatostatin (SST+) interneurons. However, the functions of Maf TFs in MGE development remain to be elucidated. Herein, Mafb and c-Maf were conditionally deleted, alone and together, in the MGE and its lineages. Analyses of Maf mutant mice revealed redundant functions of Mafb and c-Maf in secondary MGE progenitors, where they repress the generation of SST+ cortical and hippocampal interneurons. By contrast, Mafb and c-Maf have distinct roles in postnatal cortical interneuron (CIN) morphological maturation, synaptogenesis, and cortical circuit integration. Thus, Mafb and c-Maf have redundant and opposing functions at different steps in CIN development.



Mafb和c-Maf转录因子(TF)的表达在内侧神经节隆起(MGE)谱系中丰富,始于次级继发祖细胞,并持续进入成熟的小白蛋白(PV +)和生长抑素(SST +)中间神经元。但是,Maf TF在MGE开发中的功能仍有待阐明。在此,Mafb和c-Maf有条件地在MGE及其谱系中被单独或一起删除。对Maf突变小鼠的分析表明,Mafb和c-Maf在次级MGE祖细胞中具有多余的功能,它们在其中抑制SST +的生成。皮质和海马interneurons。相比之下,Mafb和c-Maf在出生后皮质中间神经元(CIN)形态成熟,突触形成和皮质回路整合中具有独特的作用。因此,Mafb和c-Maf在CIN开发的不同步骤中具有冗余且相对的功能。